201.74—Labeling of all classes of certified seed.

(a) All classes of certified seed when offered for sale shall have an official certification label affixed to each container clearly identifying the certifying agency, the lot number or other identification, the variety name (if certified as to variety), and the kind and class of seed. Except that for seed mixtures and seed in containers of 5 pounds or less, the certification labels need not bear the name of the kind or kind and variety of each component, provided the name of each kind or kind and variety is shown on the analysis label.
(b) In the case of seed sold in bulk, the invoice or accompanying document shall identify the certifying agency, the crop kind, variety (if certified as to variety), class of seed, and the lot number or other identification.
(c) The official certification label may be printed directly on the container when an accounting of the containers is required by the certifying agency.
(d) Labels other than those printed on the containers shall be attached to containers in a manner that prevents removal and reattachment without tampering being obvious.

Code of Federal Regulations

[38 FR 25662, Sept. 14, 1973, as amended at 46 FR 53639, Oct. 29, 1981; 65 FR 1709, Jan. 11, 2000]