1770.15—Supplementary accounts required of all borrowers.

Accounts prescribed in the Stockholders' Equity and Patronage Capital section shall be maintained by stock companies and cooperatives as appropriate.
Class of company Account No. A B Account title
Current Assets
1130.1 1120.11 Cash—General Fund.
1130.2 1120.12 Cash—Construction Fund Trustee.
1130.3 1120.13 Cash—Transfer of Funds.
1120.21 Special Cash Deposits.
1150.1 1120.31 Petty Cash Fund
This account shall include funds in the custody of employees or agents for making minor disbursements. The fund shall be operated on an imprest basis. Expenditures shall be supported by receipts, and reimbursements to the fund shall be for the exact amount of such expenditures and shall be charged to the various accounts to which the expenditures are allocable. At all times, the total of the cash on hand and the unreimbursed expenditures shall equal the amount of the fund.
1150.2 1120.32 Change Fund.
1220.1 1220.1 Materials and Supplies.
1220.2 1220.2 Property Held for Sale or Lease.
1220.3 1220.3 Exempt Materials—Clearing.
1280.1 Prepaid Rents.
1280.2 Prepaid Taxes.
1280.3 Prepaid Insurance.
1280.4 Prepaid Directory Expenses.
1280.5 Other Prepayments.
1402.1 1402.1 Investments in Nonaffiliated Companies—Class B RTB Stock.
1402.11 1402.11 Investments in Nonaffiliated Companies—Class B RTB Stock—Cr.
1402.2 1402.2 Investments in Nonaffiliated Companies—Class C RTB Stock.
1402.3 1402.3 Other Investments in Nonaffiliated Companies.
Property, Plant, and Equipment
2001.1 2001.1 Telecommunications Plant in Service—Classified.
2001.2 2001.2 Telecommunications Plant in Service—Unclassified.
2003.1 2003.1 Telecommunications Plant Under Construction—Contract
2003.2 2003.2 Telecommunications Plant Under Construction—Force Account
2003.3 2003.3 Telecommunications Plant Under Construction—Work Orders
Telecommunications Plant in Service
2210.11 Central Office Switching—Analog.
2210.21 Central Office Switching—Digital.
2210.31 Central Office Switching—Electro-Mechanical—Step-by-Step.
2210.32 Central Office Switching—Electro-Mechanical—Crossbar.
Code of Federal Regulations 213
2210.33 Central Office Switching—Electro-Mechanical—Other.
2212.1 2212.1 Digital Electronic Switching—Circuit.
2212.2 2212.2 Digital Electronic Switching—Packet.
2230.11 Central Office Transmission—Radio Systems—Satellite and Earth Station Facilities.
2230.12 Central Office Transmission—Radio Systems—Other.
2230.21 Central Office Transmission—Circuit Equipment.
Depreciation and Amortization
3100x 3100x Retirement Work in Progress.
Current Liabilities
2232.1 2232.1 Circuit Equipment—Electronic.
2232.2 2232.2 Circuit Equipment—Optical.
4010.11 4010.11 Accounts Payable to Affiliated Companies.
4010.21 4010.21 Accounts Payable to Nonaffiliated Companies.
4010.22 4010.22 Accounts Payable—Employees' Income Tax Withheld.
4010.23 4010.23 Accounts Payable—FICA Taxes Withheld.
4010.24 4010.24 Accounts Payable—Federal Excise Taxes.
4010.25 4010.25 Accounts Payable—Payroll.
4070.1 4070.1 Income Taxes Accrued—Federal.
4070.2 4070.2 Income Taxes Accrued—State and Local
4080.1 4080.1 Other Taxes Accrued—Property.
4080.2 4080.2 Other Taxes Accrued—Employer's Portion—FICA.
4080.3 4080.3 Other Taxes Accrued—Federal Unemployment.
4080.4 4080.4 Other Taxes Accrued—State Unemployment.
4080.5 4080.5 Other Taxes Accrued—Miscellaneous.
4120.1 4120.1 Unmatured Interest Accrued—RUS Notes.
4120.2 4120.2 Unmatured Interest Accrued—Telephone Bank Notes.
4120.3 4120.3 Unmatured Interest Accrued—Federal Financing Bank Notes.
4120.4 4120.4 Unmatured Interest Accrued—Bank for Cooperatives Notes.
4120.5 4120.5 Unmatured Interest Accrued—Rural Telephone Finance Cooperative Notes.
