201.56-1—Goosefoot family, Chenopodiaceae, and Carpetweed family, Aizoaceae.
Kinds of seed: Beet, Swiss chard, fourwing saltbush, spinach, New Zealand spinach, and forage kochia.
Shoot system: The hypocotyl elongates carrying the cotyledons above the soil surface. The epicotyl usually does not show any development within the test period.
Seedling: Frequent counts should be made on multigerm beet since the growing seedlings will separate from the cluster making it difficult to identify the source. Any cluster which produces at least one normal seedling is classified as normal; only one normal seedling per cluster is to be counted (see § 201.56(d) ). Toxic substances from the clusters of beet and Swiss chard may cause discoloring of the hypocotyl and/or root. Seedlings which are slightly discolored are to be classified as normal; however, if there is excessive discoloration, retest by the method in § 201.58(b)(3).
One or more essential structures impaired as a result of decay from primary infection. (For discolored seedlings of beet and Swiss chard, see § 201.58(b)(3).)