3300.10—Measurement of the K-coefficient of an insulated body.
Words used in the singular form in the regulations in this part shall be deemed to impart the plural and vice versa, as the case may demand. For the purposes of this part, unless the context otherwise requires, the following words shall be construed, respectively, to mean:
Administrative instructions. Published documents relating to the enforcement of the regulations in this part, issued under authority of such regulations by the Deputy Administrator.
Administrator. The Administrator of the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service of the Department, or any officer or employee of the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service to whom authority has heretofore been delegated or may hereafter be delegated to act in his/her stead.
Continental United States. The 49 States located on the continent of North America and the District of Columbia.
Customs. The Bureau of Customs, U.S. Treasury Department, or, with reference to Guam, the Customs office of the Government of Guam.
Department. The U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Deputy Administrator. The Deputy Administrator of the Plant Protection and Quarantine Programs of the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service of the Department, or any officer or employee of the Plant Protection and Quarantine Programs to whom authority has heretofore been delegated or may hereafter be delegated to act in his stead.
Earth. The softer matter composing part of the surface of the globe, in distinction from the firm rock, and including the soil and subsoil, as well as finely divided rock and other soil formation materials down to the rock layer.
Garbage. That material designated as “garbage” in § 330.400(b).
Inspector. A properly identified employee of the U.S. Department of Agriculture or other person authorized by the Department to enforce the provisions of the Plant Protection Act and related legislation, quarantines, and regulations.
Interstate. From one State, Territory or possession or the District of Columbia into or through any other State, Territory or possession, or the District of Columbia. This term includes movements, within its provisions, to a port in the United States for export.
Means of conveyance. Automobiles, trucks, animal-drawn vehicles, railway cars, aircraft, boats, and other means of transportation.
Move (moved and movement ). “Move” means ship, deposit for transmission in the mail, otherwise offer for shipment, offer for entry, import, receive for transportation, carry, or otherwise transport or move, or allow to be moved, by mail or otherwise. “Moved” and “movement” shall be construed accordingly.
Owner. The owner, or his agent (including a carrier), having responsible custody of a plant pest, means of conveyance, product or article subject to the regulations in this part.
Permit. An authorization allowing the movement into or through the United States, or interstate, of a plant pest, or a regulated product, article, or means of conveyance in accordance with the provisions in this part.
Person. Any individual, corporation, company, association, firm, partnership, society, or joint stock company.
Plant pest. (1) Except for §§ 330.200 through 330.212, “plant pest” means any living stage of any insects, mites, nematodes, slugs, snails, protozoa, or other invertebrate animals, bacteria, fungi, other parasitic plants or reproductive parts thereof, viruses, or any organisms similar to or allied with any of the foregoing, or any infectious substances which can directly or indirectly injure or cause disease or damage in any plants or parts thereof, or any processed, manufactured, or other products of plants.
For purposes of §§ 330.200 through 330.212, plant pest means any living stage of insects, mites, nematodes, slugs, snails, protozoa, or other invertebrate animals, bacteria, fungi, other parasitic plants or reproductive parts thereof, viruses, or any organisms similar to or allied with any of the foregoing, or any infectious substances of the aforementioned which are not genetically engineered as defined in 7 CFR 340.1 which can directly or indirectly injure or cause disease or damage in any plants or parts thereof, or any processed, manufactured, or other products of plants.
Plant Protection Act. Title IV of Public Law 106-224, 114 Stat. 438, 7 U.S.C. 7701-777 2, which was enacted June 20, 2000.
Plant Protection and Quarantine Programs. The Plant Protection and Quarantine Programs, Animal and Plant Inspection Health Service of the Department.
Regulated garbage. That material designated as “regulated garbage” in § 330.400(c) and § 330.400(d).
Shelf-stable. The condition achieved in a product, by application of heat, alone or in combination with other ingredients and/or other treatments, of being rendered free of microorganisms capable of growing in the product at nonrefrigerated conditions (over 50 °F. or 10 °C.).
Soil. The loose surface material of the earth in which plants grow, in most cases consisting of disintegrated rock with an admixture of organic material and soluble salts.
State. Any of the several States of the United States, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the District of Columbia, Guam, the Virgin Islands of the United States, or any other territory or possession of the United States.
Territories or possessions. Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands of the United States.
Through the United States. From and to places outside the United States.
United States. All of the States.
Code of Federal Regulations
The purpose of the regulations in this part is to prevent the dissemination of plant pests into the United States, or interstate, by regulating the movement of plant pests into or through the United States, or interstate, and the movement of means of conveyance, earth, stone and quarry products, garbage, and certain other products and articles into or through the United States, or from any Territory or possession into or through any other Territory or possession or the continental United States. The Deputy Administrator shall employ procedures to carry out this purpose which will impose a minimum of impediment to foreign commerce and travel whenever practicable, consistent with proper precaution against plant pest dissemination. The same policy is to be applied in the case of interstate commerce and travel.