4120.6 4120.6 Other Accrued Liabilities.
Long-Term Debt
4210.11 4210.11 Funded Debt—Other.
4210.12 4210.12 RUS Notes.
4210.13 4210.13 Telephone Bank Notes.
4210.14 4210.14 Federal Financing Bank Notes.
4210.15 4210.15 Bank for Cooperatives Notes.
4210.16 4210.16 Rural Telephone Finance Cooperative Notes.
4210.17 4210.17 RUS Notes—Deferred Interest.
4210.18 4210.18 RUS Notes—Advance Payments, Dr.
4210.19 4210.19 Funded Debt—Other—Unadvanced, Dr.
4210.20 4210.20 RUS Notes—Unadvanced, Dr.
4210.21 4210.21 Telephone Bank Notes—Unadvanced, Dr.
4210.22 4210.22 Federal Financing Bank Notes—Unadvanced, Dr.
4210.23 4210.23 Bank for Cooperatives Notes—Unadvanced, Dr.
4210.24 4210.24 Rural Telephone Finance Cooperative Notes—Unadvanced, Dr.
Stockholders' Equity and Patronage Capital
4540.11 4540.11 Capital Stock Subscribed.
4540.12 4540.12 Memberships Subscribed but Unissued.
4540.13 4540.13 Members' Equity Certificates Subscribed but Unissued.
4540.21 4540.21 Memberships Issued.
4540.22 4540.22 Members' Equity Certificates Issued.
4540.23 4540.23 Members' Equity—Other.
4540.31 4540.31 Installments Paid on Capital Stock.
4540.32 4540.32 Installments Paid on Memberships Subscribed.
4540.33 4540.33 Installments Paid on Equity Certificates Subscribed.
4540.41 4540.41 Other Capital—Miscellaneous.
4550.1 4550.1 Operating Margins.
4550.2 4550.2 Nonoperating Margins.
4550.3 4550.3 Other Margins.
4550.4 4550.4 Patronage Capital Assignable.
4550.5 4550.5 Patrons' Capital Credits Assigned.
4550.6 4550.6 Gain on the Retirement of Capital Credits.
Plant Specific Operations Expense
6210.11 Analog Electronic Expense.
6210.21 Digital Electronic Expense.
6210.31 Electro-Mechanical Expense.
6212.1 6212.1 Digital Electronic Switching Expense—Circuit.
6212.2 6212.2 Digital Electronic Switching Expense—Packet.
Code of Federal Regulations 214
6230.11 Radio Systems Expense.
6230.21 Circuit Equipment Expense.
6232.1 6232.1 Circuit Equipment Expense—Electronic.
6232.2 6232.2 Circuit Equipment Expense—Optical.
Plant Nonspecific Operations Expense
6560.1 Depreciation Expense.
6560.2 Amortization Expense.
6620.1 6620.1 Services—Wholesale.
6620.2 6620.2 Services—Retail.
Operating Taxes.
7200.1 Operating Investment Tax Credits—Net.
7200.2 Operating Federal Income Taxes.
7200.3 Operating State and Local Income Taxes.
7240.1 7200.41 Operating Taxes—Property.
7240.2 7200.42 Operating Taxes—Miscellaneous.
7200.5 Provision for Deferred Operating Income Taxes—Net.
Nonoperating Income and Expense
7300.1 Dividend Income.
7300.2 Interest Income.
7300.3 Income From Sinking and Other Funds.
7300.4 Allowance for Funds Used During Construction.
7300.5 Gains or Losses from the Disposition of Certain Property.
7300.6 Other Nonoperating Income and Expense.
Nonoperating Taxes
7400.1 Nonoperating Investment Tax Credits—Net.
7400.2 Nonoperating Federal Income Taxes.
7400.3 Nonoperating State and Local Income Taxes.
7400.4 Nonoperating Other Taxes.
7400.5 Provision for Deferred Nonoperating Income Taxes—Net.
Extraordinary Items
7600.1 Extraordinary Income Credits.
7600.2 Extraordinary Income Charges.
7600.3 Current Income Tax Effect of Extraordinary Items—Net.
7600.4 Provision for Deferred Income Tax Effect of Extraordinary Items—Net.
1130.1 1120.11 Cash—General Fund
This account shall include all unrestricted funds derived from revenues and other sources which are on deposit in banks or other financial institutions and available on demand. It shall also include funds in transit to the depository for which customers and agents have received credit on their accounts. Separate subaccounts should be maintained for each bank account in which general fund cash is deposited.
