3015.172—Federal share of real property, equipment, and supplies.

This subpart contains principles necessary to determine the Federal (or non-Federal) share of real property, equipment or supplies.
(a) General. (1) Except as explained in the following paragraphs of this section, the Federal share of the property shall be the same percentage as the Federal share of the acquiring party's total cost under the grant during the grant or subgrant year (or other funding period) to which the acquisition cost of the property was charged. For this purpose, “costs under the grant” means allowable costs which are either supported by the grant or counted toward satisfying a cost-sharing or matching requirement of the grant.
(2) If the property is acquired by a subrecipient, the Federal share of the subrecipient's costs under the grant and hence of the property shall be calculated by multiplying the Federal share of the recipient's costs by the latter's share of the subrecipient's costs. (For example, if the Federal share of the recipient's costs is 50 percent and the subgrant bears only 50 percent of a subrecipient's costs, then the Federal share of that subrecipient's costs (and of the property acquired by that subrecipient) is 25 percent.)
(3) The provisions of some grant awards set different maximum percentages of Federal financial participation for different categories of costs. In these cases, for the purposes of this section, the costs in each category are considered as costs under a separate grant. If two categories have the same maximum percentage of Federal participation and costs in one category are permitted to count toward satisfying a cost-sharing or matching requirement of the other, they are a single category for the purposes of this rule. Also, all categories with a 100 percent rate are considered a single category for the purposes of this rule.
(b) Property acquired only partly under a grant. (1) Sometimes only a part of the acquisition cost of an item of property is supported as a direct cost by the grant or counted as a direct cost towards a cost-sharing or matching requirement. Occasionally, the amount paid for the property is only a part of its value. The remainder is donated as an in-kind contribution by the party that provided the property.
(2) To determine the Federal share of such property, first calculate the Federal share of the acquiring party's total costs under the grant as explained in paragraph (a) of this section. Next multiply that share by the percentage of the property's acquisition cost (or its market value, if the item was partly donated) which was supported as a direct cost by the grant or counted as a direct cost towards a cost-sharing or matching requirement.
(c) Replacement equipment. To calculate the Federal share of replacement equipment the following procedures shall be followed:
(1) Step 1: Determine the Federal share (percentage) of the equipment replaced.
(2) Step 2: Determine the percentage of the replacement equipment's costs that was covered by the amount received for trade-in or the sale proceeds from the equipment replaced.
(3) Step 3: Multiply the step 1 percentage by the step 2 percentage.
(4) Step 4: If an additional outlay for the replacement equipment was charged as a direct cost either to USDA grant funds or to required cost-sharing or matching funds, calculate the Federal share attributable to that additional outlay as explained in paragraph (b)(2) of this section. Add that additional percentage to the step 3 percentage.