1942.116—Economic feasibility requirements.

All projects financed under this section must be based on taxes, assessments, revenues, fees, or other satisfactory sources of revenues in an amount sufficient to provide for facility operation and maintenance, a reasonable reserve, and debt payment. An overall review of the applicant's financial status, including a review of all assets and liabilities, will be a part of the docket review process by the FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 staff and approval official. All applicants will be expected to provide a financial feasibility report. These financial feasibility reports will normally be:
(a) Included as part of the preliminary engineer/architectural report using guide 6 to subpart A of this part 1942 (available in any FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 Office), or
(b) Prepared by the applicant using Form FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 1942-54, “Applicant's Feasibility Report.”