2.95—Director, Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Coordination.
(a) Delegations from the Secretary.
Pursuant to Executive Order 10450, “Security Requirements for Government Employment” ( 18 FR 2489, Apr. 29, 1953); Executive Order 12968, “Access to Classified Information,” 3 CFR, 1995 Comp., p. 391; Executive Order 13526, “Classified National Security Information” ( 75 FR 707, Jan. 5, 2010); and 5 CFR part 732, and with due deference for delegations to other Departmental Management officials, the following delegations of authority are made by the Secretary to the Director, Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Coordination, pursuant to the Director's responsibilities as the Departmental National Security Programs Officer, as designated by the Secretary:
Manage the personnel security functions of the Department, which includes sole authority for making eligibility access determinations and sponsoring Sensitive Compartmented Information clearances; obtaining and granting security clearances for USDA employees and consultants and volunteers on authorized agreements; and suspending, denying, or revoking access to national security information (Executive Order 12968 “Access to Classified Information”, as amended), notwithstanding the Secretary's authority to remove an employee for national security reasons as outlined in 5 U.S.C. 7532.
Manage, coordinate, develop, and promulgate policies and training regarding personnel security, and serve as USDA's personnel security liaison to the Office of Personnel Management and Director of National Intelligence.
Review and develop recommendations on classifying, declassifying, and safeguarding national security information for which the Secretary is responsible as Original Classification Authority.
(b) Delegations from the Assistant Secretary for Administration.
Pursuant to § 2.24(a)(8), and with due deference for delegations to other Departmental Management officials, the following delegations of authority are made by the Assistant Secretary for Administration to the Director, Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Coordination:
Coordinate the delegations and assignments made to the Department under the Defense Production Act of 1950, 50 U.S.C. App. 2061, et seq.; the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, 42 U.S.C. 5121, et seq.; and by Executive Orders 12148, “Federal Emergency Management,” 3 CFR, 1979 Comp., p. 412, 12919, “National Defense Industrial Resources Preparedness,” 3 CFR, 1994 Comp., p. 901, and 12656, “Assignment of Emergency Preparedness Responsibilities,” 3 CFR, 1988 Comp., p. 585; or any successor to these Executive Orders, to ensure that the Department has sufficient capabilities to respond to any occurrence, including natural disaster, military attack, technological emergency, or any other all hazards incident.
Manage the Department Emergency Operations Center at Headquarters and the Secretary's alternative facilities; provide senior staff with international, national, and regional situational awareness reports; and provide and maintain current information systems technology and National Security Systems to support USDA executive crisis management capability.
Activate the USDA incident management system in accordance with the National Response Framework and the National Incident Management System in the event of a major incident; and provide oversight and coordination of the Department's Emergency Support Functions as outlined in the National Response Framework.
Develop and promulgate policies for the Department regarding emergency preparedness and national security, including matters relating to anti-terrorism and agriculture-related emergency preparedness planning, both national and international, and guidance to USDA State and County Emergency Boards.
Establish and provide oversight of a Department-wide training program for the National Incident Management System to include Incident Command System, National Response Framework, Continuity programs, and Critical Infrastructure Protection program.
Provide representation and liaison for the Department in contacts with other Federal entities and organizations, including the National Security Council, Homeland Security Council, Office of Management and Budget, Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency, Office of The Director of National Intelligence, and Department of Defense concerning matters of a national security, natural disaster, other emergencies, and agriculture/food-related international civil emergency planning and related activities.
Provide guidance and direction regarding radiological emergency preparedness programs and the implementation of the National Response Framework's Nuclear/Radiological Incident Annex to Departmental staff offices, mission areas, and agencies.
Provide program leadership and coordination for USDA's radiological emergency preparedness requirements with respect to Emergency Management and Assistance ( 44 CFR parts 350-352 ).
Represent USDA on the Federal Radiological Preparedness Coordinating Committee (FRPCC) and Regional Assistance Committees (RACs) and assist them in carrying out their functions.
Support USDA in its management of the Department's emergency response program with respect to radiological emergency response activities.
Exercise responsibility for USDA response efforts when a spill of national significance is declared under the Oil Pollution Act of 1990, as determined by the Assistant Secretary for Administration.
Serve as the primary point of contact for Government Accountability Office (GAO) and Office of the Inspector General (OIG) audits of USDA homeland security activities.
