1717.355—RUS required rates.

(a) Upon the pre-emption of State Regulatory Authority as provided in this subpart, RUS will exercise exclusive jurisdiction over the rates of the borrower pursuant to the terms of the RUS documents.
(b) So long as the State Regulatory Authority shall be pre-empted hereunder, RUS shall be considered the governmental regulatory body with jurisdiction over rates for all purposes, including for the purposes of the RUS documents and for the purposes of section 1129(a)(6) of the Bankruptcy Code of 1978, as amended (11 U.S.C. 1129(a)(6) ).
(c) RUS shall, pursuant to the terms of the RUS documents, exercise exclusive jurisdiction over the rates of the borrower until the Administrator shall in writing approve the resumption of jurisdiction by the State Regulatory Authority. The Administrator shall approve resumption only after determining that such jurisdiction shall be exercised in a manner consistent with Federal interests.