3015.3—Conflicting policies and deviations.

(a) Statutory provisions. Federal statutes that apply to some USDA grant programs may contain provisions that conflict with this part. Those statutory provisions take precedence over this part.
(b) Nonstatutory provisions. USDA awarding agencies occasionally develop grant provisions that are inconsistent with this part. USDA attempts to keep these provisions to a minimum by internal procedures that require these provisions to be justified to appropriate officials of USDA and OMB. If the conflicting provisions are of long-term and general applicability, O&F may require that the awarding agency (1) publish the conflicting provision as a notice in the Federal Register and (2) give the public an opportunity to comment before making the regulations final.
(c) Nonstatutory provisions-subgrants. If a provision of a subgrant conflicts with this part, the recipient is considered as violating the provisions of the grant, unless the subgrant provision is authorized in writing, by the awarding agency.
(d) OMB exceptions. In some cases, OMB grants exceptions from the requirements of the Circulars, when permissible under existing laws. In those instances where a program receives an exception to a particular provision of a Circular, the exception takes precedence over this part.