1130.2 1120.12 Cash—Construction Fund Trustee
This account shall include all loan funds received from RUS, the Rural Telephone Bank, the Federal Financing Bank, the Bank for Cooperatives, the Rural Telephone Finance Cooperative, and all non-loan funds supplied by the borrower under the terms of the loan contract or otherwise required by RUS. The offsetting credit for funds received from RUS shall be to Account 4210.20, RUS Notes—Unadvanced, Dr.; funds received from the Rural Telephone Bank, to Account 4210.21, Telephone Bank Notes—Unadvanced, Dr.; funds received from the Federal Financing Bank, to Account 4210.22, Federal Financing Bank Notes—Unadvanced, Dr.; funds received from the Bank for Cooperatives, to Account 4210.23, Bank for Cooperatives Notes—Unadvanced, Dr.; and funds received from the Rural Telephone Finance Cooperative, to Account 4210.24, Rural Telephone Finance Cooperative Notes—Unadvanced, Dr.
1130.3 1120.13 Cash—Transfer of Funds
This account shall include all transfers of funds from one bank account to another. This account shall be charged with the amount of a check drawn for the transfer, and credited when the amount transferred is entered into the Cash Receipts Book.
1120.21 Special Cash Deposits
This account shall include all cash on special deposit, other than in sinking and other special funds provided for elsewhere, to pay dividends, interest, and other debts, when such payments are due one year or less from the date of deposit; the amount of cash deposited to insure the performance of contracts to be performed within one year from the date of the deposit; and other cash deposits of a special nature not provided for elsewhere. This account shall include the amount of cash deposited with trustees to be held until mortgaged property sold, destroyed, or otherwise disposed of is replaced, and also cash realized from the sale of the company's securities and deposited with trustees to be held until invested in physical property of the company or for disbursement when the purposes for which the securities were sold are accomplished.
1150.1 1120.31 Petty Cash Fund
Code of Federal Regulations 215
This account shall include funds in the custody of employees or agents for making minor disbursements. The fund shall be operated on an inprest basis. Expenditures shall be supported by receipts, and reimbursements to the fund shall be for the exact amount of such expenditures and shall be charged to the various accounts to which the expenditures are allocable. At all times, the total of the cash on hand and the unreimbursed expenditures shall equal the amount of the fund.
1150.2 1120.32 Change Fund
This account shall include funds in the custody of employees or agents for making change. Records shall be kept of the amount held by each person. Disbursements shall not be made from the fund.
1220.1 1220.1 Materials and Supplies*
This account shall include the cost of materials and supplies held in stock including plant supplies, motor vehicles supplies, tools, fuel, other supplies and material and articles of the company in process of manufacture for supply stock.
Transportation charges and sales and use taxes, as far as practicable, shall be included as a part of the cost of the particular material to which they relate. Transportation and sales and use taxes which are not included as part of the cost of particular material shall be equitably apportioned among the accounts to which material is charged.
As far as practicable, cash and other discounts on material shall be deducted in determining cost of the particular material to which they relate or credited to the account to which the material is charged. When such deduction is not practicable, discounts shall be equitably apportioned among the accounts to which material is charged.
Material recovered in connection with construction, maintenance or retirement of property shall be charged to this account as follows:
—Reusable items that, when installed or in service, were retirement units shall be included in this account at the original cost.
—Reusable minor items that, when installed or in service, were not retirement units shall be included in this account at current prices new.
—The cost of repairing reusable material shall be charged to the appropriate Plant Specific Operations Expense accounts.
—Scrap and nonusable material included in this account shall be carried at the estimated amount which will be received therefor. The difference between the amounts realized for scrap and nonusable material sold, and the amounts at which it is carried in this account shall be adjusted in the accounts credited when the material was taken up in this account.
Interest paid on material bills, the payments of which are delayed, shall be charged to Account 7540, Other Interest Deductions.
Inventories of materials and supplies shall be taken during each calendar year and the adjustments to this account shall be charged or credited to Account 6512, Provisioning Expense.
1220.2 1220.2 Property Held for Sale or Lease*
This account shall include the cost of all items purchased for resale or lease. The cost shall include applicable transportation charges, sales and use taxes, and cash and other purchase discounts. Inventory shortages and overages shall be charged and credited, respectively to Account 7991, Other Nonregulated Revenues.
