1767.19—Liabilities and other credits.

The liabilities and other credit accounts identified in this section shall be used by all RUS borrowers.
Liabilities and Other Credits
Margins and Equities
200.1Memberships Issued
200.2Memberships Subscribed But Unissued
201Patronage Capital
201.1Patronage Capital Credits
201.2Patronage Capital Assignable
202-207 [Reserved]
208Donated Capital
209Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income
210 [Reserved]
211Consumers' Contributions for Debt Service
212-214 [Reserved]
215Appropriated Margins
215.1Unrealized Gains and Losses—Debt and Equity Securities
216 [Reserved]
216.1Unappropriated Undistributed Subsidiary Earnings
217Retired Capital Credits—Gain
218Capital Gains and Losses
219Other Margins and Equities
219.1Operating Margins
219.2Nonoperating Margins
219.3Other Margins
219.4Other Margins and Equities—Prior Periods
Long-Term Debt
222Reacquired Bonds
223Advances from Associated Companies
224Other Long-Term Debt
224.1Long-Term Debt—RUS Construction Loan Contract
224.2RUS Loan Contract—Construction—Debit
224.3Long-Term Debt—RUS Construction Notes Executed
224.4RUS Notes Executed—Construction—Debit
224.5Interest Accrued—Deferred—RUS Construction
224.6Advance Payments Unapplied—RUS Long-Term Debt—Debit
224.7Long-Term Debt—Installation Loan Contract
224.8RUS Loan Contract—Installation—Debit
224.9Long-Term Debt—Installation Notes Executed
224.10RUS Notes Executed—Installation—Debit
224.11Other Long-Term Debt—Subscriptions
224.12Other Long-Term Debt—Supplemental Financing
224.13Supplemental Financing Notes Executed—Debit
224.14Other Long-Term Debt—Miscellaneous
224.15Notes Executed—Other—Debit
224.16Long-Term Debt—RUS Economic Development Notes Executed
224.17RUS Notes Executed—Economic Development—Debit
224.18Other Long-Term Debt—Grant Funds
225Unamortized Premium on Long-Term Debt
226Unamortized Discount on Long-Term Debt—Debit
Other Noncurrent Liabilities
227Obligations Under Capital Leases—Noncurrent
228.1Accumulated Provision for Property Insurance
228.2Accumulated Provision for Injuries and Damages
228.3Accumulated Provision for Pensions and Benefits
228.4Accumulated Miscellaneous Operating Provisions
229Accumulated Provision for Rate Refunds
Current and Accrued Liabilities
231Notes Payable
232Accounts Payable
232.1Accounts Payable—General
232.2Accounts Payable—RUS Construction
232.3Accounts Payable—Other
233Notes Payable to Associated Companies
234Accounts Payable to Associated Companies
235Customer Deposits
236Taxes Accrued
236.1Accrued Property Taxes
236.2Accrued U.S. Social Security Tax—Unemployment
236.3Accrued U.S. Social Security Tax—F.I.C.A.
236.4Accrued State Social Security Tax—Unemployment
236.5Accrued State Sales Tax—Consumers
236.6Accrued Gross Revenue or Gross Receipts Tax
236.7Accrued Taxes—Other
237Interest Accrued
238Patronage Capital and Patronage Refunds Payable
238.1Patronage Capital Payable
238.2Patronage Refunds Payable
239Matured Long-Term Debt
240Matured Interest
241Tax Collections Payable
242Miscellaneous Current and Accrued Liabilities
242.1Accrued Rentals
242.2Accrued Payroll
242.3Accrued Employees' Vacations and Holidays
242.4Accrued Insurance
242.5Other Current and Accrued Liabilities
243Obligations Under Capital Leases—Current
Deferred Credits
251 [Reserved]
252Customer Advances for Construction
253Other Deferred Credits
253.1Other Deferred Credits—Consumers' Energy Prepayments
254Other Regulatory Liabilities
255Accumulated Deferred Investment Tax Credits
256Deferred Gains from Disposition of Utility Plant
257Unamortized Gain on Reacquired Debt
281Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes—Accelerated Amortization Property
282Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes—Other Property
283Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes—Other
Liabilities and Other Credits
Margins and Equities
A. This account shall include the total amount of memberships issued and subscribed.
B. Account 200 shall be subaccounted as follows:
200.1Memberships Issued
200.2Memberships Subscribed But Unissued
200.1Memberships Issued
A. This account shall include the face value of membership certificates outstanding. A detailed record shall be maintained to show for each member, the name, address, date of payment, amount paid, and certificate number.
B. If membership fees are applied against energy bills, this account shall be debited for the full amount of the membership with the offsetting credit to the appropriate accounts receivable, and to accounts payable for any refundable amounts. Any balances that cannot be refunded, due to inability to locate the member or because of bylaw restrictions, shall be credited to Account 208, Donated Capital. If determination of the ultimate disposition of the fees cannot be made immediately, the amount involved should be transferred to Account 253, Other Deferred Credits, until the determination is made.
C. When a transfer fee is collected, the transaction shall be recorded by debiting Account 131.1, Cash—General, and crediting Account 451, Miscellaneous Service Revenues, with the fee collected.
