3015.180—Scope and applicability.

(a) This subpart contains information for complying with Attachment 0, “Procurement Standards”, of OMB Circulars A-102 and A-110. Circular A-102 covers grant and cooperative agreement programs with State and local governments and Indian Tribal governments. Circular A-110 covers grant and cooperative agreement programs with institutions of higher education, hospitals, and other nonprofit organizations. Copies of both Circulars may be obtained from O&F.
(b) This subpart applies to recipient procurements (by purchase, rental, or barter) of supplies, equipment, and services (including construction).
(c) This subpart applies only to procurements that are supported in whole or in part by a grant or cooperative agreement.
(d) This subpart does not apply to procurements of land, existing land improvements or structures, or any other existing real property.
(e) The Attachment 0 of Circulars A-102 and A-110 apply to procurements under subgrants as well as grants.