*These accounts shall not include items which are related to a nonregulated activity unless that activity involves joint or common use of assets and resources in the provision of regulated and nonregulated products and services.
1220.3 1220.3 Exempt Materials—Clearing
This account shall include the cost of materials and supplies designated as exempt material on the carrier's “Exempt Material List”. Charges to this account shall be cleared monthly to the primary plant and maintenance accounts in accordance with percentages developed by the individual carriers.
When there is a substantial amount of exempt material on hand at the end of the year, substantial enough to distort net income or margins, a physical inventory may be taken. The cost of the inventory on hand shall be debited to this account and credited to the appropriate primary plant and maintenance accounts on a pro-rata basis related to the original charges to these accounts. This entry shall be reversed at the first of the year.
1280.1 Prepaid Rents
This account shall include the amount of rents paid in advance of the period in which it is chargeable to income, except amounts chargeable to telecommunications plant under construction and minor amounts which may be charged directly to the final accounts. As the term expires for which the rents are paid, this account shall be credited monthly and the appropriate account charged.
1280.2 Prepaid Taxes
This account shall include the balance of all taxes paid in advance of the period in which they are chargeable to income, except amounts chargeable to telecommunications plant under construction and minor amounts which may be charged directly to the final accounts. As the term expires for which the taxes are paid, this account shall be credited monthly and the appropriate account charged.
1280.3 Prepaid Insurance
This account shall include the amount of insurance premiums paid in advance of the period in which they are chargeable to income, except premiums chargeable to telecommunications plant under construction and minor amounts which may be charged directly to the final accounts. As the term expires for which the premiums are paid, this account shall be credited monthly and the appropriate account charged.
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1280.4 Prepaid Directory Expenses
This account shall include the cost of preparing, printing, binding, and delivering directories and the cost of soliciting advertisements for directories, except minor amounts which may be charged directly to Account 6620, Services. Amounts in this account, shall be cleared to Account 6620 by monthly charges representing that portion of the expenses applicable to each month.
1280.5 Other Prepayments
This amount shall include prepayments, other than those includable in Accounts 1280.1 through 1280.4 except minor amounts which may be charged directly to the final accounts. As the term expires for which the payments apply, this account shall be credited monthly and the appropriate account charged.
1402.1 1402.1 Investments in Nonaffiliated Companies—Class B RTB Stock
This account shall include the par value of the required purchase of Class B Rural Telephone Bank stock and the par value of the Class B Rural Telephone Bank stock received as a patronage refund. This account shall be debited at the time the refund is received and Account 1402.11, Investments in Nonaffiliated Companies—Class B RTB Stock—Cr., credited.
This account shall be credited and Account 1402.11 debited when the patronage refund is redeemed.
1402.11 1402.11 Investments in Nonaffiliated Companies—Class B RTB Stock—Cr.
This account shall include the par value of Class B Rural Telephone Bank stock received as a patronage refund. This account shall be credited at the time the refund is received and Account 1402.1, Investments in Nonaffiliated Companies—Class B RTB Stock, debited.
This account shall be debited and Account 1402.1 credited when the patronage refund is redeemed.
1402.2 1402.2 Investments in Nonaffiliated Companies—Class C RTB Stock
This account shall include the par value of the company's investment in Class C Rural Telephone Bank stock. Cash dividends on Class C stock shall be recorded in Account 7310/7300.1, Dividend Income, when declared.
1402.3 1402.3 Other Investments in Nonaffiliated Companies
This account shall include the acquisition cost of the company's investment in securities issued by non-affiliated companies, other than securities held in special funds which shall be charged to Account 1408, Sinking Funds, and also its investment advances to such parties and special deposits of cash for more than one year from the date of deposit.
Declines in value of investments shall be charged to Account 4540.41, Other Capital, if temporary and as a current period loss if permanent. Detailed records shall be maintained to reflect unrealized losses for each investment.
2001.1 2001.1 Telecommunications Plant in Service—Classified
This account shall include the original cost of the property capitalized in Accounts 2110 through 2690.
2001.2 2001.2 Telecommunications Plant in Service—Unclassified
This account shall include the original cost of telecommunications property which has been completed and placed in service but which has not been classified pending completion of final inventories of construction, final cost summaries, etc. The balance in this account is subject to depreciation charges.
