1767.27—Operation and maintenance expenses.

The operation and maintenance expense accounts identified in this section shall be used by all RUS borrowers.
Operation and Maintenance Expense Accounts
Power Production Expenses
Steam Power Generation
500Operation Supervision and Engineering
502Steam Expenses
503Steam from Other Sources
504Steam Transferred—Credit
505Electric Expenses
506Miscellaneous Steam Power Expenses
510Maintenance Supervision and Engineering
511Maintenance of Structures
512Maintenance of Boiler Plant
513Maintenance of Electric Plant
514Maintenance of Miscellaneous Steam Plant
Nuclear Power Generation
517Operation Supervision and Engineering
518Nuclear Fuel Expense
519Coolants and Water
520Steam Expenses
521Steam from Other Sources
522Steam Transferred—Credit
523Electric Expenses
524Miscellaneous Nuclear Power Expenses
528Maintenance Supervision and Engineering
529Maintenance of Structures
530Maintenance of Reactor Plant Equipment
531Maintenance of Electric Plant
532Maintenance of Miscellaneous Nuclear Plant
Hydraulic Power Generation
535Operation Supervision and Engineering
536Water for Power
537Hydraulic Expenses
538Electric Expenses
539Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses
541Maintenance Supervision and Engineering
542Maintenance of Structures
543Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways
544Maintenance of Electric Plant
545Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant
Other Power Generation
546Operation Supervision and Engineering
548Generation Expenses
549Miscellaneous Other Power Generation Expenses
551Maintenance Supervision and Engineering
552Maintenance of Structures
553Maintenance of Generating and Electric Equipment
554Maintenance of Miscellaneous Other Power Generation Plant
Other Power Supply Expenses
555Purchased Power
556System Control and Load Dispatching
557Other Expenses
Transmission Expenses
560Operation Supervision and Engineering
561.1Load Dispatch-Reliability
561.2Load Dispatch-Monitor and Operate Transmission System
561.3Load Dispatch-Transmission Service and Scheduling
561.4Scheduling, System Control and Dispatching Services
561.5Reliability, Planning and Standards Development
561.6Transmission Service Studies
561.7Generation Interconnection Studies
561.8Reliability Planning and Standards Development Services
561Load Dispatching
562Station Expenses
563Overhead Line Expenses
564Underground Line Expenses
565Transmission of Electricity by Others
566Miscellaneous Transmission Expenses
568Maintenance Supervision and Engineering
569Maintenance of Structures
569.1Maintenance of Computer Hardware
569.2Maintenance of Computer Software
569.3Maintenance of Communication Equipment
569.4Maintenance of Miscellaneous Regional Transmission Plant
570Maintenance of Station Equipment
571Maintenance of Overhead Lines
572Maintenance of Underground Lines
573Maintenance of Miscellaneous Transmission Plant
Regional Market Expenses
575.1Operation Supervision
575.2Day-Ahead and Real-Time Market Administration
575.3Transmission Rights Market Administration
575.4Capacity Market Administration
575.5Ancillary Services Market Administration
575.6Market Monitoring and Compliance
575.7Market Administration, Monitoring and Compliance Services
576.1Maintenance of Structures and Improvements
576.2Maintenance of Computer Hardware
576.3Maintenance of Computer Software
576.4Maintenance of Communication Equipment
576.5Maintenance of Miscellaneous Market Operation Plant
Distribution Expenses
580Operation Supervision and Engineering
581Load Dispatching
582Station Expenses
583Overhead Line Expenses
584Underground Line Expenses
585Street Lighting and Signal System Expenses
586Meter Expenses
587Customer Installations Expenses
588Miscellaneous Distribution Expenses
590Maintenance Supervision and Engineering
591Maintenance of Structures
592Maintenance of Station Equipment
593Maintenance of Overhead Lines
594Maintenance of Underground Lines
595Maintenance of Line Transformers
596Maintenance of Street Lighting and Signal Systems
597Maintenance of Meters
598Maintenance of Miscellaneous Distribution Plant
Operation and Maintenance Expense Accounts
Power Production Expenses
Steam Power Generation
500Operation Supervision and Engineering
This account shall include the cost of labor, employee pensions and benefits, social security and other payroll taxes, injuries and damages, and expenses incurred in the general supervision and direction of the operation of steam power generating stations. Direct supervision of specific activities, such as fuel handling, boiler-room operations, and generator operations shall be charged to the appropriate account. (See § 1767.17(a).)
A. This account shall include the cost of fuel used in the production of steam for the generation of electricity, including expenses in unloading fuel from the shipping media and handling thereof up to the point where the fuel enters the first boiler plant bunker, hopper, bucket, tank, or holder of the boiler-house structure. Records shall be maintained to show the quantity, B.t.u. content and cost of each type of fuel used.
