SUBPART N—Housing Preservation Grants (§1944.651 to §1944.700)
- 1944.651—General.
- 1944.652—Policy.
- 1944.653—Objective.
- 1944.654—Debarment and suspension—drug-free workplace.
- 1944.656—Definitions.
- 1944.657—Restrictions on lobbying.
- 1944.658—Applicant eligibility.
- 1944.659—Replacement housing.
- 1944.660—Authorized representative of the HPG applicant and FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 point of contact.
- 1944.661—Individual homeowners—eligibility for HPG assistance.
- 1944.662—Eligibility of HPG assistance on rental properties or co-ops.
- 1944.663—Ownership agreement between HPG grantee and rental property owner or co-op.
- 1944.664—Housing preservation and replacement housing assistance.
- 1944.665—Supervision and inspection of work.
- 1944.666—Administrative activities and policies.
- 1944.667—Relocation and displacement.
- 1944.668—Term of grant.
- 1944.670—Project income.
- 1944.671—Equal opportunity requirements and outreach efforts.
- 1944.672—Environmental requirements.
- 1944.673—Historic preservation and replacement housing requirements and procedures.
- 1944.674—Public participation and intergovernmental review.
- 1944.675—Allocation of HPG funds to States and unused HPG funds.
- 1944.676—Preapplication procedures.
- 1944.678—Preapplication submission deadline.
- 1944.679—Project selection criteria.
- 1944.680—Limitation on grantee selection.
- 1944.681—Application submission.
- 1944.682—Preapplication/application review, grant approval, and requesting HPG funds.
- 1944.683—Reporting requirements.
- 1944.684—Extending grant agreement and modifying the statement of activities.
- 1944.686—Additional grants.
- 1944.688—Grant evaluation, closeout, suspension, and termination.
- 1944.689—Long-term monitoring by grantee.
- 1944.690—Exception authority.
- 1944.700—OMB control number.