2003.1 2003.1 Telecommunications Plant Under Construction—Short Term—Contract
This account shall include all costs incurred in the construction of telecommunications plant performed under contract and the cost of software development projects that are not yet ready for their intended use. Included among these costs are contractor payments and charges for engineering, supervision, taxes, insurance, transportation, and other costs incurred in contract construction. This account shall be maintained such that the various items of cost are readily identifiable.
2003.2 2003.2 Telecommunications Plant Under Construction—Short Term—Force Account
This account shall include all costs incurred in the construction of telecommunications plant performed by the borrowers' own employees and the cost of software development projects performed by the borrowers' own employees that are not yet ready for their intended use. Included among these costs are charges for material, labor, engineering, supervision, taxes, insurance, transportation, supply expense, and other costs incurred in the construction. This account shall be maintained such that the various items of cost are readily identified. Specific subaccounts should be maintained to distinguish individual projects.
2003.3 2003.3 Telecommunications Plant Under Construction—Short Term—Work Orders
This account shall include all costs incurred in the construction of telecommunication plant performed under a work order system or line extension contract. This type of construction generally includes service installations, subscriber extensions, and minor plant improvements after the completion of the initial system. Included among these costs are charges for labor, material and supplies, transportation, payroll taxes, insurance, supervision, and other costs incurred in the construction. Subsidiary records shall be maintained to reflect the cost of the individual jobs. These records shall be reconciled periodically with the general ledger control account. Specific subaccounts should be maintained to accumulate costs incurred under line extension contracts.
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2210.11 Central Office Switching—Analog*
This account shall include the original cost of stored program control analog circuit-switching and associated equipment. This account shall also include the original cost of remote analog electronic circuit switches.
2210.21 Central Office Switching—Digital*
This account shall include the original cost of stored program control digital switches and their associated equipment. Included in this account is the original cost of digital switches which utilize either dedicated or non-dedicated circuits. This account shall also include the original cost of remote digital electronic switches.
2210.31 Central Office Switching—Electro-Mechanical—Step-by-Step*
This account shall include the original cost of step-by-step and associated circuit-switching equipment.
2210.32 Central Office Switching—Electro-Mechanical—Crossbar*
This account shall include the original cost of crossbar and associated circuit switching equipment. Also included in this account is the original cost of electronic translator system equipment used in switching.
2210.33 Central Office Switching—Electro-Mechanical—Other*
This account shall include the original cost of all other types of non-electronic circuit-switching equipment such as panel systems and their associated circuit-switching equipment.
*Switching plant excludes switchboards which perform operator assistance functions and equipment which is an integral part thereof. It does not exclude equipment used solely for the recording of calling telephone numbers in connection with customer dialed charged traffic, dial tandem switches, and special switchboards used in conjunction with private line service; such equipment shall be classified to the particular switch that it serves.
2230.11 Central Office Transmission—Radio Systems—Satellite and Earth Station Facilities
This account shall include the original cost of an ownership interest in satellites (including land-side spares), other spare parts, materials, and supplies. It shall include launch insurance and other satellite launch costs. This account shall also include the original cost of earth stations and spare parts, materials, and supplies therefor.
2230.12 Central Office Transmission—Radio Systems—Other
This account shall include the original cost of radio equipment used to provide radio communication channels. Radio equipment is that equipment which is used for the generation, amplification, propagation, reception, modulation, and demodulation of radio waves in free space over which communications channels can be provided. This account shall also include the associated carrier and auxiliary equipment and patch bay equipment which is an integral part of the radio equipment. Such equipment may be located in central office buildings, terminal rooms, or repeater stations or may be mounted on towers, masts, or other supports.
2230.21 Central Office Transmission—Circuit Equipment
This account shall include the original cost of equipment which is used to reduce the number of physical pairs otherwise required to serve a given number of subscribers by utilizing carrier systems, concentration stages or combinations of both. It shall include equipment that provides for simultaneous use of a number of interoffice channels on a single transmission path. This account shall also include the original cost of equipment which is used for the amplification, modulation, regeneration, circuit patching, balancing or control of signals transmitted over interoffice communications transmission channels. This account shall include the original cost of equipment which utilizes the message path to carry signaling information or which utilizes separate channels between switching offices to transmit signaling information independent of the subscribers' communication paths or transmission channels. This account shall also include the original cost of associated material used in the construction of such plant. Circuit equipment may be located in central offices, in manholes, on poles, in cabinets or huts or at other locations.