1767.26—Operating revenue.

The operating revenue accounts identified in this section shall be used by all RUS borrowers.
Operating Revenue
Sales of Electricity
440Residential Sales
440.1Residential Sales—Excluding Seasonal
440.2Residential Sales—Seasonal
441Irrigation Sales
442Commercial and Industrial Sales
442.1Commercial and Industrial Sales—1000 kVA or Less
442.2Commercial and Industrial Sales—Over 1000 kVA
444Public Street and Highway Lighting
445Other Sales to Public Authorities
446Sales to Railroads and Railways
447Sales for Resale
447.1Sales for Resale—RUS Borrowers
447.2Sales for Resale—Other
448Interdepartmental Sales
449.1Provision for Rate Refunds
Other Operating Revenues
450Forfeited Discounts
451Miscellaneous Service Revenues
453Sales of Water and Water Power
454Rent from Electric Property
455Interdepartmental Rents
456Other Electric Revenues
456.1Revenues from Transmission of Electricity of Others
457.1Regional Transmission Service Revenues
457.2Miscellaneous Revenue
Operating Revenue
Sales of Electricity
440Residential Sales
A. This account shall include the net billing for electricity supplied for residential or domestic purposes.
B. Account 440 shall be subaccounted as follows:
440.1Residential Sales—Excluding Seasonal
440.2Residential Sales—Seasonal
440.1Residential Sales—Excluding Seasonal
A. This account shall include the net billing for electricity supplied for residential and domestic purposes.
B. This account shall also include net billings for single phase service to schools, churches, lodges, and other public buildings.
C. Records shall be maintained so that the quantity of electricity sold and the revenue received under each rate schedule shall be readily available.
440.2Residential Sales—Seasonal
This account shall include the net billings for electricity supplied for residential and domestic purposes to seasonal consumers.
441Irrigation Sales
This account shall include the net billings for electricity supplied for irrigation pumping. It need not be used unless such service is provided under a special irrigation rate.
442Commercial and Industrial Sales
A. This account shall include the net billing for electricity supplied to customers for commercial and industrial purposes.
B. Account 442 shall be subaccounted as follows:
442.1Commercial and Industrial Sales—1000 kVA or Less
442.2Commercial and Industrial Sales—Over 1000 kVA
442.1Commercial and Industrial Sales—1000 kVA or Less
A. This account shall include the net billing for electricity supplied to consumers for commercial and industrial purposes requiring transformer capacity of 1000 kVA or less.
B. Records shall be maintained so that the quantity of electricity sold and the revenue received under each rate schedule shall be readily available.
442.2Commercial and Industrial Sales—Over 1000 kVA
A. This account shall include the net billing for electricity supplied to consumers for commercial and industrial purposes requiring transformer capacity in excess of 1000 kVA.
B. Records shall be maintained so that the quantity of electricity sold and the revenue received under each rate schedule shall be readily available.
444Public Street and Highway Lighting
A. This account shall include the net billing for electricity supplied and services rendered for the purposes of lighting streets, highways, parks, and other public places or for traffic or signal system service, for municipalities or other divisions or agencies of state of Federal Governments.
B. Records shall be maintained so that the quantity of electricity sold and the revenue received from each customer shall be readily available. In addition, the records shall be maintained so as to show the revenues from (1) contracts which include both electricity and services, and (2) contracts which include sales of electricity only.
445Other Sales to Public Authorities
A. This account shall include the net billing for electricity supplied to municipalities or divisions or agencies of Federal or state governments, under special contracts or agreements or service classifications applicable only to public authorities, except such revenues as are includible in Account 444 and Account 447.
B. Records shall be maintained so as to show the quantity of electricity sold and the revenues received from each customer.
446Sales to Railroads and Railways
A. This account shall include the net billing for electricity supplied to railroads and interurban and street railways, for general railroad use, including the propulsion of cars or locomotives, where such electricity is supplied under separate and distinct rate schedules.
B. Records shall be maintained so that the quantity of electricity sold and the revenue received from each customer shall be readily available.
447Sales for Resale
A. This account shall include the net billing for electricity supplied to other electric utilities or to public authorities for resale purposes.
B. Account 447 shall be subaccounted as follows:
447.1Sales for Resale—RUS Borrowers
447.2Sales for Resale—Other
447.1Sales for Resale—RUS Borrowers
A. This account shall include the net billing for electricity supplied to RUS borrowers for resale.
B. Records shall be maintained so as to show the quantity of electricity sold and the revenue received from each customer.
447.2Sales for Resale—Other
A. This account shall include the net billing for electricity supplied for resale to utilities not financed by RUS.
B. Records shall be maintained so as to show the quantity of electricity sold and the revenue received from each customer.
448Interdepartmental Sales
A. This account shall include amounts charged by the electric department at tariff or other specified rates for electricity supplied by it to other utility departments.
