201.76—Minimum Land, Isolation, Field, and Seed Standards.

In the following Table 5 the figures in the “Land” column indicate the number of years that must elapse between the destruction of a stand of a kind and establishment of a stand of a specified class of a variety of the same kind. A certification agency may grant a variance in the land cropping history in specific circumstances where cultural practices have been proven adequate to maintain genetic purity. The figures in “Isolation” column indicate the distance in feet from any contaminating source. The figures in the “Field” column indicate the minimum number of plants or heads in which one plant or head of another variety is permitted. The figure in the “Seed” column indicate the maximum percentage of seed of other varieties or off-types permitted in the cleaned seed.
Table 5
Crop Foundation Registered Certified
Land Isolation Field Seed Land Isolation Field Seed Land Isolation Field Seed
Non hybrid 14 44,48 600(59 182.88m) 1,000 0.1 1 3 3,44,48 300(59 91.44m) 400 0.25 1,2 1 44,49 165(59 50.29m) 100 1.0
Hybrid 1 4 43 1,320(59 402.34m) 42 1,000 0.1 1,2 1 3,43,44 165(59 50.29m) 42 100 1.0
Non hybrid 7 1 23 0 3,000 0.05 7 1 23 0 2,000 0.1 7 1 23 0 1,000 0.2
Hybrid 30 1 21,32 660(59 201.17m) 3,000 0.05 30 1 21,32 660(59 201.17m) 2,000 0.1 30 1 21,32 330(59 100.59m) 1,000 55 0.2
Hybrid (Chemically assisted) 57 0 52,53 330(59 100.59m) 54 1,000 0.2
Field and garden 7 1 23 0 2,000 0.05 7 1 23 0 1,000 0.1 7 1 23 0 400 0.2
Mung 7 1 23 0 1,000 0.1 7 1 23 0 500 0.2 7 1 23 0 200 0.5
Broad bean 7 1 23 0 2,000 0.05 7 1 23 0 1,000 0.1 7 1 23 0 500 0.2
Buckwheat 7 1 660(59 201.17m) 3,000 0.05 7 1 660(59 201.17m) 2,000 0.1 7 1 660(59 201.17m) 1,000 0.2
Clover all kinds 1,9 5 5,18,44 600(59 182.88m) 1,000 0.1 1,9 3 5,18,44 300(59 91.44m) 400 0.25 1,9 2 18,44 165(59 50.29) 100 1.0
Foundation back cross 0 10,11 660(59 201.17m) 13,46 1,000 15 0.1
Inbred 0 10,11660(59 201.17m) 13,46 1,000 15 0.1
Foundation single cross 0 10,11 660(59 201.17m) 13,46 1,000 15 0.1
Hybrid 0 11,12 660(59 201.17m) 1,000 0.5
Open-pollinated 0 11,12 660(59 201.17m) 200 0.5
Sweet 0 11,14 600(59 201.17m) 0.5
Cotton 0 19 0 10,000 0.03 0 19 0 5,000 0.05 0 19 0 1,000 0.1
Hybrid (Chemically assisted) 0 190 10,000 0.03 0 2,640(59 804.66m) 1,320 0.1
Cowpea 7 1 23 0 2,000 0.1 7 1 23 0 1,000 0.2 7 1 23 0 500 0.5
Crambe 7 1 660(59 201.17m) 2,000 0.05 7 1 24 660(59 201.17m) 1,000 0.1 7 1 24 660(59 201.17m) 500 0.25
Crownvetch 1 5 5,44 600(59 182.88m) 1,000 0.1 1 3 5,44 300(59 91.44m) 400 0.25 1 2 6,44 165(59 50.29) 100 1.0
Flatpea 1 4 5,44 600(59 182.88m) 1,000 0.1 1 3 3,5,44 300(59 91.44m) 400 0.25 1,2 1 3,44 165(59 50.29m) 100 1.0
Code of Federal Regulations 381
Flax 7 1 23 0 5,000 0.05 7 1 23 0 2,000 0.1 7 1 23 0 1,000 0.2
