28.31—Denial of service.

The Administrator may for good cause, including the acts or practices set forth in § 28.32, debar any person, including the agents, officers, subsidiaries, or affiliates of such person, from any or all benefits of the Act for a specified period, after notice and opportunity for hearing has been afforded. Procedures outlined, or referred, in part 50 of this chapter ( 7 CFR 50.1 et seq.) shall govern proceedings under this section.

Code of Federal Regulations

(Sec. 2, Pub. Res. 72-73, 47 Stat. 1621 ( 7 U.S.C. 51b ); sec. 3c, Pub. L. 75-28, 50 Stat. 62 ( 7 U.S.C. 473c ))

Code of Federal Regulations

[42 FR 24712, May 16, 1977]