200.2Memberships Subscribed But Unissued
This account shall include the face value of memberships subscribed for but not issued. When certificates are issued, the amount of the memberships shall be transferred to Account 200.1, Memberships Issued.
201Patronage Capital
A. This account shall include the total amount of patronage capital assignable and assigned.
B. Account 201 shall be subaccounted as follows:
201.1Patronage Capital Credits
201.2Patronage Capital Assignable
201.1Patronage Capital Credits
A. This account shall include the amounts of patronage capital which have been assigned to individual patrons. A subsidiary record, “patronage capital ledger,” shall be maintained, containing an account for each patron who has furnished capital under a capital credits plan.
B. When the return of patrons' capital to individual patrons has been authorized by the board of directors (or trustees), the amounts authorized shall be transferred to Account 238.1, Patronage Capital Payable. (See also Account 217, Retired Capital Credits-Gain.)
201.2Patronage Capital Assignable
A. This account shall include all amounts transferred from Account 219.1, Operating Margins; Account 219.2, Nonoperating Margins; Account 219.3, Other Margins; and Account 219.4, Other Margins and Equities—Prior Periods, which are assignable to individual patrons' capital accounts.
B. Entries to this account shall be made so as to clearly disclose the nature and source of each transaction. Amounts so assigned shall be transferred to Account 201.1, Patronage Capital Credits.
202-207 [Reserved]
208Donated Capital
This account shall include credits arising from forfeiture of membership fees and from donations of capital not otherwise provided for. Entries to this account shall be made so as to clearly disclose the nature and source of each transaction.
209Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income
A. This account shall include revenues, expenses, gains, and losses that are properly includable in other comprehensive income during the period. Examples of other comprehensive income include foreign currency items, minimum pension liability adjustment, unrealized gains and losses on certain investments in debt and equity securities, and cash flow hedges. Records supporting the entries to this account shall be maintained so that the utility can furnish the amount of other comprehensive income for each item included in this account.
B. This account shall also be debited or credited, as appropriate, with amounts of accumulated other comprehensive income that have been included in the determination of net income during the period and in accumulated other comprehensive income in prior periods. Separate records for each category of items shall be maintained to identify the amount of the reclassification adjustments from accumulated other comprehensive income to earning made during the period.
210 [Reserved]
211Consumers' Contributions for Debt Service
This account shall include the amounts billed to consumers as “amortization charges” for the purpose of servicing long-term debt.
212-214 [Reserved]
215Appropriated Margins
This account shall include all amounts appropriated as reserves from margins. The account shall be so maintained as to show the amount of each separate reserve and the nature and amounts of the debits and credits thereto.
215.1Unrealized Gains and Losses—Debt and Equity Securities
This account shall include the unrealized holding gains and losses for available-for-sale securities.
216 [Reserved]
216.1Unappropriated Undistributed Subsidiary Earnings
This account shall include the balances, either debit or credit, of undistributed retained earnings of subsidiary companies since their acquisition. When dividends are received from subsidiary companies relating to amounts included in this account, this account shall be debited and Account 219.2, Nonoperating Margins, credited.
217Retired Capital Credits—Gain
A. This account shall include credits resulting from the retirement of patronage capital through settlement of individual patrons' capital credits at less than 100 percent of the capital assigned to the patron. The portion of patronage capital not returned to the patrons, under such settlements, shall be debited to Account 201.1, Patronage Capital Credits, and credited to this account.
B. This account shall also include amounts representing patronage capital authorized to be retired to patrons who cannot be located. Returned checks issued for retirements of patronage capital, after an appropriate waiting period, shall be credited to this account, and a record maintained adequate to enable the cooperative to make payment to the patron if and when a claim has been established by the consumer.
218Capital Gains and Losses
No entries shall be made to this account without the prior approval of RUS unless it is to distribute past capital gains and losses as capital credits or to eliminate accumulated capital losses in conformance with the bylaws of the cooperative.
219Other Margins and Equities
A. This account shall include total amount of margins and equities from all sources.
B. Account 219 shall be subaccounted as follows:
219.1Operating Margins
219.2Nonoperating Margins
219.3Other Margins
219.4Other Margins and Equities—Prior Periods
219.1Operating Margins
This account shall be debited or credited with the balances arising from transactions, the details of which have been recorded in Accounts 400, 401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408, 412, 413, 414, 423, 424, 425, 426, 427, 428, and 431. Accounts 400, 401, and 402 are control accounts and, at the option of the borrower may or may not be used. If they are not used, the detailed revenue and expense accounts shall be closed directly to this account.
219.2Nonoperating Margins
This account shall be debited or credited with the balances arising from transactions, the details of which have been recorded in Accounts 415, 416, 417, 417.1, 418, 419, 419.1, 421, 421.1, 421.2, 422, 434, and 435.
219.3Other Margins
No entries shall be made to this account unless it is to distribute or eliminate prior balances in conformance with the bylaws of the cooperative.
219.4Other Margins and Equities—Prior Periods
A. This account shall include significant nonrecurring transactions relating to prior periods. To be significant, the transaction must be of sufficient magnitude to justify redistribution of patronage capital credits already allocated for such prior periods.