B. The cost of fuel shall be charged initially to Account 151, Fuel Stock, and cleared to this account on the basis of the fuel used. Fuel handling expenses may be charged to this account as incurred or charged initially to Account 152, Fuel Stock Expenses Undistributed. In the latter event, they shall be cleared to this account on the basis of the fuel used. Respective amounts of fuel stock and fuel stock expenses shall be readily available.
1. Supervising, purchasing, and handling of fuel.
2. All routine fuel analyses.
3. Unloading from shipping facility and placing in storage.
4. Moving of fuel in storage and transferring fuel from one station to another.
5. Handling from storage or shipping facility to first bunker, hopper, bucket, tank, or holder of boiler-house structure.
6. Operation of mechanical equipment, such as locomotives, trucks, cars, boats, barges, and cranes.
1. Federal and state unemployment.
2. F.I.C.A.
3. Property.
Employee Pensions and Benefits: The portion of employee pensions and benefits specifically identifiable with employees' labor costs charged herein or, in the absence of specific employee identification, the portion of employee pensions and benefits, allocated on the more equitable basis of either direct labor dollars or direct labor hours, applicable to the labor items detailed above, including:
1. Accruals for or payments to pension funds or to insurance companies for pension purposes.
2. Group and life insurance premiums (credit dividends received).
3. Payments for medical and hospital services and expenses of employees when not the result of occupational injuries.
4. Payments for accident, sickness, hospital, and death benefits or insurance.
5. Payments to employees incapacitated for service or on leave of absence beyond periods normally allowed when not the result of occupational injuries or in excess of statutory awards.
6. Expenses in connection with educational and recreational activities for the benefit of employees.
1. Premiums payable to insurance companies for fire, storm, burglary, boiler explosion, lightning, fidelity, riot, and similar insurance.
2. Amounts credited to Account 228.1, Accumulated Provision for Property Insurance, for similar protection.
3. Special costs incurred in procuring insurance.
4. Insurance inspection service.
5. Insurance counsel, brokerage fees, and expenses.
6. Premiums payable to insurance companies for protection against claims from injuries and damages by employees or others, such as public liability, property damages, casualty, employee liability, etc., and amounts credited to Account 228.2, Accumulated Provision for Injuries and Damage, for similar protection.
7. Losses not covered by insurance or reserve accruals on account of injuries or deaths to employees or others and damages to the property of others.
8. Fees and expenses of claim investigators.
9. Payment of awards to claimants for court costs and attorneys' services.
10. Medical and hospital service and expenses for employees as the result of occupational injuries or resulting from claims of others.
11. Compensation payments under workmen's compensation laws.
12. Compensation paid while incapacitated as the result of occupational injuries. (See Account 924, Note A.)
13. Cost of safety, accident prevention, and similar educational activities.
Materials and Expenses:
1. Operating, maintenance, and depreciation expenses and ad valorem taxes on utility-owned transportation equipment used to transport fuel from the point of acquisition to the unloading point.
2. Lease or rental costs of transportation equipment used to transport fuel from the point of acquisition to the unloading point.
3. Cost of fuel including freight, switching, demurrage, and other transportation charges.
4. Excise taxes, insurance, purchasing commissions, and similar items.
5. Stores expenses to extent applicable to fuel.
6. Transportation and other expenses in moving fuel in storage.
7. Tools, lubricants, and other supplies.
8. Operating supplies for mechanical equipment.
9. Residual disposal expenses less any proceeds from sale of residuals.
502Steam Expenses
This account shall include the cost of labor, employee pensions and benefits, social security and other payroll taxes, injuries and damages, property insurance, property taxes, materials used, and expenses incurred in production of steam for electric generation. This includes all expenses of handling and preparing fuel beginning at the point where the fuel enters the first boiler plant bunker, hopper, tank, or holder of the boiler-house structure.
1. Supervising steam production.
2. Operating fuel conveying, storage, weighing, and processing equipment within boiler plant.
3. Operating boiler and boiler auxiliary equipment.
4. Operating boiler feed water purification and treatment equipment.
5. Operating ash-collecting and disposal equipment located inside the plant.
6. Operating boiler plant electrical equipment.
7. Keeping boiler plant log and records and preparing reports on boiler plant operations.
8. Testing boiler water.
9. Testing, checking, and adjusting meters, gauges, and other instruments and equipment in boiler plant.
10. Cleaning boiler plant equipment when not incidental to maintenance work.
11. Repacking glands and replacing gauge glasses where the work involved is of a minor nature and is performed by regular operating crews. Where the work is of a major character, such as that performed on high-pressure boilers, the item should be considered as maintenance.
