1710.400—Initial contact.

(a) Loan applicants that do not have outstanding loans from RUS should write to the Rural Utilities Service Administration, United States Department of Agriculture, Washington, DC 20250-1500. A field or headquarters staff representative may be assigned by RUS to visit the applicant and discuss its financial needs and eligibility. Borrowers that have outstanding loans should contact their assigned RUS general field representative (GFR) or, in the case of a power supply borrower, the Director, Power Supply Division. Borrowers may consult with RUS field representatives and headquarters staff, as necessary.
(b) Before submitting an application for an insured loan the borrower shall ascertain from RUS the amount of supplemental financing required, as set forth in § 1710.110. If the borrower is applying for either a municipal rate loan subject to the interest rate cap or a hardship rate loan, the application must provide a preliminary breakdown of residential consumers either by county or by census tract. Final data must be included with the application. See § 1710.401(a)(8).