B. All entries to this account must receive RUS prior approval.
C. These transactions are limited to items to (1) correct an error in the financial statements of a prior year, and (2) make adjustments that result from realization of income tax benefits of preacquisition operating loss carryforwards. This account shall also include the related income taxes (state and Federal) on items included herein.
D. Amounts in this account shall be transferred at the end of the year to Account 219.1, Operating Margins, or Account 219.2, Nonoperating Margins, as appropriate. Also, at the end of the year, these amounts should be transferred from Account 219.1, or Account 219.2 to Account 201.2, Patronage Capital Assignable, when appropriate.
Long-Term Debt
This account shall include, in a separate subdivision for each class and series of bonds, the face value of the actually issued and unmatured bonds which have not been retired or cancelled; also the face value of such bonds issued by others, the payment of which has been assumed by the utility.
222Reacquired Bonds
A. This account shall include the face value of bonds actually issued or assumed by the utility and reacquired by it and not retired or cancelled. The account for reacquired debt shall not include securities which are held by trustees in sinking or other funds.
B. When bonds are reacquired, the difference between face value, adjusted for unamortized discount, expenses or premium, and the amount paid upon reacquisition, shall be included in Account 189, Unamortized Loss on Reacquired Debt, or Account 257, Unamortized Gain on Reacquired Debt, as appropriate. (See § 1767.15 (q).)
223Advances from Associated Companies
A. This account shall include the face value of notes payable to associated companies and the amount of open book accounts representing advances from associated companies. It does not include notes and open accounts representing indebtedness subject to current settlement which are includible in Account 233, Notes Payable to Associated Companies, or Account 234, Accounts Payable to Associated Companies.
B. The records supporting the entries to this account shall be so kept that the utility can furnish complete information concerning each note and open account.
224Other Long-Term Debt
A. This account shall include, until maturity, all long-term debt not otherwise provided for. This covers such items as receivers' certificates, real estate mortgages executed or assumed, assessments for public improvements, notes and unsecured certificates of indebtedness not owned by associated companies, receipts outstanding for long-term debt, and other obligations maturing more than one year from the date of issue or assumption.
B. Account 224 shall be subaccounted as follows:
224.1Long-Term Debt—RUS Construction Loan Contract
224.2RUS Loan Contract—Construction—Debit
224.3Long-Term Debt—RUS Construction Notes Executed
224.4RUS Notes Executed—Construction—Debit
224.5Interest Accrued—Deferred—RUS Construction
224.6Advance Payments Unapplied—RUS Long-Term Debt—Debit
224.7Long-Term Debt—Installation Loan Contract
224.8RUS Loan Contract—Installation—Debit
224.9Long-Term Debt—Installation Notes Executed
224.10RUS Notes Executed—Installation—Debit
224.11Other Long-Term Debt—Subscriptions
224.12Other Long-Term Debt—Supplemental Financing
224.13Supplemental Lender Notes Executed—Debit
224.14Other Long-Term Debt—Miscellaneous
224.15Notes Executed—Other—Debit
224.16Long-Term Debt—RUS Economic Development Notes Executed
224.17RUS Notes Executed—Economic Development—Debit
224.18Other Long-Term Debt—Grant Funds
224.1Long-Term Debt—RUS Construction Loan Contract
A. This account shall include the contractual obligation to RUS on construction loans covered by loan contract but not by executed notes.
B. This account is to be used at the option of the borrower.
224.2RUS Loan Contract—Construction—Debit
A. This account shall include the total loans (for construction purposes) which are covered by loan contract but not by executed notes.
B. This account is to be used at the option of the borrower.
224.3Long-Term Debt—RUS Construction Notes Executed
This account shall include the contractual liability to RUS on construction notes executed. Records shall be maintained to show separately for each class of obligation all details as to the date of obligation, date of maturity, interest date and rate, and securities for the obligation.
224.4RUS Notes Executed—Construction—Debit
This account shall include the total amount of the unadvanced RUS loans for construction purposes, which are covered by executed notes. When advances are received from the RUS for construction, this account shall be credited and Account 131.2, Cash—Construction Fund—Trustee, debited with the amount of cash advanced.
224.5Interest Accrued—Deferred—RUS Construction
This account shall include interest on RUS construction obligations deferred by the terms of mortgage notes or extension agreements.
224.6Advance Payments Unapplied—RUS Long-Term Debt—Debit
A. This account shall include principal payments on mortgage notes paid in advance of the date due and not applied to a specific note. Also, include in this account interest savings which are accrued and added to the advance payment unapplied.
B. At such time as these payments are applied to a specific note or loan balances, this account shall be credited and the long-term debt account debited with the amount so applied.
224.7Long-Term Debt—Installation Loan Contract
A. This account shall include the contractual obligation to RUS on installation loans covered by loan contract but not covered by executed notes.
B. This account is to be used at the option of the borrower.
224.8RUS Loan Contract—Installation—Debit
A. This account shall include the total loans for installation purposes which are covered by loan contract but not by executed notes.
B. This account is to be used at the option of the borrower.
224.9Long-Term Debt—Installation Notes Executed
This account shall include the contractual liability to RUS on installation notes executed.