1. Federal and state unemployment.
2. F.I.C.A.
3. Property.
Employee Pensions and Benefits: The portion of employee pensions and benefits specifically identifiable with employees' labor costs charged herein or, in the absence of specific employee identification, the portion of employee pensions and benefits, allocated on the more equitable basis of either direct labor dollars or direct labor hours, applicable to the labor items detailed above, including:
1. Accruals for or payments to pension funds or to insurance companies for pension purposes.
2. Group and life insurance premiums (credit dividends received).
3. Payments for medical and hospital services and expenses of employees when not the result of occupational injuries.
4. Payments for accident, sickness, hospital, and death benefits or insurance.
5. Payments to employees incapacitated for service or on leave of absence beyond periods normally allowed when not the result of occupational injuries or in excess of statutory awards.
6. Expenses in connection with educational and recreational activities for the benefit of employees.
1. Premiums payable to insurance companies for fire, storm, burglary, boiler explosion, lightning, fidelity, riot, and similar insurance.
2. Amounts credited to Account 228.1, Accumulated Provision for Property Insurance, for similar protection.
3. Special costs incurred in procuring insurance.
4. Insurance inspection service.
5. Insurance counsel, brokerage fees, and expenses.
6. Premiums payable to insurance companies for protection against claims from injuries and damages by employees or others, such as public liability, property damages, casualty, employee liability, etc., and amounts credited to Account 228.2, Accumulated Provision for Injuries and Damage, for similar protection.
7. Losses not covered by insurance or reserve accruals on account of injuries or deaths to employees or others and damages to the property of others.
8. Fees and expenses of claim investigators.
9. Payment of awards to claimants for court costs and attorneys' services.
10. Medical and hospital service and expenses for employees as the result of occupational injuries or resulting from claims of others.
11. Compensation payments under workmen's compensation laws.
12. Compensation paid while incapacitated as the result of occupational injuries. (See Account 924, Note A.)
13. Cost of safety, accident prevention, and similar educational activities.
Materials and Expenses:
1. Chemicals and boiler inspection fees.
2. Lubricants.
3. Boiler feed water purchased and pumping supplies.
503Steam from Other Sources
This account shall include the cost of steam purchased or transferred from another department of the utility or from others under a joint facility operating arrangement for use in prime movers devoted to the production of electricity.
504Steam Transferred—Credit
A. This account shall include credits for expenses of producing steam which are charged to others or to other utility departments under a joint operating arrangement. Include also credits for steam expenses chargeable to other electric accounts outside of the steam generation group. Full details of the basis of determination of the cost of steam transferred shall be maintained.
B. If the charges to others or to other departments of the utility include an amount for depreciation, taxes, and return on the joint steam facilities, such portion of the charge shall be credited, in the case of others, to Account 454, Rent from Electric Property, and in the case of other departments of the utility, to Account 455, Interdepartmental Rents.
505Electric Expenses
This account shall include the cost of labor, employee pensions and benefits, social security and other payroll taxes, injuries and damages, property insurance, property taxes, and materials used, and expenses incurred in operating prime movers, generators, and their auxiliary apparatus, switch gear, and other electric equipment to the points where electricity leaves for conversion for transmission or distribution.
1. Supervising electric production.
2. Operating turbines, engines, generators, and exciters.
3. Operating condensers, circulating water systems, and other auxiliary apparatus.
4. Operating generator cooling system.
5. Operating lubrication and oil control system, including oil purification.
6. Operating switchboards, switch gear and electric control, and protective equipment.
7. Keeping electric plant log and records and preparing reports on electric plant operations.
8. Testing, checking, and adjusting meters, gauges, and other instruments, relays, controls, and other equipment in the electric plant.
9. Cleaning electric plant equipment when not incidental to maintenance work.
10. Repacking glands and replacing gauge glasses.
1. Federal and state unemployment.
2. F.I.C.A.
3. Taxes.
Employee Pensions and Benefits: The portion of employee pensions and benefits specifically identifiable with employees' labor costs charged herein or, in the absence of specific employee identification, the portion of employee pensions and benefits, allocated on the more equitable basis of either direct labor dollars or direct labor hours, applicable to the labor items detailed above, including:
1. Accruals for or payments to pension funds or to insurance companies for pension purposes.
2. Group and life insurance premiums (credit dividends received).
3. Payments for medical and hospital services and expenses of employees when not the result of occupational injuries.
4. Payments for accident, sickness, hospital, and death benefits or insurance.
5. Payments to employees incapacitated for service or on leave of absence beyond periods normally allowed when not the result of occupational injuries or in excess of statutory awards.
6. Expenses in connection with educational and recreational activities for the benefit of employees.
1. Premiums payable to insurance companies for fire, storm, burglary, boiler explosion, lightning, fidelity, riot, and similar insurance.