Under the authority of the Plant Protection Act, the Secretary may prohibit or restrict the importation, entry, exportation, or movement in interstate commerce of any plant, plant product, biological control organism, noxious weed, article (including baggage, mail, garbage, earth, stone, and quarry products) or means of conveyance if such actions are necessary to prevent the introduction into or the dissemination within the United States of a plant pest or noxious weed.
Code of Federal Regulations
Any notifications, reports, and similar documentation not specified in the regulations in this part, but necessary to carry out the purpose of the regulations, will be prescribed in administrative instructions.
Ports of entry for plant pests, means of conveyance, or other products or articles of any character whatsoever the entry or movement of which is regulated by the regulations in this part may be specified in administrative instructions or in the permits if permits are required by the regulations. The ports of entry shall be those named in 19 CFR 101.3(b)(1), except as otherwise provided by administrative instructions or by permits issued in accordance with this part, and except those ports of entry listed below.
State | Port of entry |
[Reserved] | [Reserved] |
Code of Federal Regulations
(a) Inspection of foreign arrivals.
In order to prevent the dissemination into the United States of plant pests and for the purpose of carrying out the regulations in this part, all plant pests; means of conveyance and their stores; baggage; mail; plants; plant products; soil; stone and quarry products under § 330.300; garbage; and any other product or article of any character whatsoever which an inspector considers may be infested or infected by or contain a plant pest, arriving in the United States from any place outside thereof for entry into or movement through the United States shall be subject to inspection by an inspector at the port of first arrival, except that mail will be handled in accordance with the joint customs and postal regulations for inspecting and handling mail. No such plant pests; means of conveyance or their stores; baggage; mail; plants; plant products; soil; stone or quarry products under § 330.300; garbage; or other products or articles which an inspector notifies the Customs authorities should be held for inspection shall be released by Customs officers for entry or onward movement until released by an inspector. The release of all means of conveyance, products and articles regulated under parts 319, 321, and 352 of this chapter shall be in accordance with the requirements of those parts and the applicable provisions in this part. Whenever it shall be deemed safe to modify the requirements of this section by exempting any class of means of conveyance, products or articles from the requirement that they be held for inspection and release of the inspector, the exemptions shall be specified in administrative instructions. Inspectors shall make local arrangements, in accordance with policies of the Plant Protection and Quarantine Programs, with the Collector of Customs for the release by Customs officers on behalf of the inspector of any class of means of conveyance, their stores, baggage, mail, or other products or articles when such arrangements do not increase unduly the danger of plant pest dissemination and will facilitate clearance of means of conveyance, baggage, mail, or other products or articles.
(b) Inspection of domestic movements.
For the purpose of preventing the interstate movement of plant pests, provisions requiring inspection of means of conveyance and products or articles moving interstate may be issued as regulations in association with quarantines in part 301 or part 318 of this chapter or in this part.
Code of Federal Regulations
Code of Federal Regulations
(a) Procedures to prevent pest dissemination.
Whenever inspection of any means of conveyance, stores, baggage, mail, plants, plant products, earth, stone and quarry products, garbage, or other products or articles of any character whatsoever, arriving in the United States from a place outside thereof, or moving interstate, discloses a plant pest, or provides a reason to believe such a pest is present (other than one moving under permit in accordance with any conditions in the permit and the provisions in this part) which is new to, or not theretofore known to be widely prevalent or distributed within and throughout the United States, the inspector shall employ procedures necessary to prevent the dissemination of the plant pest. Such procedures shall also be employed with respect to means of conveyance or products or articles of any character whatsoever which have moved into the United States or interstate and which the inspector has reason to believe were infested or infected by or contained any such plant pest at the time of such movement. The inspector may follow administrative instructions containing procedures prescribed for certain situations, or he may follow a procedure selected by him from administratively approved methods known to be effective. The procedure may involve seizure, quarantine, treatment in accordance with part 305 of this chapter, application of other remedial measures, exportation, return to shipping point of origin, destruction, or other disposal, but no means of conveyance, product, article, or plant pest owned by any person shall be destroyed, exported, or returned to shipping point of origin or ordered to be so handled, unless there is, in the opinion of the inspector, no less drastic action adequate to prevent the dissemination of the plant pest. In forming such an opinion that no less drastic action is adequate, the inspector shall be guided by applicable specific and general instructions received from officers of the Plant Protection and Quarantine Programs. In taking action with respect to any means of conveyance, product, article, plant pest, the inspector shall take cognizance of applicable requirements of the customs and postal laws and regulations.