224.10RUS Notes Executed—Installation—Debit
This account shall include the total amount of unadvanced loans for installation purposes, which are covered by executed note. When advances are received from RUS, this account shall be credited and Account 131.3, Cash—Installation Loan and Collection Fund, debited with the amount of cash advanced.
224.11Other Long-Term Debt—Subscriptions
This account shall include the contractual obligation to purchase CFC Capital Term Certificates and any other similar obligation relating to supplemental financing.
224.12Other Long-Term Debt—Supplemental Financing
This account shall include the contractual liability to CFC or other supplemental lenders for that portion of funds borrowed which mature in more than one year.
224.13Supplemental Financing Notes Executed—Debit
This account shall include the total amount of the unadvanced loans for construction purposes, which are covered by executed notes to CFC or other supplemental lender. This account shall be debited with the face amount of notes executed. When advances are received from a supplemental lender for construction, this account shall be credited and Account 131.2, Cash—Construction Fund—Trustee, debited with the amount of cash advanced.
224.14Other Long-Term Debt—Miscellaneous
This account shall include the amount of other long-term debt not provided for elsewhere.
224.15Notes Executed—Other—Debit
This account shall include the total amount of the unadvanced loans for construction purposes, which are covered by executed notes to others not included in the foregoing accounts. When advances are received from such supplemental lender, this account shall be credited and Account 131.2, Cash—Construction Fund—Trustee, debited with the amount of cash so advanced.
224.16Long-Term Debt—RUS Economic Development Notes Executed
This account shall include the contractual liability to RUS on rural economic development notes executed. Records shall be maintained to show separately for each class of obligation all details as to the date of obligation, date of maturity, interest date and rate, and securities for the obligation.
224.17RUS Notes Executed—Economic Development—Debit
This account shall include the total amount of the unadvanced RUS loans for rural economic development purposes, which are covered by executed notes. When advances are received from the RUS for rural economic development projects, this account shall be credited and Account 131.12, Cash—General—Economic Development Funds, debited with the amount of cash advanced.
224.18Other Long-Term Debt—Grant Funds
This account shall include the total amount of Rural Development grant funds awarded for rural economic development purposes, which are subject to repayment at the conclusion of the project. (See Sec. 1767.41, Interpretation 626, Rural Economic Development Loan and Grant Program.)
225Unamortized Premium on Long-Term Debt
A. This account shall include the excess of the cash value of consideration received over the face value upon the issuance or assumption of long-term debt securities.
B. Amounts recorded in this account shall be amortized over the life of each respective issue under a plan which will distribute the amount equitably over the life of the security. The amortization shall be on a monthly basis, with the amounts thereof to be credited to Account 429, Amortization of Premium on Debt—Credit. (See § 1767.15 (q).)
226Unamortized Discount on Long-Term Debt—Debit
A. This account shall include the excess of the face value of long-term debt securities over the cash value of consideration received therefor, related to the issue or assumption of all types and classes of debt.
B. Amounts recorded in this account shall be amortized over the life of the respective issues under a plan which will distribute the amount equitably over the life of the securities. The amortization shall be on a monthly basis, wit the amounts thereof charged to Account 428, Amortization of Debt Discount and Expense. (See § 1767.15 (q).)
Other Noncurrent Liabilities
227Obligations Under Capital Leases—Noncurrent
This account shall include the portion not due within one year, of the obligations recorded for the amounts applicable to leased property recorded as assets in Account 101.1, Property Under Capital Leases; Account 120.6, Nuclear Fuel Under Capital Leases; or Account 121, Nonutility Property.
Special Instructions
No amounts shall be credited to Accounts 228.1 through 228.4 unless authorized by a regulatory authority or authorities to be collected in the utility's rates.
228.1Accumulated Provision for Property Insurance
A. This account shall include amounts reserved by the utility for losses through accident, fire, flood, or other hazards to its own property or property leased from others, not covered by insurance. The amounts charged to Account 924, Property Insurance, or other appropriate accounts to cover such risks shall be credited to this account. A schedule of risks covered shall be maintained, giving a description of the property involved, the character of the risks covered and the rates used.
B. Charges shall be made to this account for losses covered, not to exceed the account balance. Details of these charges shall be maintained according to the year the casualty occurred which gave rise to the loss.
228.2Accumulated Provision for Injuries and Damages
A. This account shall be credited with amounts charged to Account 925, Injuries and Damages, or other appropriate accounts, to meet the probable liability, not covered by insurance, for deaths or injuries to employees and others and for damages to property neither owned nor held under lease by the utility.
B. When liability for any injury or damage is admitted by the utility either voluntarily or because of the decision of a court or other lawful authority, such as a workmen's compensation board, the admitted liability shall be charged to this account and credited to the appropriate current liability account. Details of these charges shall be maintained according to the year the casualty occurred which gave rise to the loss.
228.3Accumulated Provision for Pensions and Benefits
A. This account shall include provisions made by the utility and amounts contributed by employees for pensions, accident and death benefits, savings, relief, hospital, and other provident purposes, where the funds are included in the assets of the utility either in general or in segregated fund accounts.
B. Amounts paid by the utility for the purpose for which this liability is established shall be charged hereto.
C. A separate account shall be kept for each kind of provision included herein.
228.4Accumulated Miscellaneous Operating Provisions
A. This account shall include all operating provisions which are not provided for elsewhere.
B. This account shall be maintained in such a manner as to show the amount of each separate provision and the nature and amounts of the debits and credits thereto.