Cross-pollinated 57 5 4,18,20 900(59 274.32m) 1,000 0.1 8,57 1 4,18,20 300(59 91.44m) 100 1.0 8,57 1 4,18,20,58 165 (59 50.29) 50 47,50 2.0
Strains at least 80 percent apomictic and highly self-fertile species 57 5 4,18,20 60 1,000 0.1 8,57 1 4,18,20 30 100 1.0 9,57 1 4,18,20,58 15 50 16 2.0
(59 18.29m) (59 9.14m) (59 4.57m)
Lespedeza 1 5 4 10(59 3.05m) 1,000 0.1 1 3 4 10(59 3.05m) 400 0.25 1 2 4 10(59 3.05m) 100 1.0
Cross-pollinated 8 1 40 1,320(59 402.34m) 27 20,000 0.005 8 1 40 1,320(59 402.34m) 27 10,000 0.01 8 1 40 660(59 201.17m) 27 5,000 0.02
Self-pollinated 8 1 23 0 3,000 0.05 8 1 23 0 2,000 0.1 8 1 23 0 1,000 0.2
Mustard 4 1,320(59 402.34m) 2,000 0.05 2 24 660(59 201.17m) 500 0.25
Oat 7 1 23 0 3,000 0.2 7 1 23 0 2,000 0.3 7 1 23 0 1,000 0.5
Okra 7 1 1,320(59 402.34m) 27 0 0.0 7 1 1,320(59 402.34m) 27 2,500 0.5 7 1 825(59 251.46m) 27 1,250 1.0
Onion 7 1 5,280(59 1,609.36m) 22 200 0.0 7 1 2,640(59 804.66m) 22 200 22 0.5 7 1 1,320(59 402.34m) 22 200 22 1.0
Pea, field 7 1 23 0 2,000 0.05 7 1 23 0 1,000 0.1 7 1 23 0 500 0.2
Peanut 7 1 23 0 1,000 0.1 7 1 23 0 500 0.2 7 1 23 0 200 0.5
Pepper 7 1 25 200(59 60.96m) 0 0.0 7 1 25 100(59 30.48m) 300 0.5 7 1 25 30(59 9.14m) 150 1.0
Cross-pollinated 4 24 1,320(59 402.34m) 2,000 0.05 2 24 330(59 100.59m) 500 0.25
Self-pollinated 4 24 660(59 201.17m) 2,000 0.05 2 24 330(59 100.59m) 500 0.25
Rice 7 1 39 10(59 3.05m) 10,000 0.05 7 1 39 10(59 3.05m) 5,000 0.1 7 1 39 10(59 3.05) 1,000 0.2
Rye 7 1 18 660(59 201.17m) 3,000 0.05 7 1 18 660(59 201.17m) 2,000 0.1 7 1 18 660(59 201.17m) 1,000 0.2
Safflower 7 2 1,320(59 402.34m) 10,000 0.01 7 2 1,320(59 402.34m) 2,000 0.05 7 2 1,320(59 402.34m) 1,000 0.1
Sainfoin 1 5 5,44 600(59 182.88m) 1,000 0.1 1 3 5,44 300(59 91.44m) 400 0.25 1 2 6,44 165(59 50.29m) 100 1.0
Nonhybrid 7 1 900(59 301.76m) 27 50,000 0.005 7 1 990(59 301.76m) 27 35,000 0.01 7 1 29 660(59 201.17m) 27 20,000 0.05
Hybrid seedstock 7 1 990(59 301.76m) 27 50,000 0.005
Commercial hybrid 7 1 21,29,31 660(59 201.17m) 27 20,000 0.1
Soybean 23 1 23 0 1,000 0.1 33 1 23 0 500 0.2 33 1 23 0 200 0.5
Nonhybrid 1 41,45 2,640(59 804.66m) 200 0.02 1 41,45 2,640(59 804.66m) 200 0.02 1 41,45 2,640(59 804.66m) 200 34 0.1
Code of Federal Regulations 382
Hybrid 1 41,45 2,640(59 804.66m) 35 250 56 0.02 1 41,45 2,640(59 804.66m) 35 250 34,56 0.1
Tomato 7 1 25 200(59 60.96m) 0 0 7 1 25 100(59 30.48m) 300 0.5 7 1 25 30(59 9.14m) 150 1.0
Nonhybrid 36 0 37 150(59 45.72m) 0 0.01 36 0 37 150(59 45.72m) 0 0.01 36 0 37 150(59 45.72m) 0 0.01
Hybrid 36 0 38 150(59 45.72m) 0 0.01
Trefoil, birdsfoot 1 5 5,44 600(59 182.88m) 1,000 0.1 1 3 5,44 300(59 91.44m) 400 0.25 1 2 6,44 165(59 50.29m) 100 1.0
Triticale 7 1 23 0 3,000 0.05 7 1 23 0 2,000 0.1 7 1 23 0 1,000 0.2
