1951.854—Ineligible assistance purposes.

(a) Intermediaries. Intermediary loans may not be used by the intermediary for any of the following purposes:
(1) For payment of the intermediary's own administrative costs or expenses.
(2) For assistance in excess of what is needed to accomplish the purpose of the ultimate recipient project.
(3) For distribution or payment to the owner, partners, shareholders, or beneficiaries of the ultimate recipient or members of their families when such persons will retain any portion of their equity in the ultimate recipient.
(4) For charitable institutions, that would not have revenue from sales, fees, or stable revenue to support the operation and repay the loan, and fraternal organizations.
(5) For assistance to Federal government employees, active duty military personnel, employees of the intermediary, or any organization for which such persons are directors or officers or have 20 percent or more ownership.
(6) For relending in a non-rural area.
(7) For a loan to an ultimate recipient which has an application pending with, or a loan outstanding from, another intermediary involving an IRP revolving fund if the total IRP loans would exceed the limits established in § 4274.331(b).
(8) For any line of credit.
(9) For lending and investment institutions and insurance companies.
(10) For golf courses, race tracks, or gambling facilities.
(11) To finance more than 75 percent or more than $250,000 of an ultimate recipient's total project cost, as described in § 4274.331(b). The total amount of RDLF funds requested by the ultimate recipient plus the outstanding balance of any existing RDLF loan(s) will not exceed $150,000. This limit does not apply to revolved funds. Other loans, grants, or intermediary or ultimate recipient contributions or funds from other sources must be used to make up the difference between the total cost and the assistance provided with RDLF funds.
(12) For any investments in securities or certificates of deposit of over 30-day duration without the concurrence of Rural Development. If the IRP funds have been unused to make loans to ultimate recipients for 6 months or more, those funds will be returned to Rural Development unless Rural Development provides an exception to the intermediary. Any exception would be based on evidence satisfactory to Rural Development that every effort is being made by the intermediary to utilize the IRP funding in conformance with program objectives.
(b) Ultimate recipients. Ultimate recipients may not use assistance received from RDLF intermediaries involving RDLF funds:
(1) For agricultural production, which means the cultivation, production (growing), harvesting, either directly or through integrated operations, of agricultural products (crops, animals, birds and marine life, either for fiber or food for human consumption, and disposal or marketing thereof, the raising, housing, feeding, breeding, hatching, control and/or management of farm and domestic animals). Exceptions to this definition are:
(i) Aquaculture as identified under eligible purposes.
(ii) Commercial nurseries primarily engaged in the production of ornamental plants and trees and other nursery products such as bulbs, florists' greens, flowers, shrubbery, flower and vegetable seeds, sod, the growing of vegetables from seed to the transplant stage.
(iii) Forestry, which includes establishments primarily engaged in the operation of timber tracts, tree farms, forest nurseries, and related activities such as reforestation.
(iv) Financial assistance for livestock and poultry processing as identified under eligible purposes.
(v) The growing of mushrooms or hydroponics.
(2) For the transfer of ownership unless the loan will keep the business from closing, or prevent the loss of employment opportunities in the area, or provide expanded job opportunities.
(3) For community antenna television services or facilities.
(4) For any legitimate business activity when more than 10 percent of the annual gross revenue is derived from legalized gambling activity.
(5) For any illegal activity.
(6) For any otherwise eligible project that is in violation of either a Federal, State or local environmental protection law or regulation or an enforceable land use restriction unless the financial assistance required will result in curing or removing the violation.

Code of Federal Regulations

[53 FR 30656, Aug. 15, 1988, as amended at 73 FR 54306, Sept. 19, 2008]