229Accumulated Provision for Rate Refunds
A. This account shall be credited with amounts charged to Account 449.1, Provision for Rate Refunds, to provide for estimated refunds where the utility is collecting amounts in rates subject to refund.
B. When a refund of any amount recorded in this account is ordered by a regulatory authority, such amount shall be charged hereto and credited to Account 242, Miscellaneous Current and Accrued Liabilities.
C. Records supporting the entries to this account shall be kept so as to identify each amount recorded by the respective rate filing docket number.
Current and Accrued Liabilities
Current and accrued liabilities are those obligations which have either matured or which become due within 1 year from the date thereof; except however, bonds, receivers' certificates, and similar obligations which shall be classified as long-term debt until date of maturity; accrued taxes, such as income taxes, which shall be classified as accrued liabilities even though payable more than one year from date; compensation awards, which shall be classified as current liabilities regardless of date due; and minor amounts payable in installments which may be classified as current liabilities. If a liability is due more than 1 year from the date of issuance or assumption by the utility, it shall be credited to a long-term debt account appropriate for the transaction; except however, the current liabilities previously mentioned.
230Asset Retirement Obligations
A. This account shall include the amount of liabilities for the recognition of asset retirement obligations related to electric utility plant and nonutility plant that gives rise to the obligations. This account shall be credited for the amount of the liabilities for asset retirement obligations with amounts charged to the appropriate electric utility plant accounts or nonutility plant account to record the related asset retirement costs.
B. The utility shall charge the accretion expense to Account 411.10, Accretion Expense, for electric utility plant, Account 413, Expenses for Electric Plant Leased to Others, for electric plant leased to others, or Account 421, Miscellaneous Nonoperating Income, for nonutility plant, as appropriate, and credit Account 230, Asset Retirement Obligations.
C. This account shall be debited with amounts paid to settle the asset retirement obligations recorded herein.
D. The utility shall clear from this account any gains or losses resulting from the settlement of asset retirement obligations in accordance with the instruction prescribed in Sec. 1767.15(y).
231Notes Payable
This account shall include the face value of all notes, drafts, acceptances, or other similar evidences of indebtedness, payable on demand or within a time not exceeding 1 year from the date of issue, to other than associated companies.
232Accounts Payable
A. This account shall include all amounts payable by the utility within 1 year, which are not provided for in other accounts.
B. Account 232 shall be subaccounted as follows:
232.1Accounts Payable—General
232.2Accounts Payable—RUS Construction
232.3Accounts Payable—Other
233Notes Payable to Associated Companies
This account shall include amounts owing to associated companies on notes, drafts, acceptances, or other similar evidences of indebtedness payable on demand or not more than 1 year from the date of issue or creation.
234Accounts Payable to Associated Companies
This account shall include amounts owing to associated companies on open accounts payable on demand.
235Customer Deposits
This account shall include all amounts deposited with the utility by its customers as security for the payment of bills.
236Taxes Accrued
A. This account shall be credited with the amount of taxes accrued during the accounting period, corresponding debits being made to the appropriate accounts for tax charges. Such credits may be based upon estimates, but from time to time during the year as the facts become known, the amount of the periodic credits shall be adjusted so as to include, as nearly as can be determined in each year, the taxes applicable thereto. Any amount representing a prepayment of taxes applicable to the period subsequent to the date of the balance sheet, shall be shown under Account 165, Prepayments.
B. If accruals for taxes are found to be insufficient or excessive, correction therefor shall be made through current tax accruals.
C. Accruals for taxes shall be based upon the net amounts payable after credit for any discounts, and shall not include any amounts for interest on tax deficiencies or refunds. Interest received on refunds shall be credited to Account 419, Interest and Dividend Income, and interest paid on deficiencies shall be charged to Account 431, Other Interest Expense.
D. Account 236 shall be subaccounted as follows:
236.1Accrued Property Taxes
236.2Accrued U.S. Social Security Tax—Unemployment
236.3Accrued U.S. Social Security Tax—F.I.C.A.
236.4Accrued State Social Security Tax—Unemployment
236.5Accrued State Sales Tax—Consumers
236.6Accrued Gross Revenue or Gross Receipts Tax
236.7Accrued Taxes—Other
237Interest Accrued
This account shall include the amount of interest accrued but not matured on all liabilities of the utility not including, however, interest which is added to the principal of the debt on which incurred. Supporting records shall be maintained so as to show the amount of interest accrued on each obligation.
238Patronage Capital and Patronage Refunds Payable
A. This account shall include the total amount of patronage capital authorized to be returned and paid to patrons.
B. Account 238 shall be subaccounted as follows:
238.1Patronage Capital Payable
238.2Patronage Refunds Payable
238.1Patronage Capital Payable
This account shall include the amount of patronage capital which has been authorized to be returned to the patron.
238.2Patronage Refunds Payable
This account shall include the amount of patronage refunds which have been authorized to be paid to patrons.
239Matured Long-Term Debt
This account shall include the amount of long-term debt (including any obligation for premiums) matured and unpaid, without specific agreement for extension of the time of payment and bonds called for redemption but not presented.