Vetch 1,7 5 17,44 10(59 3.05m) 1,000 0.1 1,7 3 17,44 10(59 3.05m) 400 0.25 1,7 2 17,44 10(59 3.05m) 100 1.0
Vetch, milk 1 5 5,44 600(59 182.88m) 2,000 0.05 1 3 5,44 300(59 91.44m) 1,000 0.1 1 2 44 165(59 50.29m) 200 0.5
Watermelon 7 1 26 2,640(59 804.66m) 28 0 0 7 1 26 2,640(59 402.34m) 28 0 0.5 7 1 26 1,320 28 500 1.0
Nonhybrid 7 1 23 0 3,000 0.05 7 1 23 0 2,000 0.1 7 1 23 0 1,000 0.2
Hybrid 30 1 21,32 660(59 201.17m) 3,000 0.05 30 1 21,32 660(59 201.17m) 2,000 0.1 30 1 21,32 330(59 100.59m) 1,000 0.2
Hybrid (Chemically assisted) 51 0 52,53 330(59 100.58m) 54 1,000 55 0.2
1 The land must be free of volunteer plants of the crop kind during the year immediately prior to establishment and no manure or other contaminating material shall be applied the year previous to seeding or during the establishment and productive life of the stand.
2 At least 2 years must elapse between destruction of indistinguishable varieties or varieties of dissimilar adaptation and establishment of the stand for the production of the Certified class of seed.
3 Isolation distance for certified seed production shall be at least 500 feet (152.07m) from varieties of dissimilar adaptation.
4 Isolation between classes of the same variety may be reduced to 25 percent of the distance otherwise required.
5 This distance applies when fields are 5 acres (2ha) or larger in area. For smaller fields, the distances are 900 feet (274.32m) and 450 feet (137.16m) for the Foundation and Registered classes, respectively.
6 Fields of less than 5 acres (2ha) require 330 feet (100.59m).
7 Requirement is waived if the previous crop was grown from certified seed of the same variety.
8 Requirement is waived if the previous crop was of the same variety and of a certified class equal or superior to that of the crop seeded.
9 Reseeding varieties of crimson clover may be allowed to volunteer back year after year on the same ground. If a new variety is being planted where another variety once grew, the field history requirements apply.
10 No isolation is required for the production of hand-pollinated seed.
11 When the contaminant is the same color and texture, the isolation distance may be modified by (1) adequate natural barriers or (2) differential maturity dates, provided there are no receptive silks in the seed parent at the time the contaminant is shedding pollen. In addition, dent sterile popcorn requires no isolation from dent corn.
12 Where the contaminating source is corn of the same color and texture as that of the field inspected or white endosperm-corn optically sorted, the isolation distance is 410 feet (124.97m) and may be modified by the planting of pollen parent border rows according to the following table:

Minimum distance from contaminant