3015.196—Costs allowable with approval.

Each set of cost principles specifically identifies certain costs that, in order to be allowable, must be approved by the awarding agency. Other costs do not require approval. The following procedures govern approval of these costs:
(a) When costs are allocated in accordance with a government-wide cost allocation plan or when treated as indirect costs, acceptance of the costs as part of the indirect cost rate or cost allocation plan shall constitute approval.
(b) (1) All direct costs must be approved in advance by the awarding agency.
(2) When costs are specified in the budget, approval of the budget shall constitute approval of the cost.
(3) Specific prior approval in writing from the awarding agency is required if the costs are not specified in the budget, or if there is no approved budget. For this purpose the prior approval procedures of Subpart M shall be followed, except that, for formula or mandatory grants, the awarding agency's written approval may be signed by any authorized official of the awarding agency.
(c) The awarding agency may waive or conditionally waive the requirement for its approval of the costs. A waiver, as such, shall be applicable only to the requirement for approval. If it is determined, by audit or otherwise, that the costs do not meet other requirements or tests for allowability specified by the applicable cost principles, such as reasonableness and necessity, the costs may be disallowed.
(d) In the case of subgrants and cost-type contracts, no approval shall be given which is inconsistent with the purpose or the provisions of the Federal grant.