240Matured Interest
This account shall include the amount of matured interest on long-term debt or other obligations of the utility at the date of the balance sheet unless such interest is added to the principal of the debt on which incurred.
241Tax Collections Payable
This account shall include the amount of taxes collected by the utility through payroll deductions or otherwise, pending transmittal of such taxes to the proper taxing authority.
242Miscellaneous Current and Accrued Liabilities
A. This account shall include the amount of all other current and accrued liabilities not provided for elsewhere appropriately designated and supported so as to show the nature of each liability.
B. Account 242 shall be subaccounted as follows:
242.1Accrued Rentals
242.2Accrued Payroll
242.3Accrued Employees' Vacations and Holidays
242.4Accrued Insurance
242.5Other Current and Accrued Liabilities
242.1Accrued Rentals
This account shall include unpaid joint use pole rentals and other rentals. The records supporting the entries to this account shall be maintained so as to show for each class of rental, the amount accrued, the basis for the accrual, the accounts to which charged, and the amount of rentals paid.
242.2Accrued Payroll
This account shall include the accrued liability for salaries and wages at the end of an accounting period for which the appropriate expense or other accounts have been charged. This account is to be used whether salaries and wages are paid on a weekly, semimonthly, or monthly basis.
242.3Accrued Employees' Vacations and Holidays
This account shall include the liability for accrued wages for employees' vacation, holidays, and sick leave.
242.4Accrued Insurance
A. This account shall most commonly be used in case of workmen's compensation and public liability insurance for recording the excess amounts of earned premium over the advance premiums. Earned premiums are computed each month by applying the insurance rates to the actual payrolls.
B. Until the amount of the advance premiums is exhausted, the earned premium is credited to Account 165, Prepayments. Earned premiums in excess of the advance premiums are credited to this account.
242.5Other Current and Accrued Liabilities
This account shall include current and accrued liabilities not provided for elsewhere.
243Obligations Under Capital Leases—Current
This account shall include the portion, due within 1 year, of the obligations recorded for the amounts applicable to leased property recorded as assets in Account 101.1, Property Under Capital Leases; Account 120.6, Nuclear Fuel Under Capital Leases; or Account 121, Nonutility Property.
244Derivative Instrument Liabilities
This account shall include the change in the fair value of all derivative instrument liabilities not designated as cash flow or fair value hedges. Account 426, Other Deductions, shall be debited or credited as appropriate with the corresponding amount of the change in the fair value of the derivative instrument.
245Derivative Instrument Liabilities—Hedges
A. This account shall include the change in the fair value of derivative instrument liabilities designated by the utility as cash flow or fair value hedges.
B. A utility shall record the change in the fair value of a derivative instrument liability related to a cash flow hedge in this account, with a concurrent charge to Account 209, Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income, with the effective portion of the derivative's gain or loss. The ineffective portion of the cash flow hedge shall be charged to the same income or expense account that will be used when the hedged item enters into the determination of net income.
C. A utility shall record the change in the fair value of a derivative instrument liability related to a fair value hedge in this account, with a concurrent charge to a subaccount of the asset or liability that carries the item being hedged. The ineffective portion or the fair value hedge shall be charged to the same income or expense account that will be used when the hedged item enters into the determination of net income.
Deferred Credits
251 [Reserved]
252Customer Advances for Construction
This account shall include consumer advances for construction which are to be refunded either wholly or in part. When a customer is refunded the entire amount to which he is entitled, according to the agreement or rule under which the advance was made, the balance, if any, remaining in this account shall be credited to the respective plant accounts.
253Other Deferred Credits
This account shall include advance billings and receipts and other deferred credit items, not provided for elsewhere, including amounts which cannot be entirely cleared or disposed of until additional information has been received.
253.1Other Deferred Credits—Consumers' Energy Prepayments
This account shall include the amount of advance payments made by consumers in connection with electric service.
254Other Regulatory Liabilities
A. This account shall include the amounts of regulatory liabilities, not includible in other accounts, imposed on the utility by the ratemaking actions of regulatory agencies.
B. The amounts included in this account are to be established by those credits which would have been included in net income, or accumulated other comprehensive income, determinations in the current period under the general requirements of the Uniform System of Accounts but for it being probable that: (1) Such items will be included in a different period(s) for purposes of developing the rates that the utility is authorized to charge for its utility services; or (2) refunds to customers, not provided for in other accounts, will be required. When specific identification of the particular source of the regulatory liability cannot be made or when the liability arises from revenues collected pursuant to tariffs on file at a regulatory agency, Account 407.3, Regulatory Debits, shall be debited. The amounts recorded in this account generally are to be credited to the same account that would have been credited if included in income when earned except: (1) All regulatory liabilities established through the use of Account 407.3 shall be credited to Account 407.4, Regulatory Credits; and (2) in the case of refunds, a cash account or other appropriate account should be credited when the obligation is satisfied.
C. If it is later determined that the amounts recorded in this account will not be returned to customers through rates or refunds, such amounts shall be credited to Account 421, Miscellaneous Nonoperating Income, or Account 434, Extraordinary Income, as appropriate, in the year such determination is made.
