29.3647—Heavy Leaf (B Group).

This group consists of leaves which are medium to heavy in body and show little or no ground injury.
Grades Grade names, minimum specifications, and tolerances
B1F Choice Quality Medium-brown Heavy Leaf.
Ripe medium body, open leaf structure, smooth, rich in oil, clear finish, deep color intensity, semielastic, spready, 90 percent uniform, and 10 percent injury tolerance.
B2F Fine Quality Medium-brown Heavy Leaf.
Ripe, medium body, open leaf structure, smooth, rich in oil, clear finish, deep color intensity, semielastic, spready, 85 percent uniform, and 15 percent injury tolerance.
B3F Good Quality Medium-brown Heavy Leaf.
Mature, medium body, firm leaf structure, crepy, oily, normal finish, moderate color intensity, semielastic, normal width 80 percent uniform, and 20 percent injury toleance.
B4F Fair Quality Medium-brown Heavy Leaf.
Mature, medium body, close leaf structure, rough, lean in oil, dull finish, pale color intensity, inelastic, narrow, 70 percent uniform, and 30 percent injury tolerance.
B5F Low Quality Medium-brown Heavy Leaf.
Underripe, medium body, close leaf structure, rough, lean in oil, dull finish, pale color intensity, inelastic, narrow, 60 percent uniform, and 40 percent injury tolerance.
B1R Choice Quality Reddish-brown Heavy Leaf.
Ripe, heavy, open leaf structure, smooth, rich in oil, clear finish, deep color intensity, semielastic, spready, 90 percent uniform, and 10 percent injury tolerance.
B2R Fine Quality Reddish-brown Heavy Leaf.
Ripe, heavy, open leaf structure, smooth, rich in oil, clear finish, deep color intensity, semi-elastic, spready, 85 percent uniform, and 15 percent injury tolerance.
B3R Good Quality Reddish-brown Heavy Leaf.
Code of Federal Regulations 148
Mature, heavy, firm leaf structure, crepy, oily, normal finish, moderate color intensity, semielastic, normal width, 80 percent uniform, and 20 percent injury tolerance.
B4R Fair Quality Reddish-brown Heavy Leaf.
Mature, heavy, close leaf structure, rough, lean in oil, dull finish, pale color intensity, inelastic, narrow, 70 percent uniform, and 30 percent injury tolerance.
B5R Low Quality Reddish-brown Heavy Leaf.
Underripe, heavy, close leaf structure, rough, lean in oil, dull finish, pale color intensity, inelastic, narrow, 60 percent uniform, and 40 percent injury tolerance.
B1D Choice Quality Dark-brown Heavy Leaf.
Ripe, heavy, open leaf structure, smooth, rich in oil, normal finish, deep color intensity, semi-elastic, spready, 90 percent uniform, and 10 percent injury tolerance.
B2D Fine Quality Dark-brown Heavy Leaf.
Ripe, heavy, open leaf structure, smooth, rich in oil, normal finish, deep color intensity, semielastic, spready 85 percent uniform, and 15 percent injury tolerance.
B3D Good Quality Dark-brown Heavy Leaf.
Mature, heavy, firm leaf structure, crepy, oily, normal finish, moderate color intensity, semielastic, normal width, 80 percent uniform, and 20 percent injury tolerance.
B4D Fair Quality Dark-brown Heavy Leaf.
Mature, heavy, close leaf structure, rough, lean in oil, dull finish, pale color intensity, inelastic, narrow, 70 percent uniform, and 30 percent injury tolerance.
B5D Low Quality Dark-brown Heavy Leaf.
Underripe, heavy, close leaf structure, rough, lean in oil, dull finish, pale color intensity, inelastic, narrow, 60 percent uniform, and 40 percent injury tolerance.
B3M Good Quality Mixed Heavy Leaf.
Mature, medium body, firm leaf structure, crepy, oily, normal finish, moderate color intensity, semielastic, normal width, 80 percent uniform, and 20 percent injury tolerance.
B4M Fair Quality Mixed Heavy Leaf.
Mature, medium body, close leaf structure, rough, lean in oil, dull finish, pale color intensity, inelastic, narrow, 70 percent uniform, and 30 percent injury tolerance.
B5M Low Quality Mixed Heavy Leaf.
Underripe, medium body, close leaf structure, rough, lean in oil, dull finish, pale color intensity, inelastic, narrow, 60 percent uniform, and 40 percent injury tolerance.
B3G Good Quality Green Heavy Leaf.
Underripe, heavy, firm leaf structure crepy, oily, normal finish, semielastic, normal width, 80 percent uniform, and 20 percent injury tolerance.
B4G Fair Quality Green Heavy Leaf.
Immature, medium body, close leaf structure, rough, lean in oil, dull finish, inelastic, narrow, 70 percent uniform, and 30 percent injury tolerance.
B5G Low Quality Green Heavy Leaf.
Immature, medium body, close leaf structure, rough, lean in oil, dull finish, inelastic, narrow, 60 percent uniform, and 40 percent injury tolerance.

Code of Federal Regulations

[30 FR 9207, July 23, 1965, as amended at 49 FR 16759, Apr. 20, 1984]