2. Amounts credited to Account 228.1, Accumulated Provision for Property Insurance, for similar protection.
3. Special costs incurred in procuring insurance.
4. Insurance inspection service.
5. Insurance counsel, brokerage fees, and expenses.
6. Premiums payable to insurance companies for protection against claims from injuries and damages by employees or others, such as public liability, property damages, casualty, employee liability, etc., and amounts credited to Account 228.2, Accumulated Provision for Injuries and Damage, for similar protection.
7. Losses not covered by insurance or reserve accruals on account of injuries or deaths to employees or others and damages to the property of others.
8. Fees and expenses of claim investigators.
9. Payment of awards to claimants for court costs and attorneys' services.
10. Medical and hospital service and expenses for employees as the result of occupational injuries or resulting from claims of others.
11. Compensation payments under workmen's compensation laws.
12. Compensation paid while incapacitated as the result of occupational injuries. (See Account 924, Note A.)
13. Cost of safety, accident prevention, and similar educational activities.
Materials and Expenses:
1. Lubricants and control system oils.
2. Generator cooling gases.
3. Circulating water purification supplies.
4. Cooling water purchased.
5. Motor and generator brushes.
506Miscellaneous Steam Power Expenses
This account shall include the cost of labor, employee pensions and benefits, social security and other payroll taxes, injuries and damages, and materials used and expenses incurred which are not specifically provided for or not readily assignable to other steam generation operation expense accounts.
1. General clerical and stenographic work.
2. Guarding and patrolling plant and yard.
3. Building service.
4. Care of grounds including snow removal, and grass cutting.
5. Miscellaneous labor.
1. Federal and state unemployment.
2. F.I.C.A.
Employee Pensions and Benefits: The portion of employee pensions and benefits specifically identifiable with employees' labor costs charged herein or, in the absence of specific employee identification, the portion of employee pensions and benefits, allocated on the more equitable basis of either direct labor dollars or direct labor hours, applicable to the labor items detailed above, including:
1. Accruals for or payments to pension funds or to insurance companies for pension purposes.
2. Group and life insurance premiums (credit dividends received).
3. Payments for medical and hospital services and expenses of employees when not the result of occupational injuries.
4. Payments for accident, sickness, hospital, and death benefits or insurance.
5. Payments to employees incapacitated for service or on leave of absence beyond periods normally allowed when not the result of occupational injuries or in excess of statutory awards.
6. Expenses in connection with educational and recreational activities for the benefit of employees.
1. Premiums payable to insurance companies for protection against claims from injuries and damages by employees or others, such as public liability, property damages, casualty, employee liability, etc., and amounts credited to Account 228.2, Accumulated Provision for Injuries and Damage, for similar protection.
2. Losses not covered by insurance or reserve accruals on account of injuries or deaths to employees or others and damages to the property of others.
3. Fees and expenses of claim investigators.
4. Payment of awards to claimants for court costs and attorneys' services.
5. Medical and hospital service and expenses for employees as the result of occupational injuries or resulting from claims of others.
6. Compensation payments under workmen's compensation laws.
7. Compensation paid while incapacitated as the result of occupational injuries. (See Account 924, Note A.)
8. Cost of safety, accident prevention, and similar educational activities.
Materials and Expenses:
1. General operating supplies, such as tools, gaskets, packing waste, gauge glasses, hose, indicating lamps, record and report forms.
2. First-aid supplies and safety equipment.
3. Employees' service facilities expenses.
4. Building service supplies.
5. Communication service.
6. Miscellaneous office supplies and expenses, printing, and stationery.
7. Transportation expenses.
8. Meals, traveling, and incidental expenses.
9. Research, development, and demonstration expenses.
This account shall include all rents of property of others used, occupied or operated in connection with steam power generation. (See § 1767.17 (c).)
This account shall include the cost of allowances expensed concurrent with the monthly emission of sulfur dioxide. (See § 1767.15 (u).)
510Maintenance Supervision and Engineering
This account shall include the cost of labor, employee pensions and benefits, social security and other payroll taxes, injuries and damages, and expenses incurred in the general supervision and direction of maintenance of steam generation facilities. Direct field supervision of specific jobs shall be charged to the appropriate maintenance account. (See § 1767.17(a).)
511Maintenance of Structures
This account shall include the cost of labor, employee pensions and benefits, social security and other payroll taxes, injuries and damages, and materials used and expenses incurred in the maintenance of steam structures, the book cost of which is includible in Account 311, Structures and Improvements. (See § 1767.17(b).)
512Maintenance of Boiler Plant
A. This account shall include the cost of labor, employee pensions and benefits, social security and other payroll taxes, injuries and damages, and materials used and expenses incurred in the maintenance of steam plant, the book cost of which is includible in Account 312, Boiler Plant Equipment. (See § 1767.17(b).)