D. The records supporting the entries to this account shall be kept in such a manner that the utility can furnish full information as to the nature and amount of each regulatory liability included in this account, including justification for inclusion of such amounts in this account.
255Accumulated Deferred Investment Tax Credits
A. This account shall be credited with all investment tax credits deferred by companies which have elected to follow deferral accounting, partial or full, rather than recognizing, in the income statement, the total benefits of the tax credit as realized. After such election, a company may not transfer amounts from this account, except as authorized herein and in Account 411.4, Investment Tax Credit Adjustments, Utility Operations; Account 411.5, Investment Tax Credit Adjustments, Nonutility Operations; and Account 420, Investment Tax Credits, or with approval of RUS.
B. Where the company's accounting provides that investment tax credits are to be passed on to customers, this account shall be debited and Account 411.4 credited with a proportionate amount determined in relation to the average useful life of electric utility property to which the tax credits relate or such lesser period of time as allowed by a regulatory agency having rate jurisdiction. If, however, the deferral procedure provides that investment tax credits are not to be passed on to customers, the proportionate restorations to income shall be credited to Account 420.
C. Subdivisions of this account, by department, shall be maintained for deferred investment tax credits that are related to nonelectric utility or other operations. Contra entries affecting such account subdivisions shall be appropriately recorded in Account 413, Expenses of Electric Plant Leased to Others; or Account 414, Other Utility Operating Income. Use of deferral or nondeferral accounting procedures adopted for nonelectric utility or other operations are to be followed on a consistent basis.
D. Separate records for electric and nonelectric utility or other operations shall be maintained identifying the properties giving rise to the investment tax credits for each year with the weighted-average service life of such properties and any unused balances of such credits. Such records are not necessary unless the tax credits are deferred.
256Deferred Gains from Disposition of Utility Plant
This account shall include gains from the sale or other disposition of property previously recorded in Account 105, Electric Plant Held for Future Use, under the provisions of Paragraphs B, C, and D thereof, where such gains are significant and are to be amortized over a period of 5 years, unless otherwise authorized by RUS. The amortization of the amounts in this account shall be made by credits to Account 411.6, Gains from Disposition of Utility Plant. (See Account 105, Electric Plant Held for Future Use.)
257Unamortized Gain on Reacquired Debt
This account shall include the amounts of discount realized upon reacquisition or redemption of long-term debt. The amounts in this account shall be amortized in accordance with § 1767.15 (q).
Special Instructions
Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes
Before using the deferred tax accounts provided below, refer to § 1767.15 (r), Comprehensive Interperiod Income Tax Allocation. The text of these accounts are designed primarily to cover deferrals of Federal income taxes. However, they are also to be used when making deferrals of state and local income taxes. Utilities and licensees which, in addition to an electric utility department, have another utility department, gas or water and nonutility property, and which have deferred taxes on income with respect thereto shall separately classify such deferrals in the accounts provided below so as to allow ready identification of items relating to each utility deductions.
281Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes—Accelerated Amortization Property
A. This account shall include tax deferrals resulting from adoption of the principles of comprehensive interperiod tax allocation described in § 1767.15 (s) that relate to property for which the utility has availed itself of the use of accelerated (5-year) amortization of (1) certified defense facilities as permitted by Section 168 of the Internal Revenue Code, and (2) certified pollution control facilities as permitted by Section 169 of the Internal Revenue Code.
B. This account shall be credited and Account 410.1, Provision for Deferred Income Taxes, Utility Operating Income, or Account 410.2, Provision for Deferred Income Taxes, Other Income and Deductions, as appropriate, shall be debited with tax effects related to property described in Paragraph A above where taxable income is lower than pretax accounting income due to differences between the periods in which revenue and expense transactions affect taxable income and the periods in which they enter into the determination of pretax accounting income.
C. This account shall be debited and Account 411.1, Provision for Deferred Income Taxes—Credit, Utility Operating Income, or Account 411.2, Provision for Deferred Income Taxes-Credit, Other Income and Deductions, as appropriate, shall be credited with taxes related to property described in Paragraph A above where taxable income is higher than pretax accounting income due to differences between the periods in which revenue and expense transactions affect taxable income and the periods in which they enter into the determination of pretax accounting income.
D. The utility is restricted in its use of this account to the purposes set forth above. It shall not transfer the balance in this account or any portion thereof to retained earnings or make any use thereof except as provided in the text of this account without prior approval of RUS. Upon the disposition by sale, exchange, transfer, abandonment, or premature retirement of plant on which there is a related balance therein, this account shall be charged with an amount equal to the related income tax expense, if any, arising from such disposition and Account 411.1, Provision for Deferred Income Taxes—Credit, Utility Operating Income, or Account 411.2, Provision for Deferred Income Taxes—Credit, Other Income and Deductions, as appropriate, shall be credited. When the remaining balance, after consideration of any related income tax expense, is less than $25,000, this account shall be charged and Account 411.1 or Account 411.2, as appropriate, credited with such balance. If after consideration of any related income tax expense, there is a remaining amount of $25,000 or more, RUS shall authorize or direct how such amount shall be accounted for at the time approval for the disposition of accounting is granted. When plant is disposed of by transfer to a wholly owned subsidiary, the related balance in this account shall also be transferred. When the disposition relates to retirement of an item or items under a group method of depreciation where there is no tax effect in the year of retirement, no entries are required in this account if it can be determined that the related balances would be necessary to be retained to offset future group item tax deficiencies.
282Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes—Other Property
A. This account shall include the tax deferrals resulting from adoption of the principle of comprehensive interperiod income tax allocation described in § 1767.15 (r) which are related to all property other than accelerated amortization property.
B. This account shall be credited and Account 410.1, Provision for Deferred Income Taxes, Utility Operating Income, or Account 410.2, Provision for Deferred Income Taxes, Other Income and Deductions, as appropriate, shall be debited with tax effects related to property described in Paragraph A above where taxable income is lower than pretax accounting income due to differences between the periods in which revenue and expense transactions affect taxable income and the periods in which they enter into the determination of pretax accounting income.
C. This account shall be debited and Account 411.1, Provision for Deferred Income Taxes—Credit, Utility Operating Income, or Account 411.2, Provision for Deferred Income Taxes—Credit, Other Income and Deductions, as appropriate, shall be credited with tax effects related to property described in Paragraph A above where taxable income is higher than pretax accounting income due to differences between the periods in which revenue and expense transactions affect taxable income and the periods in which they enter into the determination of pretax accounting income.
D. The utility is restricted in its use of this account to the purposes set forth above. It shall not transfer the balance in this account or any portion thereof to retained earnings or make any use thereof except as provided in the text of this account without prior approval of RUS. Upon the disposition by sale, exchange, transfer, abandonment, or premature retirement of plant on which there is a related balance herein, this account shall be charged with an amount equal to the related income tax expense, if any, arising from such disposition and Account 411.1, Provision for Deferred Income Taxes—Credit, Utility Operating Income, or Account 411.2, Provision for Deferred Income Taxes—Credit, Other Income and Deductions, shall be credited. When the remaining balance after consideration of any related tax expenses, is less than $25,000, this account shall be charged and Account 411.1 or Account 411.2, as appropriate, credited with such balance. If after consideration any related income tax expense, there a remaining amount of $25,00 or more, RUS shall authorize or direct how such amount shall be accounted for at the time approval for the disposition of accounting is granted. When plant is disposed of by transfer to a wholly owned subsidiary, the related balance in this account shall also be transferred. When the disposition relates to retirement of an item or items under a group method of depreciation where there is no tax effect in the year of retirement, no entries are required in this account if it can be determined that the related balance would be necessary to be retained to offset future group item tax deficiencies.
283Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes—Other
A. This account shall include all credit tax deferrals resulting from the adoption of the principles of comprehensive interperiod income tax allocation described in § 1767.15 (r) other than those deferrals which are includible in Account 281, Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes—Accelerated Amortization Property, and Account 282, Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes—Other Property.
B. This account shall be credited and Account 410.1, Provision for Deferred Income Taxes, Utility Operating Income, or Account 410.2, Provision for Deferred Income Taxes, Other Income and Deductions, as appropriate, shall be debited with tax effects related to items described in Paragraph A above where taxable income is lower than pretax accounting income due to differences between the periods in which revenue and expense transactions affect taxable income and the periods in which they enter into the determination of pretax accounting income.
C. This account shall be debited and Account 411.1, Provision for Deferred Income Taxes—Credit, Utility Operating Income or Account 411.2, Provision for Deferred Income Taxes—Credit, Other Income and Deductions, as appropriate, shall be credited with tax effects related to items described in Paragraph A above where taxable income is higher than pretax accounting income due to differences between the periods in which revenue and expense transactions affect taxable income and the periods in which they enter into the determination of pretax accounting income.
D. Records with respect to entries to this account, as described above, and the account balance, shall be so maintained as to show the factors of calculation with respect to each annual amount of the item or class of items.
E. The utility is restricted in its use of this account to the purposes set forth above. It shall not transfer the balance in the account or any portion thereof to retained earnings or to any other account or make any use thereof except as provided in the text of this account, without prior approval of RUS. Upon the disposition by sale, exchange, transfer, abandonment, or premature retirement of items on which there is a related balance herein, this account shall be charged with an amount equal to the related income tax effect, if any, arising from such disposition and Account 411.1, Provision For Deferred Income Taxes—Credit, Utility Operating Income, or Account 411.2, Provision For Deferred Income Taxes-Credit, Other Income and Deductions, as appropriate, shall be credited. When the remaining balance, after consideration of any related tax expenses, is less than $25,000, this account shall be charged and Account 411.1 or Account 411.2, as appropriate, credited with such balance. If after consideration of any related income tax expense, there is a remaining amount of $25,000 or more, RUS shall authorize or direct how such amount shall be accounted for at the time approval for the disposition of accounting is granted.
When plant is disposed of by transfer to a wholly owned subsidiary, the related balance in this account shall also be transferred. When the disposition relates to retirement of an item or items under a group method of depreciation where there is no tax effect in the year of retirement, no entries are required in this account if it can be determined that the related balance would be necessary to be retained to offset future group item tax deficiencies.

Code of Federal Regulations

[58 FR 59825, Nov. 10, 1993, as amended at 59 FR 274