1753.37—Plans and specifications (P&S).
(a) General.
Prior to the preparation of P&S, the borrower shall review with the GFR the current and future requirements for central office equipment.
The P&S shall provide for a complement of spare parts to be provided to the borrower. The quantity and type of spare parts shall be determined in accordance with the provisions in RUS Form 522 “General Specification for Digital, Stored Program Controlled Central Office Equipment.”
P&S for equipment to be provided under a Form 545 contract shall require the supplier to provide specific installation information and a detailed bonding and grounding plan to be utilized by the engineer. borrower, and others responsible for the installation of the equipment.
(b) Preparation of P&S.
The P&S shall include RUS Contract Form 525 or 545, Notice and Instructions to Bidders, specifications for the required equipment for each exchange, provision for spare parts, and all other pertinent data needed by the bidder to complete its proposal.
Guidelines for the preparation of the detailed equipment specifications are contained in the Telecommunications Engineering and Construction Manual (TE&CM), which is available from RUS.
RUS review of P&S is required for construction estimated to cost over $500,000 total or estimated to cost more than 25% of the total loan, whichever is less.
If RUS review is required, the borrower shall submit one copy of the P&S to the GFR for RUS review.