3015.43—Royalties and other income earned from a copyrighted work.

(a) This section applies to royalties, license fees, and other income earned by a recipient from a copyrighted work developed under the grant or subgrant. Income of that kind is covered by this section whether a third party or the recipient acts as the publisher, seller, exhibitor, or performer of the copyrighted work. In some cases the recipient incurs costs to earn the income but does not charge these costs to USDA grant funds, to required cost-sharing or matching funds, or to other program income. Costs of that kind may be deducted from the gross income in order to determine how much must be treated as program income.
(b) The provisions of the grant award govern the disposition of income subject to this section. If the provisions of the grant award do not treat this kind of income, there are no USDA requirements governing its disposition. A recipient is not prohibited from imposing requirements of its own on the disposition of this kind of income which is earned by its subrecipients provided those requirements are in addition to, and not inconsistent with, any requirements imposed by the provisions of the grant award.