B. Records shall be maintained so that the quantity of electricity supplied each other department and the charges therefor shall be readily available.
449.1Provision for Rate Refunds
A. This account shall be charged with provisions for the estimated pretax effects on net income of the portions of amounts being collected subject to refund which are estimated to be required to be refunded. Such provisions shall be credited to Account 229, Accumulated Provision for Rate Refunds.
B. This account shall also be charged with amounts refunded when such amounts had not been previously accrued.
C. Income tax effects relating to the amounts recorded in this account shall be recorded in Account 410.1, Provision for Deferred Income Taxes, Utility Operating Income, or Account 411.1, Provision for Deferred Income Taxes—Credit, Utility Operating Income, as appropriate.
Other Operating Revenues
450Forfeited Discounts
This account shall include the amount of discounts forfeited or additional charges imposed because of the failure of customers to pay their electric bills on or before a specified date.
451Miscellaneous Service Revenues
This account shall include revenues for all miscellaneous services and charges billed to customers which are not specifically provided for in other accounts.
1. Fees for changing, connecting, or disconnecting service.
2. Profit on maintenance of appliances, wiring, piping, or other installations on customers' premises.
3. Net credit or debit (cost less net salvage and less payment from customers) on closing of work orders for plant installed for temporary service of less than one year. (See Account 185, Temporary Facilities.)
4. Recovery of expenses in connection with current diversion cases (billing for the electricity consumed shall be included in the appropriate electric revenue account).
453Sales of Water and Water Power
A. This account shall include revenues derived from the sale of water for irrigation, domestic, industrial, or other uses or for the development by others of water power or for headwater benefits; also, revenues derived from furnishing water power for mechanical purposes when the investment in the property used in supplying such water or water power is carried as electric plant in service.
B. The records for this account shall be kept in such manner as to permit an analysis of the rates charged and the purposes for which the water was used.
454Rent from Electric Property
A. This account shall include rents received for the use by others of land, buildings, and other property devoted to electric operations by the utility.
B. When property owned by the utility is operated jointly with others under a definite arrangement for apportioning the actual expenses among the parties to the arrangement, any amount received by the utility for interest or return or in reimbursement of taxes or depreciation on the property shall be credited to this account.
455Interdepartmental Rents
This account shall include rents credited to the electric department on account of rental charges made against other departments (gas, water, etc.) of the utility. In the case of property operated under a definite arrangement to allocate the costs among the departments using the property, any reimbursement to the electric department for interest or return and depreciation and taxes shall be credited to this account.
456Other Electric Revenues
This account shall include revenues derived from electric operations not includible in any of the foregoing accounts. It shall also include, in a separate subaccount, revenues received from operation of fish and wildlife and recreation facilities whether operated by the company or by contract concessionaires, such as revenues from leases or rentals of land for cottages, homes, or campsites.
1. Commission on sale or distribution of electricity of others when sold under rates filed by such others.
2. Compensation for minor or incidental services provided for others such as customer billing, and engineering.
3. Profit or loss on the sale of material and supplies not ordinarily purchased for resale and not handled through merchandising and jobbing accounts.
4. Sale of steam, but not including sales made by a steamheating department or transfers of steam under joint facility operations.
5. Include in a separate subaccount, revenues in payment for rights and/or benefits received from others which are realized through research, development, and demonstration ventures. In the event the amounts received are so large as to distort revenues for the year in which received (5 percent of net income before application of the benefit), the amounts shall be credited to Account 253, Other Deferred Credits, and amortized by credits to this account over a period not to exceed 5 years.
456.1Revenues From Transmission of Electricity of Others
This account shall include revenues from transmission of electricity of others over transmission facilities of the utility.
457.1Regional Transmission Service Revenues
This account shall include revenues derived from providing scheduling, system control and dispatching services. Include also in this account reimbursements for system planning, standards development, and market monitoring and market compliance activities. Records shall be maintained so as to show: (1) The services supplied and revenues received from each customer and (2) the amounts billed by tariff or specified rates.
457.2Miscellaneous Revenues
This account shall include revenues and reimbursements for costs incurred by regional transmission service providers not provided for elsewhere. Records shall be maintained so as to show: (1) The services supplied and revenues received from each customer, and (2) the amounts billed by tariff or specified rates.

Code of Federal Regulations

[58 FR 59825, Nov. 10, 1993, as amended at 73 FR 30285, May 27, 2008]