B. For the purpose of making charges hereto and to Account 513, Maintenance of Electric Plant, the point at which steam plant is distinguished from electric plant is defined as follows:
1. Inlet flange of throttle valve on prime mover.
2. Flange of all steam extraction lines on prime mover.
3. Hotwell pump outlet on condensate lines.
4. Inlet flange of all turbine-room auxiliaries.
5. Connection to line side of motor starter for all boiler-plant equipment.
513Maintenance of Electric Plant
This account shall include the cost of labor, employee pensions and benefits, social security and other payroll taxes, injuries and damages, and materials used and expenses incurred in the maintenance of electric plant, the book cost of which is includible in Account 313, Engines and Engine-Driven Generators; Account 314, Turbogenerator Units; and Account 315, Accessory Electric Equipment. (See § 1767.17(b) and Paragraph B of Account 512.)
514Maintenance of Miscellaneous Steam Plant
This account shall include the cost of labor, employee pensions and benefits, social security and other payroll taxes, injuries and damages, and materials used and expenses incurred in maintenance of miscellaneous steam generation plant, the book cost of which is includible in Account 316, Miscellaneous Power Plant Equipment. (See § 1767.17(b).)
Nuclear Power Generation
517Operation Supervision and Engineering
This account shall include the cost of labor, employee pensions and benefits, social security and other payroll taxes, injuries and damages, and expenses incurred in the general supervision and direction of the operation of nuclear power generating stations. Direct supervision of specific activities, such as fuel handling, reactor operations, and generator operations shall be charged to the appropriate account. (See § 1767.17(a).)
518Nuclear Fuel Expense
A. This account shall be debited and Account 120.5, Accumulated Provision for Amortization of Nuclear Fuel Assemblies, credited for the amortization of the net cost of nuclear fuel assemblies used in the production of energy. The net cost of nuclear fuel assemblies subject to amortization shall be the cost of nuclear fuel assemblies plus or less the expected net salvage of uranium, plutonium, and other byproducts and unburned fuel. The utility shall adopt the necessary procedures to assure that charges to this account are distributed according to the thermal energy produced in such periods.
B. This account shall also include the costs involved when fuel is leased.
C. This account shall also include the cost of other fuels, used for ancillary steam facilities, including superheat.
D. This account shall be debited or credited as appropriate for significant changes in the amounts estimated as the net salvage value of uranium, plutonium, and other byproducts contained in Account 157, Nuclear Materials Held for Sale, and the amount realized upon the final disposition of the materials. Significant declines in the estimated realizable value of items carried in Account 157 may be recognized at the time of market price declines by charging this account and crediting Account 157. When the declining change occurs while the fuel is recorded in Account 120.3, Nuclear Fuel Assemblies in Reactor, the effect shall be amortized over the remaining life of the fuel.
519Coolants and Water
This account shall include the cost of labor, employee pensions and benefits, social security and other payroll taxes, injuries and damages, property insurance, property taxes, and materials used and expenses incurred for heat transfer materials and water used for steam and cooling purposes.
1. Operation of water supply facilities.
2. Handling of coolants and heat transfer materials.
1. Federal and state unemployment.
2. F.I.C.A.
3. Taxes.
Employee Pensions and Benefits: The portion of employee pensions and benefits specifically identifiable with employees' labor costs charged herein or, in the absence of specific employee identification, the portion of employee pensions and benefits, allocated on the more equitable basis of either direct labor dollars or direct labor hours, applicable to the labor items detailed above, including:
1. Accruals for or payments to pension funds or to insurance companies for pension purposes.
2. Group and life insurance premiums (credit dividends received).
3. Payments for medical and hospital services and expenses of employees when not the result of occupational injuries.
4. Payments for accident, sickness, hospital, and death benefits or insurance.
5. Payments to employees incapacitated for service or on leave of absence beyond periods normally allowed when not the result of occupational injuries or in excess of statutory awards.
6. Expenses in connection with educational and recreational activities for the benefit of employees.
1. Premiums payable to insurance companies for fire, storm, burglary, boiler explosion, lightning, fidelity, riot, and similar insurance.
2. Amounts credited to Account 228.1, Accumulated Provision for Property Insurance, for similar protection.
3. Special costs incurred in procuring insurance.
4. Insurance inspection service.
5. Insurance counsel, brokerage fees, and expenses.
6. Premiums payable to insurance companies for protection against claims from injuries and damages by employees or others, such as public liability, property damages, casualty, employee liability, etc., and amounts credited to Account 228.2, Accumulated Provision for Injuries and Damage, for similar protection.
7. Losses not covered by insurance or reserve accruals on account of injuries or deaths to employees or others and damages to the property of others.
