1951.860—Interest on loans.

(a) RDLF intermediaries: When the RDLF loan portfolio was transferred from HHS to USDA as required under Pub. L. 99-198, section 1323 of the Food Security Act of 1985, there were provisions that affected the interest rates on those loans.
(1) Those loans made in 1980 and 1981 carried an original note rate of 1 percent interest when they were first issued. The legislation provides for those loans made in 1980 and 1981 to have a permanent interest rate reduction to 1 percent effective December 23, 1985, to maturity. However, the interest rates on the loans made in 1983 and 1984 may remain the same as the original note rate.
(2) Loans made in 1983 and 1984 do not automatically qualify for a lower rate than the level of interest rates when the notes were first issued. Section 407 of Pub. L. 99-425 provides for a weighted average requirement that would affect those loans made in 1983 and 1984 to intermediary borrowers.
(3) In those cases where loans were made in RDLF intermediaries and the weighted average of all loans made by the RDLF intermediary after December 31, 1982, does not exceed the sum of 6 percent plus the interest rate to the intermediary (7 percent), the interest rate to be charged the RDLF intermediary will be the rate charged on such loans made in 1980, or 1 percent. Should the weighted average exceed 7 percent, the note rate will control.
(i) In order for FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 to determine the weighted average of the loan portfolio, the RDLF intermediary will be required to complete a weighted loan average rate on its outstanding portfolio. The schedule prepared for FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354's review should include:
(A) Calculations of the interest amount scheduled to accrue on each loan outstanding over a 1-year period based on the current interest rate of each ultimate recipient's loan.
(B) The sum total of interest on each individual loan will be added together to determine the total interest amount scheduled to accrue over a 1-year period.
(C) Divide the total of paragraph (a)(2) of this section by the total principal outstanding to determine the average interest percent yield in the intermediary's loan portfolio.
(D) The loans to be included in determining the weighted interest average will be those made from January 1, 1983, forward.
(E) FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 will use the anniversary date of October 1 of each year to request the intermediary to complete a weighted interest average to determine the interest rate on its RDLF loan for the coming calendar year, January 1 through December 31. All loans made in 1980 and 1981 have had the interest rate permanently reduced by legislation to 1 percent, effective December 25, 1985.
(F) The weighted loan average interest rate on the outstanding loan portfolio as referenced in this section will be forwarded to FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 along with sufficient documentation which should include calculations, list of outstanding loans, current interest rate being charged on the loan, etc.
(b) Interest rates charged by intermediaries to the ultimate recipients shall be at rates negotiated by those parties. Intermediaries are encouraged to make loans to ultimate recipients at the lowest possible rate, taking into account the cost of the loan funds to the intermediary and the cost of administering the loan portfolio.