3015.113—Programmatic changes.

(a) Scope. This section contains requirements for prior approval of departures, other than budget revisions, from approved project plans. In addition to the requirements in this section, awarding agencies may require prior approval for other kinds of programmatic changes to an approved cooperative agreement, grant, or subgrant project.
(b) Changes to project scope or objectives. The recipient shall obtain prior approval for any change to the scope or objectives of the approved project. (For construction projects, any material change in approved space utilization or functional layout shall be considered a change in scope).
(c) Changes in key people. This section applies to grants, subgrants, and cooperative agreements for research. This section does not apply to other types of grants, subgrants, or cooperative agreements unless other terms of the award make it apply. The recipient shall obtain prior approval:
(1) To continue the project during any continuous period of more than three months without the active direction of an approved project director or principal investigator;
(2) For its selection of a replacement for the project director of principal investigator;
(3) For its selection of a replacement for any other persons named and expressly designated as key project people in the grant, subgrant, or cooperative agreement award document; or
(4) To permit the project director or principal investigator (or anyone covered by paragraph (c)(3) of this section) to devote substantially less effort to the project than was anticipated when the award was made.
(d) Transferring work and providing financial assistance to others. Recipients shall obtain prior approval for transferring to another party the actual performance of the substantive programmatic work, and for providing any form of financial assistance to another party.
(e) Audiovisual activities. (1) Except to the extent explicitly included in the project plan approved at the time of award, using grant support for any of the following requires prior approval:
(i) Producing an audiovisual.
(ii) Buying ownership of any of the rights in the work embodied in the audiovisual. (This does not apply to merely buying a license in any of the rights. For the remainder of this section, buying ownership of the rights is referred to simply as buying or purchasing an audiovisual).
(iii) Presenting or distributing to the general public an audiovisual that was produced or bought with grant support.
(2) Prior approval is not required for:
(i) Any audiovisual activity under a subgrant.
(ii) Any audiovisual whose direct production or purchase cost to the recipient is $5,000 or less.
(iii) The production or purchase of an audiovisual as a research instrument or for documenting experimentation or findings, if the audiovisual is not intended for presentation or distribution to the general public.
(3) Following are examples of presentation or distribution of an audiovisual to the general public.
(i) Broadcast on commercial, cable, or educational television, or radio.
(ii) Showing in commercial motion picture theaters.
(iii) Showing in public places such as airports, waiting rooms, bus or railroad depots, and vacation resorts.
(iv) Showing to civic associations, schools (except when used as a teaching tool in a classroom setting), clubs, fraternal organizations, or similar lay groups.