3015.202—Limits on total payments to the recipient.

(a) This section summarizes the four most widely applicable limits on the total amount of money the recipient is entitled to receive from USDA as a result of a grant. It is permissible for the terms of a grant to provide one or more additional limits.
(b) For each grant, the lowest of the applicable limits is the one that governs the final settlement upon expiration or termination of the grant.
(c) The following two limits apply to every grant:
(1) The amount of Federal funds authorized.
(2) The Federal share of the allowable costs incurred by the recipient.
(d) Grants that require a specified percentage of cost-sharing or matching are subject to the limit described in Subpart G.
(e) For each budget period of an incrementally funded discretionary grant, the Federal share of that period's approved budget is a limit.