319.55-2—Application for permit.

(a) Application for a permit to import seed or paddy rice from Mexico or rice straw or rice hulls from any country, may be made to the Plant Protection and Quarantine Programs, indicating in the application the locality where the desired material has been grown, the port of first arrival, and the name and address of the importer in the United States to whom the permit should be sent, if other than the applicant.
(b) Applications for permits should be made in advance of the proposed shipments; but if, through no fault of the importer, a shipment should arrive before a permit is received, the importation will be held in customs custody at the port of first arrival, at the risk and expense of the importer, for a period not exceeding 20 days, pending the receipt of the permit.
(c) Application may be mader by telegraph, in which case the information required above must be furnished.
(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 0579-0049)

Code of Federal Regulations

[24 FR 10788, Dec. 29, 1959, as amended at 48 FR 57466, Dec. 30, 1983]