3015.61—Financial management standards.

The following standards shall be met by recipients and subrecipients in managing their financial management system.
(a) Financial reporting. Complete, accurate, and current disclosure of the financial results of each USDA sponsored project or program shall be made in accordance with the financial reporting requirements set forth in the grant or subgrant. When a USDA awarding agency requires reporting on an accrual basis, the recipient shall not be required to establish an accrual accounting system, but shall develop such accrual data for its reports on the basis of an analysis of the documentation on hand.
(b) Accounting records. The source and application of funds shall be readily identified by the continuous maintenance of updated records. Records, as such, shall contain information pertaining to grant or subgrant awards, authorizations, obligations, unobligated balances, assets, outlays, and income. When the recipient is a governmental entity, the records shall also contain liabilities.
(c) Internal control. Effective control over and accountability for all USDA grant or subgrant funds, real and personal property assets shall be maintained. Recipients shall adequately safeguard all such property and shall ensure that it is used solely for authorized purposes. In cases where projects are not 100 percent Federally funded, recipients must have effective internal controls to assure that expenditures financed with Federal funds are properly chargeable to the grant supported project.
(d) Budgetary control. The actual and budgeted amounts for each grant or subgrant shall be compared. If appropriate, or required by the awarding agency, financial information shall be related to performance and unit cost data. When unit cost data is required, estimates based on available documentation may be accepted whenever possible.
(e) Advance payments. There shall be specific procedures established to minimize the time elapsing between the advance of Federal grant or subgrant funds and their subsequent disbursement by the recipient. When advances are made by a letter of credit method, the recipients shall make drawdowns as close as possible to the time of making the disbursements. This same procedure shall be followed by recipients who advance cash to subrecipients to ensure that timely fiscal transactions and reporting requirements are conducted.
(f) Allowable costs. Established procedures shall be used for determining the reasonableness, allowability, and allocability of costs in accordance with the cost principles prescribed by Subpart T of this part and the provisions of the grant award.
(g) Source documentation. Accounting records shall be supported by source documentation. These documentations include, but are not limited to, cancelled checks, paid bills, payrolls, contract and subgrant award documents.
(h) Audit resolution. A systematic method shall be employed by each recipient to assure timely and appropriate resolution of audit findings and recommendations.