8. Fees and expenses of claim investigators.
9. Payment of awards to claimants for court costs and attorneys' services.
10. Medical and hospital service and expenses for employees as the result of occupational injuries or resulting from claims of others.
11. Compensation payments under workmen's compensation laws.
12. Compensation paid while incapacitated as the result of occupational injuries. (See Account 924, Note A.)
13. Cost of safety, accident prevention, and similar educational activities.
Materials and Expenses:
1. Chemicals.
2. Additions to or refining of fluids used in reactor systems.
3. Lubricants.
4. Pumping supplies and expenses.
5. Miscellaneous supplies and expenses.
6. Purchased water.
520Steam Expenses
This account shall include the cost of labor, employee pensions and benefits, social security and other payroll taxes, injuries and damages, property insurance, property taxes, and materials used and expenses incurred in production of steam through nuclear processes, and similar expenses for operation of any auxiliary superheat facilities.
1. Supervising steam production.
2. Fuel handling including removal, insertion, disassembly, and preparation for cooling operations and shipment.
3. Testing instruments and gauges.
4. Health, safety, monitoring, and decontamination activities.
5. Waste disposal.
6. Operating steam boilers and auxiliary steam, superheat facilities.
1. Federal and state unemployment.
2. F.I.C.A.
3. Property.
Employee Pensions and Benefits: The portion of employee pensions and benefits specifically identifiable with employees' labor costs charged herein or, in the absence of specific employee identification, the portion of employee pensions and benefits, allocated on the more equitable basis of either direct labor dollars or direct labor hours, applicable to the labor items detailed above, including:
1. Accruals for or payments to pension funds or to insurance companies for pension purposes.
2. Group and life insurance premiums (credit dividends received).
3. Payments for medical and hospital services and expenses of employees when not the result of occupational injuries.
4. Payments for accident, sickness, hospital, and death benefits or insurance.
5. Payments to employees incapacitated for service or on leave of absence beyond periods normally allowed when not the result of occupational injuries or in excess of statutory awards.
6. Expenses in connection with educational and recreational activities for the benefit of employees.
1. Premiums payable to insurance companies for fire, storm, burglary, boiler explosion, lightning, fidelity, riot, and similar insurance.
2. Amounts credited to Account 228.1, Accumulated Provision for Property Insurance, for similar protection.
3. Special costs incurred in procuring insurance.
4. Insurance inspection service.
5. Insurance counsel, brokerage fees, and expenses.
6. Premiums payable to insurance companies for protection against claims from injuries and damages by employees or others, such as public liability, property damages, casualty, employee liability, etc., and amounts credited to Account 228.2, Accumulated Provision for Injuries and Damage, for similar protection.
7. Losses not covered by insurance or reserve accruals on account of injuries or deaths to employees or others and damages to the property of others.
8. Fees and expenses of claim investigators.
9. Payment of awards to claimants for court costs and attorneys' services.
10. Medical and hospital service and expenses for employees as the result of occupational injuries or resulting from claims of others.
11. Compensation payments under workmen's compensation laws.
12. Compensation paid while incapacitated as the result of occupational injuries. (See Account 924, Note A.)
13. Cost of safety, accident prevention, and similar educational activities.
Materials and Expenses:
1. Chemical supplies.
2. Charts and logs.
3. Health, safety, monitoring, and decontamination supplies.
4. Boiler inspection fees.
5. Lubricants.
521Steam from Other Sources
This account shall include the cost of steam purchased or transferred from another department of the utility or from others under a joint facility operating arrangement for use in prime movers devoted to the production of electricity.
522Steam Transferred—Credit
A. This account shall include credits for expenses of producing steam which are charged to others or to other utility departments under a joint operating arrangement. Include also credits for steam expenses chargeable to other electric accounts outside of the steam generation group. Full details of the basis of determination of the cost of steam transferred shall be maintained.
B. If the charges to others or to other departments of the utility include an amount for depreciation, taxes, and return on the joint steam facilities, such portion of the charge shall be credited in the case of others, to Account 454, Rent from Electric Property, and in the case of other departments of the utility, to Account 455, Interdepartmental Rents.
523Electric Expenses
This account shall include the cost of labor, employee pensions and benefits, social security and other payroll taxes, injuries and damages, property insurance, property taxes, materials used, and expenses incurred in operating turbogenerators, steam turbines and their auxiliary apparatus, switch gear, and other electric equipment to the points where electricity leaves for conversion for transmission or distribution.
1. Supervising electric production.
2. Operating turbines, engines, generators, and exciters.
3. Operating condensers, circulating water systems, and other auxiliary apparatus.
4. Operating generator cooling system.
5. Operating lubrication and oil control system, including oil purification.
6. Operating switchboards, switch gear, and electric control and protective equipment.
7. Keeping plant log and records and preparing reports on electric plant operations.
8. Testing, checking and adjusting meters, gauges, and other instruments, relays, controls, and other equipment in the electric plant.
