(a) Approval official.
An official who has been delegated loan and/or grant approval authorities within applicable programs.
(b) Assumption of debt.
The agreement by one party to legally bind itself to pay the debt incurred by another.
(d) Eligible applicant.
An entity that would be legally qualified for financial assistance under the loan or grant program involved in the servicing action.
(e) Ineligible applicant.
An entity or individual that would not be considered eligible for financial assistance under the loan or grant program involved in the servicing action.
(f) Nonprogram (NP) loan.
An NP loan exists when credit is extended to an ineligible applicant and/or transferee in connection with loan assumptions or sale of inventory property; any recipient in cases of unauthorized assistance; or a recipient whose legal organization has changed as set forth in § 1951.220(e) of this subpart resulting in the borrower being ineligible for program benefits.
(g) Servicing office.
The State, District, or County Office responsible for immediate servicing functions for the borrower or grantee.
(h) Transfer fee.
A one-time nonrefundable application fee, charged to ineligible applicants for FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 services rendered in the processing of a transfer and assumption.