160.24a—Inspection as to condition of drums containing rosin and the quality and condition of the rosin therein upon request.
Before or after the shipment in commerce of any lot of rosin in drums from a processing or storage point, and upon request by an interested person, an inspection may be made by an official inspector of the external appearance of the drums, and a report may be made by such inspector, on the basis of such inspection, of the condition, including soundness, of the drums with reference to the effect thereof upon the quality, and preservation of the quality, of the rosin in the drums. In conjunction with such service, when practicable, the inspector may upon similar request determine and certify the grade, class, other quality, or condition of the rosin within the drums, and report the internal condition of the drums, under any applicable standards and procedural instructions issued to such inspector by the Administrator. Certificates and reports issued under this section will be furnished only to the interested person requesting the service. Fees and charges for service under this section shall be paid by such interested person in accordance with §§ 160.201, 160.202, and 160.204.