9. Cleaning electric plant equipment when not incidental to maintenance.
10. Repacking glands and replacing gauge glasses.
1. Federal and state unemployment.
2. F.I.C.A.
3. Property.
Employee Pensions and Benefits: The portion of employee pensions and benefits specifically identifiable with employees' labor costs charged herein or, in the absence of specific employee identification, the portion of employee pensions and benefits, allocated on the more equitable basis of either direct labor dollars or direct labor hours, applicable to the labor items detailed above, including:
1. Accruals for or payments to pension funds or to insurance companies for pension purposes.
2. Group and life insurance premiums (credit dividends received).
3. Payments for medical and hospital services and expenses of employees when not the result of occupational injuries.
4. Payments for accident, sickness, hospital, and death benefits or insurance.
5. Payments to employees incapacitated for service or on leave of absence beyond periods normally allowed when not the result of occupational injuries or in excess of statutory awards.
6. Expenses in connection with educational and recreational activities for the benefit of employees.
1. Premiums payable to insurance companies for fire, storm, burglary, boiler explosion, lightning, fidelity, riot, and similar insurance.
2. Amounts credited to Account 228.1, Accumulated Provision for Property Insurance, for similar protection.
3. Special costs incurred in procuring insurance.
4. Insurance inspection service.
5. Insurance counsel, brokerage fees, and expenses.
6. Premiums payable to insurance companies for protection against claims from injuries and damages by employees or others, such as public liability, property damages, casualty, employee liability, etc., and amounts credited to Account 228.2, Accumulated Provision for Injuries and Damage, for similar protection.
7. Losses not covered by insurance or reserve accruals on account of injuries or deaths to employees or others and damages to the property of others.
8. Fees and expenses of claim investigators.
9. Payment of awards to claimants for court costs and attorneys' services.
10. Medical and hospital service and expenses for employees as the result of occupational injuries or resulting from claims of others.
11. Compensation payments under workmen's compensation laws.
12. Compensation paid while incapacitated as the result of occupational injuries. (See Account 924, Note A.)
13. Cost of safety, accident prevention, and similar educational activities.
Materials and Expenses:
1. Lubricants and control system oils.
2. Generator cooling gases.
3. Log sheets and charts.
4. Motor and generator brushes.
524Miscellaneous Nuclear Power Expenses
This account shall include the cost of labor, employee pensions and benefits, social security and other payroll taxes, injuries and damages, materials used, and expenses incurred which are not specifically provided for or are not readily assignable to other nuclear generation operation accounts.
1. General clerical and stenographic work.
2. Plant security.
3. Building service.
4. Care of grounds, including snow removal, and grass cutting
5. Miscellaneous labor.
1. Federal and state unemployment.
2. F.I.C.A.
Employee Pensions and Benefits: The portion of employee pensions and benefits specifically identifiable with employees' labor costs charged herein or, in the absence of specific employee identification, the portion of employee pensions and benefits, allocated on the more equitable basis of either direct labor dollars or direct labor hours, applicable to the labor items detailed above, including:
1. Accruals for or payments to pension funds or to insurance companies for pension purposes.
2. Group and life insurance premiums (credit dividends received).
3. Payments for medical and hospital services and expenses of employees when not the result of occupational injuries.
4. Payments for accident, sickness, hospital, and death benefits or insurance.
5. Payments to employees incapacitated for service or on leave of absence beyond periods normally allowed when not the result of occupational injuries or in excess of statutory awards.
6. Expenses in connection with educational and recreational activities for the benefit of employees.
1. Premiums payable to insurance companies for protection against claims from injuries and damages by employees or others, such as public liability, property damages, casualty, employee liability, etc., and amounts credited to Account 228.2, Accumulated Provision for Injuries and Damage, for similar protection.
2. Losses not covered by insurance or reserve accruals on account of injuries or deaths to employees or others and damages to the property of others.
3. Fees and expenses of claim investigators.
4. Payment of awards to claimants for court costs and attorneys' services.
5. Medical and hospital service and expenses for employees as the result of occupational injuries or resulting from claims of others.
6. Compensation payments under workmen's compensation laws.
7. Compensation paid while incapacitated as the result of occupational injuries. (See Account 924, Note A.)
8. Cost of safety, accident prevention, and similar educational activities.
Materials and Expenses:
1. General operating supplies, such as tools, gaskets, hose, indicating lamps, records and reports forms.
2. First-aid supplies and safety equipment.
3. Employees' service facilities expenses.
4. Building service supplies.
5. Communication service.
6. Miscellaneous office supplies and expenses, printing and stationery.
7. Transportation expenses.
8. Meals, traveling, and incidental expenses.
9. Research, development, and demonstration expenses.
This account shall include all rents of property of others used, occupied, or operated in connection with nuclear generation. (See § 1767.17 (c).)