(b) Orders for remedial measures.
The inspector may order the owner of any means of conveyance, product, article, or plant pest, subject to disposal under paragraph (a) of this section, to treat, apply other remedial measures, destroy, or make other disposal thereof without cost to the Federal Government and in a manner specified in accordance with paragraph (a) of this section.
(c) Failure to apply remedial measures.
If the measures required by the inspector are not applied promptly by the owner within the time limits specified by the inspector, the inspector shall apply measures necessary to prevent the dissemination of the plant pests.
(d) Khapra beetle infestations of means of conveyance, or cargo or stores thereof; other infestations.
As a means of preventing the dissemination into the United States, or interstate, of the khapra beetle (Trogoderma granarium Everts), the following procedures will be applicable when that insect is found, or there is reason to believe it is present, in a means of conveyance within paragraph (a) of this section, or in any cargo or stores in such a means of conveyance, or in any cargo or stores unloaded or landed, or being unloaded or landed, in the United States therefrom. These procedures will also apply with respect to other plant pests when the inspector finds they are necessary and sufficient to prevent the spread of such pests.
Infestation in storerooms and similar compartments of means of conveyance (except aircraft ). (i) When infestation is found only in stores or storerooms, galleys, pantries, or similar noncargo compartments of a means of conveyance, except aircraft, the inspector shall prescribe and supervise the application of such remedial measures as, in his opinion, will be effective under conditions that will not spread the infestation to other parts of the means of conveyance, or to adjacent piers or other installations. If, in the opinion of the inspector, fumigation is the only available safeguard to eliminate the infestation, he shall order the owner to arrange for immediate fumigation of the infested stores and portions of the means of conveyance.
If the means of conveyance is to leave the territorial limits of the United States directly for a port in another country within 24 hours of such order, the inspector may suspend compliance with the fumigation requirement pending departure from the United States. Pending fumigation or departure, the inspector may seal the openings of infested compartments, packages, or articles, if in his opinion the action is necessary to prevent plant pest dissemination while the means of conveyance remains in the teritorial limits of the United States, as authorized in § 330.110. The inspector may extend the 24-hour period to 48 hours, if, in his judgment, such extension is warranted by plans of the owner to remove the means of conveyance from the territorial limits of the United States within the extended period, the inability of the contractor to begin fumigation within the 24-hour period, or other reason deemed valid by the inspector. Further extension shall be given only under authority of the Deputy Administrator. Pending compliance with the requirement of fumigation, or the departure from the territorial limits of the United States directly for a port in another country, no stores, laundry, furnishings or equipment, or other articles or products whether in cargo or stores, shall be unloaded from the means of conveyance except as authorized by the inspector and under conditions prescribed by him. The owner of an infested means of conveyance under notice for fumigation which leaves the territorial limits of the United States without fumigation should arrange for the eradication of the infestation before returning to the same or another port in the United States. Upon return to a port in the United States and unless the infestation has been eliminated to the satisfaction of the inspector, the means of conveyance shall be subject to fumigation immediately upon arrival in the United States. Unloading or landing of any product or article shall not be permitted pending compliance with the fumigation requirement, except as authorized by the inspector and under conditions prescribed by him.
If the means of conveyance is to remain at the port where the infestation was found or is to be moved to another port in the United States, the inspector shall prescribe and supervise the application of the remedial measures at the port where the infestation is found, as provided in this paragraph, or he may authorize the means of conveyance to be moved to another port for fumigation or the application of other remedial measures under safeguards prescribed by him.
In all instances where the inspector prescribed procedures concerned with the application of remedial measures which involve (a) withholding permission to discharge articles or products; (b) permission to discharge after such permission has been withheld; (c) discontinuance of discharging; or (d) resumption of discharging after it has been discontinued, the appropriate Customs officer shall be immediately notified in writing. The inspector shall also inform the Customs officers at the port where the infestation is found and at such other ports as may be necessary of the requirement for fumigation and/or permission to move coastwise to another U.S. port for fumigation or other remedial measures.
Infestation in cargo compartments of means of conveyance (except aircraft ). When infestation is found in cargo compartments or in cargo of a means of conveyance, except aircraft, the inspector shall prescribe and supervise the application of such remedial measures as, in his opinion are necessary, with respect to the cargo and the portions of the means of conveyance which contain or contained or were contaminated by the infested cargo. If in the opinion of the inspector fumigation is the only available safeguard to eliminate the infestation, he shall order the owner to arrange for immediate fumigation of the infested portions of such means of conveyance and cargo. However, if such cargo compartments cannot be fumigated without fumigating the entire means of conveyance, the inspector may order the entire means of conveyance and cargo to be fumigated. The inspector shall notify the owner of the means of conveyance of such requirement and the owner shall arrange for immediate fumigation. Discharge of cargo shall be discontinued unless the inspector allows it to continue under safeguards to be prescribed by him. The provisions applicable to stores and storerooms in paragraph (d)(1) (ii) and (iii) of this section shall apply to cargo and cargo areas of such means of conveyance. Customs officers shall be informed as required in paragraph (d)(1)(iv) of this section.
