1737.50—Review of completed loan application.
A completed certification Form AD-1047, “Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, and Other Responsibility Matters—Primary Covered Transactions,” (see appendix A to 7 CFR part 3017 );
Evidence that the borrower is participating in a telecommunications modernization plan in the state where the proposed construction will occur, unless the borrower is seeking a guaranteed loan; and
Code of Federal Regulations
RUS shall review the completed loan application, particularly noting subscriber data, grades of service, extended area service (EAS), connecting company commitments, commercial facilities, system and exchange boundaries, and proposed acquisitions. RUS shall review the LD to determine that the system design is acceptable to RUS, that the design is technically correct, that the cost estimates are reasonable, and that the design provides for area coverage service. RUS shall also review the population and incorporation status of all communities served or to be served by the borrower to determine if any nonrural areas are served and if municipal franchises are required. Any RUS lending for nonrural areas must be in accordance with 7 CFR part 1735. RUS shall also check the “List of Parties Excluded from Federal Procurement of Nonprocurement Programs”, compiled, maintained and distributed by General Services Administration, to determine whether the borrower is debarred, suspended, ineligible, or voluntarily excluded (see 7 CFR 3017.505 ).
RUS will notify the borrower if RUS recommends major changes in subscriber projections, design, cost estimates, or other significant matters. RUS will not continue loan processing until RUS and the borrower agree on all major changes.