528Maintenance Supervision and Engineering
This account shall include the cost of labor, employee pensions and benefits, social security and other payroll taxes, injuries and damages, and expenses incurred in the general supervision and direction of maintenance of nuclear generation facilities. Direct field supervision of specific jobs shall be charged to the appropriate maintenance account. (See § 1767.17(a).)
529Maintenance of Structures
This account shall include the cost of labor, employee pensions and benefits, social security and other payroll taxes, injuries and damages, materials used, and expenses incurred in the maintenance of structures, the book cost of which is includible in Account 321, Structures and Improvements. (See § 1767.17(b).)
530Maintenance of Reactor Plant Equipment
This account shall include the cost of labor, employee pensions and benefits, social security and other payroll taxes, injuries and damages, materials used, and expenses incurred in the maintenance of reactor plant, the book cost of which is includible in Account 322, Reactor Plant Equipment. (See § 1767.17(b).)
531Maintenance of Electric Plant
This account shall include the cost of labor, employee pensions and benefits, social security and other payroll taxes, injuries and damages, materials used, and expenses incurred in the maintenance of electric plant, the book cost of which is includible in Account 323, Turbogenerator Units, and Account 324, Accessory Electric Equipment. (See § 1767.17(b).)
532Maintenance of Miscellaneous Nuclear Plant
This account shall include the cost of labor, employee pensions and benefits, social security and other payroll taxes, injuries and damages, materials used, and expenses incurred in maintenance of miscellaneous nuclear generating plant, the book cost of which is includible in Account 325, Miscellaneous Power Plant Equipment. (See § 1767.17(b).)
Hydraulic Power Generation
535Operation Supervision and Engineering
This account shall include the cost of labor, employee pensions and benefits, social security and other payroll taxes, injuries and damages, and expenses incurred in the general supervision and direction of the operation of hydraulic power generating stations. Direct supervision of specific activities, such as hydraulic operation, and generator operation shall be charged to the appropriate account. (See § 1767.17(a).)
536Water for Power
This account shall include the cost of water used for hydraulic power generation.
1. Cost of water purchased from others, including water tolls paid reservoir companies.
2. Periodic payments for licenses or permits from any governmental agency for water rights, or payments based on the use of the water.
3. Periodic payments for riparian rights.
4. Periodic payments for headwater benefits or for detriments to others.
5. Cloud seeding.
537Hydraulic Expenses
This account shall include the cost of labor, employee pensions and benefits, social security and other payroll taxes, injuries and damages, property insurance, property taxes, materials used, and expenses incurred in operating hydraulic works including reservoirs, dams, and waterways, and in activities directly relating to the hydroelectric development outside the generating station. It shall also include the cost of labor, materials used, and other expenses incurred in connection with the operation of (1) fish and wildlife, and (2) recreation facilities. Separate subaccounts shall be maintained for each of the above.
1. Supervising hydraulic operation.
2. Removing debris and ice from trash racks, reservoirs, and waterways.
3. Patrolling reservoirs and waterways.
4. Operating intakes, spillways, sluiceways, and outlet works.
5. Operating bubbler, heater, or other deicing systems.
6. Ice and log jam work.
7. Operating navigation facilities.
8. Operations relating to conservation of game, fish, and forests.
9. Insect control activities.
1. Federal and state unemployment.
2. F.I.C.A.
3. Property.
Employee Pensions and Benefits: The portion of employee pensions and benefits specifically identifiable with employees' labor costs charged herein or, in the absence of specific employee identification, the portion of employee pensions and benefits, allocated on the more equitable basis of either direct labor dollars or direct labor hours, applicable to the labor items detailed above, including:
1. Accruals for or payments to pension funds or to insurance companies for pension purposes.
2. Group and life insurance premiums (credit dividends received).
3. Payments for medical and hospital services and expenses of employees when not the result of occupational injuries.
4. Payments for accident, sickness, hospital, and death benefits or insurance.
5. Payments to employees incapacitated for service or on leave of absence beyond periods normally allowed when not the result of occupational injuries or in excess of statutory awards.
6. Expenses in connection with educational and recreational activities for the benefit of employees.
1. Premiums payable to insurance companies for fire, storm, burglary, boiler explosion, lightning, fidelity, riot, and similar insurance.
2. Amounts credited to Account 228.1, Accumulated Provision for Property Insurance, for similar protection.
3. Special costs incurred in procuring insurance.
4. Insurance inspection service.
5. Insurance counsel, brokerage fees, and expenses.
6. Premiums payable to insurance companies for prote