3011.1—General statement.
Under section 436 of the Plant Protection Act (7 U.S.C. 7756 ), a State or political subdivision of a State may not impose prohibitions or restrictions upon the movement in interstate commerce of articles, means of conveyance, plants, plant products, biological control organisms, plant pests, or noxious weeds if the Secretary has issued a regulation or order to prevent the dissemination of the biological control organism, plant pest, or noxious weed within the United States. The only exceptions to this are:
If the prohibitions or restrictions issued by the State or political subdivision of a State are consistent with and do not exceed the regulations or orders issued by the Secretary, or
If the State or political subdivision of a State demonstrates to the Secretary and the Secretary finds that there is a special need for additional prohibitions or restrictions based on sound scientific data or a thorough risk assessment.
The regulations in this subpart provide for the submission and consideration of special need requests when a State or a political subdivision of a State seeks to impose prohibitions or restrictions on the movement in interstate commerce of articles, means of conveyance, plants, plant products, biological control organisms, plant pests, or noxious weeds that are in addition to the prohibitions or restrictions imposed by this part or by a Federal Order.
Move (moved, movement). Shipped, offered to a common carrier for shipment, received for transportation or transported by a common carrier, or carried, transported, moved, or allowed to be moved.
State. Any State, territory, district, or possession of the United States.
In accordance with part 319 of this chapter, some plants and plant parts may only be imported into the United States subject to certain destination restrictions. That is, under part 319, some plants and plant parts may be imported into some States or areas of the United States but are prohibited from being imported into, entered into, or distributed within other States or areas, as an additional safeguard against the introduction and establishment of foreign plant pests and diseases.
Under this quarantine notice, whenever any imported plant or plant part is subject to destination restrictions under part 319 :
The State(s) or area(s) into which the plant or plant part is allowed to be imported is quarantined with respect to that plant or plant part; and
No person shall move any plant or plant part from any such quarantined State or area into or through any State or area not quarantined with respect to that plant or plant part.
This part is issued in accordance with 7 CFR 1.3 of the Department of Agriculture regulations governing the availability of records ( 7 CFR 1.1-1.23 and Appendix A) under the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552, as amended). These regulations supplement the Department's regulations by providing guidance for any person wishing to request records from the Office of Finance and Management (OFM).