Coordinate interaction between Department agencies and private sector businesses and industries in emergency planning and public education under Department authorities delegated or assigned under the National Response Framework, National Infrastructure Protection Plan, Defense Production Act of 1950, 50 U.S.C. App. 2061, et seq., and Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, 42 U.S.C. 5121, et seq.
Oversee the Department's ability to collect and disseminate information and prepare for an agricultural disease emergency, agroterrorist act, or other threat to agricultural biosecurity, and coordinate such activities among agencies and offices within the Department (7 U.S.C. 8912 ).
Administer a funded competitive grant program to support the development and expansion of advanced training programs in agricultural biosecurity planning and response for food science professionals and veterinarians; administer a funded competitive grant and low-interest loan assistance program to assist States in assessing agricultural disease response capability (7 U.S.C. 8913 ).
Promulgate Departmental policies, standards, techniques, and procedures; and represent the Department in maintaining the security of physical facilities and providing security guidance to the Food and Agricultural Sector nationwide.
Lead and coordinate the development and maintenance of a mission critical facility inventory with agency involvement to ensure proper security countermeasures are implemented in the Department's most critical infrastructure.
Provide guidance to USDA agencies in matters of physical security through use of physical security assessments and development of mitigation strategies.
Provide guidance to USDA agencies and the Food and Agricultural Sector in matters of security through use of assessments and development of mitigation strategies.
Represent and act as liaison for the Department in contacts with other Federal security entities and organizations, including the Interagency Security Committee and the Department of Homeland Security.
Provide guidance and direction to ensure physical security and agriculture/food security are fully integrated in USDA's security preparations, which are reported to and coordinated with the White House.
Provide assistance to the USDA agencies in preparation for and during a disaster to identify critical assets and possible alternate storage locations.
Review and provide coordinated technical physical security assessments for all new construction of laboratories, data centers, germplasm repositories, and other mission critical infrastructure during the design phase, and all leased facilities prior to contract award.
Oversee and manage physical security aspects of the Common Identification Card (LincPass) Program to ensure National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and General Services Administration (GSA) compliancy within the National Capital Region and the physical access to USDA facilities.
Provide enterprise connectivity to agency physical access control systems that provide cost leveraging and provisioning/de-provisioning nationwide.
Provide oversight and coordination of the development and administration of the Department Continuity Program. This includes:
Provide guidance and direction regarding continuity of operations to the Office of the Secretary, Departmental staff offices, mission areas, and agencies.
Represent and act as liaison for the Department in contacts with other Federal entities and organizations concerning matters of assigned continuity program responsibilities.
Oversee Department continuity of operations and emergency relocation facility planning, development, equipping, and preparedness to ensure that resources are in a constant state of readiness.
Provide for the development and administration of a Public Trust program for the safeguarding of national security information:
Direct and administer USDA's public trust program established pursuant to 5 CFR part 731 and Executive Order 13488, “Granting Reciprocity on Excepted Service and Federal Contractor Employee Fitness and Reinvestigating Individuals in Positions of Public Trust” ( 74 FR 4111, Jan. 22, 2009).
Direct and administer USDA's program under which information is safeguarded pursuant to Executive Order 13526, “Classified National Security Information” ( 75 FR 707, Jan. 5, 2010), or subsequent orders.
Establish and maintain Information Security policies and procedures for classifying, declassifying, safeguarding, and disposing of classified national security information and materials.
Investigate or delegate authority to investigate any potential compromises of classified national security information and take corrective action for violations or infractions under section 5.5 (b), of Executive Order 13526 or any subsequent order.
Develop and maintain oversight of all facilities throughout USDA where classified national security information is or will be safeguarded, discussed, or processed including sole authority to liaison with the Central Intelligence Agency concerning guidance, approval, requirements, and oversight of USDA secure facilities.
Act as the USDA focal point to identify, receive, disseminate and safeguard USDA related intelligence information as required; convey information to USDA policy officials; and liaise with the intelligence community, as appropriate.
Control within USDA the acquisition, use, and disposal of material and equipment that can be a source of ionizing radiation.
Promulgate policies and procedures for ensuring the safety of USDA employees, the public, and the environment resulting from USDA's use of ionizing radiation sources.
Maintain and ensure compliance with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission regulations (Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations) and license(s) issued to USDA for the acquisition, use, and disposal of radioactive materials.