2.91—Director, Office of Human Resources Management.
(a) Delegations.
Pursuant to § 2.24(a)(4), with due deference for delegations to other Departmental Management officials, and subject to the reservations in § 2.24(b), the following delegations of authority are made by the Assistant Secretary for Administration to the Director, Office of Human Resources Management:
Formulate and issue Department policy, standards, rules and regulations relating to human resources management.
Inspect and evaluate human resources management operations and issue instructions or take direct action to insure conformity with appropriate laws, Executive Orders, Office of Personnel Management (OPM) rules and regulations, and other appropriate rules and regulations.
Exercise final authority in all human resources matters, including individual cases, that involve the jurisdiction of more than one General Officer, or agency head, or otherwise as deemed appropriate.
Receive, review, and recommend action on all requests for the Secretary's or Assistant Secretary for Administration's approval in human resources matters.
Authorize and make final decisions on adverse actions except in those cases where the Assistant Secretary for Administration or the Director, Office of Human Resources Management, has participated.
Certifications of supervisory/managerial and non-labor union employee and professional organizations and associations.
Represent the Department in all contacts with the national offices of labor organizations in fulfilling the Department's national consultation obligations under 5 U.S.C. 7113.
Approve “normal line of promotion” cases in the excepted service where not in accordance with time-in grade criteria.
Make the final decision on all classification appeals filed with the Department of Agriculture.
Authorize all employment actions (except nondisciplinary separations and LWOP) and classification actions for senior level and equivalent positions including Senior Executive Service positions and special authority professional and scientific positions responsible for carrying out research and development functions.
Authorize and make final decisions on adverse actions for positions in the career Senior Executive Service or equivalent.
Authorize adverse actions based in whole or in part on an allegation of violation of 5 U.S.C. chapter 73, subchapter III, for employees in the excepted service.
Establish, direct, and provide policy and oversight for a Department-wide Special Emphasis Program (SEP) including: Women, African Americans, Hispanics, Asian/Pacific Islanders, Native Americans, Disabled, and Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual/Transgender.
Make final decisions in those cases where an agency head has appealed the recommended decision of a grievance examiner.
Administer the administrative appeals process related to the inclusion of positions in the testing designated position listing in the Department's Drug-Free Workplace Program and designate the final appeal officer for that Program.
Formulate and issue Department policy, standards, rules, and regulations relating to the Senior Scientific Research Service (7 U.S.C. 7657 ).
(20) Related to conflict management.
Designate the senior official to serve as the Department Dispute Resolution Specialist under the Administrative Dispute Resolution Act of 1996, 5 U.S.C. 571, et seq., and provide leadership, direction and coordination for the Department's conflict prevention and resolution activities.
Issue Departmental regulations, policies, and procedures relating to the use of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) to resolve employment complaints and grievances, workplace disputes, Departmental program disputes, and contract and procurement disputes.
Monitor agency ADR programs and report at least annually to the Secretary on the Department's ADR activities.
Redelegate, as appropriate, any authority delegated under paragraphs (a)(1) through (a)(20) of this section to general officers of the Department and heads of Departmental agencies, provided that the Director, Office of Human Resources Management retains the authority to make final decisions in any human resources matter so redelegated.
(b) Reservations.
The following authorities are reserved to the Assistant Secretary for Administration:
Authorize organizational changes occurring in a Department agency or staff office which affect the overall structure of that service or office; i.e., require a change to that service or office's overall organization chart.
Approve coverage and waiver of individual law enforcement and firefighter positions under the special retirement provisions of the Civil Service Retirement System and the Federal Employees Retirement System.