(3) Infestation in an aircraft.
If infestation is found in an aircraft, the inspector may apply seals as provided in § 330.110, and he may require such temporary safeguards as he deems necessary, including the discontinuance of further unloading or landing of any products or articles except as authorized by him. Upon finding such infestation in an aircraft the inspector shall promptly notify the Plant Protection and Quarantine Programs of all circumstances and the temporary safeguards employed, and the Plant Protection and Quarantine Programs will specify the measures for eliminating the infestation which will not be deleterious to the aircraft or its operating components. Any insecticidal application required shall be approved by the Deputy Administrator for use in aircraft. If the aircraft is to depart from the territorial limits of the United States within 24 hours after the infestation is found, the inspector shall permit such departure in lieu of the application of other measures and shall prior to departure break any seals that would prevent access to the aircraft or safe operation thereof. Other seals shall remain intact at time of departure and shall be broken by the aircraft commander or a crew member upon his order only after the aircraft is beyond the territorial limits of the United States. Extension of the 24-hour period shall be given only under authority of the Deputy Administrator. The owner of the aircraft under notice of khapra beetle infestation which leaves the territorial limits of the United States before the infestation has been eradicated should arrange for eradication before returning the aircraft to the United States. Upon return to the United States, if the infestation is not eliminated to the satisfaction of the inspector, the aircraft shall be subject to the same disinfestation requirements and other safeguards immediately upon arrival in the United States. Customs officers shall be notified as required in paragraph (d)(1)(iv) of this section.
(4) Precautions.
The owner of a means of conveyance required to be fumigated pursuant to this section shall arrange with a competent operator to apply the fumigant under the supervision of the inspector. The owner shall understand that if certain fumigants are used they may result in residues in or on foodstuffs which may render them unsafe for use as food items. He is hereby warned against such use unless as ascertains that the fumigated foodstuffs are fit for human consumption. It should also be understood by the owner that emergency measures prescribed by the inspector to safeguard against dissemination of infestation may have adverse effects on certain products and articles, and that the acceptance of fumigation as a requirement is an alternative to the immediate removal of the infested means of conveyance and any products and articles thereon, from the territorial limits of the United States. Products or articles in a means of conveyance, or compartments thereof, which may be exposed to methyl bromide or other remedial measures and may be adversely affected thereby, may be removed from the means of conveyance or compartments thereof prior to the application of the remedial measures if in the opinion of the inspector this can be done without danger of plant pest dissemination and under conditions authorized by him, for additional inspection and/or application of effective remedial measures.
Code of Federal Regulations
All costs (including those incurred under § 330.106 of this part by the government or the owner) incident to the inspection, handling, cleaning, safeguarding, treating, or other disposal of means of conveyance or products, articles, or plant pests under this part shall be borne by the owner. Services of the inspector during regularly assigned hours of duty at the usual places of duty shall be furnished without cost to the person requesting the services, unless a user fee is payable under § 354.3 of this chapter.
Code of Federal Regulations
The Deputy Administrator is authorized to issue the administrative instructions for which provision is made in the regulations in this part, for the purpose of preventing dissemination of plant pests into the United States or interstate. In addition, whenever the Deputy Administrator shall find that existing conditions as to pest risk involved in the movement of plant pests, means of conveyance, or other products or articles to which the regulations in this part apply, make it safe to modify by making less stringent the restrictions contained in any of such regulations, he shall publish such findings in administrative instructions, specifying the manner in which the regulations shall be made less stringent whereupon such modification shall become effective.
In applying treatments or taking other measures prescribed in administrative instructions or by the inspector, it should be understood that inexactness or carelessness may result in injury or damage.
The K-coefficient shall be measured according to the procedures in ATP, Annex 1, Appendix 2, paragraphs 1-28, and the following shall apply:
In ATP, Annex 1, Appendix 2, paragraph 8, last line, “about 20 °C for the mean temperature of the walls of the body shall be interpreted to mean between 19 °C ( 66 °F) and 21 °C ( 70 °F).
A report of each test shall be completed on a form corresponding to the pertinent test report model prescribed in ATP, Annex 1, Appendix 2. Report forms may be obtained by a request to the ATP manager.