1494.201—Definitions of terms.

Terms used in this subpart, Invitations issued pursuant to this subpart, and any documents pertaining to the EEP shall have the following meaning, unless otherwise specified in such Invitations or documents:
(a) Agreement or EEP Agreement— The Agreement entered into between CCC and the exporter consisting of:
(1) The terms and conditions of this subpart;
(2) The terms and conditions of the applicable Invitation;
(3) The exporter's offer;
(4) CCC's acceptance of the exporter's offer; and
(5) The public press release for the Announced CCC Bonus in effect at the time of the offer, if applicable.
(b) Announced CCC bonus— A CCC bonus announced by CCC by public press release in connection with an Invitation which specifies that the CCC bonus amount will be pre-determined and announced by CCC.
(c) FSA— The Farm Service Agency, U.S. Department of Agriculture.
(d) Bonus value— The CCC bonus multiplied by the quantity of the eligible commodity exported pursuant to an Agreement, provided that the eligible commodity enters into the eligible country. (The bonus value is paid to the exporter in CCC certificates or other form of payment.)
(e) Business day— Days during which employees of the U.S. Department of Agriculture in Washington, DC or in Kansas City, Missouri, as applicable depending upon the office to which a submission is to be made, are on official duty during normal business hours.
(f) CCC— The Commodity Credit Corporation, U.S. Department of Agriculture.
(g) CCC bonus— A dollar and cents amount, established through CCC's acceptance of the exporter's offer for such bonus amount, to be paid to the exporter for each unit of the eligible commodity exported pursuant to an Agreement, provided that the eligible commodity enters into the eligible country.
(h) CCC Certificate— The CCC Commodity Certificate or Certificates issued by CCC that may be transferred or exchanged for a CCC-owned commodity pursuant to CCC's regulations on Commodity Certificates, In Kind Payments, and Other Forms of Payment, currently codified at 7 CFR part 1470.
(i) CCC Operations Division (CCCOD)— The CCC Operations Division, FAS, U.S. Department of Agriculture.
(j) Date of entry— Either the date on the certificate of entry specified in § 1494.401(f)(2) indicating that the eligible commodity entered the eligible country on that date or the date that an entry document was issued by a customs port authority or other government official, whichever is later.
(k) Date of export— One of the following dates, depending upon the method of shipment:
(1) The on-board date shown on the export carrier's bill of lading, when the eligible commodity is shipped from the U.S. without being transshipped through a Canadian port;
(2) The on-board date at the Canadian port shown on the export carrier's bill of lading, when the eligible commodity is shipped from a Canadian transshipment port on the St. Lawrence River, provided its identity had been preserved until shipped from Canada;
(3) The on-board date shown on the export carrier's through bill of lading, when the eligible commodity is loaded to a lash barge for shipment from the U.S.; or
(4) The date of entry shown on an authenticated landing certificate or similar document issued by an official of the government of the eligible country, when the eligible commodity is shipped by rail or truck from the U.S.
(l) Date of sale— The earliest date the exporter has knowledge that a sales contract, as defined in paragraph (bb) of this section, exists with an eligible buyer.
(m) Director— The Director, Kansas City Commodity Office, FSA, U.S. Department of Agriculture, or the Director's designee.
(n) Eligible Buyer— Unless otherwise specified in the Invitation, a buyer, located in the eligible country, that has entered, or will enter, into a sales contract with an exporter. (The applicable Invitation may limit the eligible buyer to one or more particular buyers in an eligible country.)
(o) Eligible country— The country or countries, as specified in an Invitation, which will be the only country or countries into which an exported eligible commodity must ultimately be entered in order for the exporter to earn a bonus from CCC under that Invitation.
(p) Eligible commodity— The U.S. agricultural commodity specified as eligible for export under the applicable Invitation, which is of the kind, type, grade and/or class of commodity specified in the applicable Invitation. (If the eligible commodity is grain, it must meet the definition applicable for that grain under the U.S. Grain Standards Act and the regulations issued thereunder.)
(q) Eligible exporter. A person that has been notified by CCC that such person is qualified to submit offers in response to Invitations.
(r) Export or exported— The shipment of the eligible commodity from the United States or from the Canadian transshipment port, as permitted by this subpart, destined for the eligible country.
(s) Exporter— An eligible exporter that enters into an Agreement with CCC under this subpart.
(t) Export carrier— The carrier on which the eligible commodity is shipped under the Agreement to the eligible country or to a port in a nearby country, if transshipments other than through Canada are allowed by the applicable Invitation. (“Export carrier” may mean an ocean vessel and, on Canadian transshipments, will mean the ocean vessel loaded at the Canadian transshipment port; or, on overland shipments, a railcar or truck; or a container or lash barge loaded with the eligible commodity for which a through on-board bill of lading is issued for shipment to the eligible country, provided that the loaded container or lash barge is subsequently lifted aboard an ocean vessel.)
(u) FAS— The Foreign Agricultural Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture.
(v) GSM— The General Sales Manager, FAS, U.S. Department of Agriculture, acting in the capacity of Vice President, CCC, or the GSM's designee.
(w) Invitation— The Invitation for Offers issued by CCC pursuant to this subpart, generally specifying the eligible country, the eligible commodity, the maximum quantity of the eligible commodity eligible for a CCC bonus, the quality specifications of the eligible commodity, the eligible buyer(s), the method and rate for determining liquidated damages and performance security requirements, allowances for transshipments, and any other terms and conditions particular to that Invitation. (If the Invitation contains terms or conditions that are inconsistent with this subpart, the terms and conditions of the Invitation will prevail for the purposes of Agreements entered into pursuant to such Invitation.)
(x) Notice to exporters—EEP Contacts— A notice issued by FAS by public press release which contains specific addresses; telephone, facsimile and telex numbers; and contacts within FAS and FSA to obtain further information concerning qualification as an eligible exporter, the submission of offers in response to Invitations, amendments to Agreements, requests for bonus payments, the submission of export and entry documentation, and other matters related to the EEP.
(y) Official Inspection Certificate— A valid official export inspection or other quality analysis certificate, as specified in the applicable Invitation.
(z) Official weight certificate— A valid official export weight or other quantity certificate, as specified in the applicable Invitation.
(aa) Person— An individual, partnership, corporation, association or other legal entity.
(bb) Sales contract— The sales contract entered into between an eligible exporter and an eligible buyer which sets forth the terms and conditions of a sale of the eligible commodity from the eligible exporter to the buyer. (Written evidence of sale may be in the form of a signed sales contract, an offer and acceptance between parties, or other documentary evidence of sale. The written evidence of sale for the purposes of the EEP must, at a minimum, document the following information: the eligible commodity, quantity, quality specifications, delivery terms (FOB, C&F, etc.) to the eligible country, delivery period, unit price, payment terms, date of sale, and evidence of agreement between buyer and seller. A sales contract with an intervening purchaser or an affiliate or subsidiary of the eligible exporter is not an eligible sales contract for the purpose of this subpart.)
(cc) Transshipment— The entry of the eligible commodity into a country other than the eligible country which occurs prior to the subsequent entry of the eligible commodity into the eligible country.
(dd) Time— All references to time shall refer to local time in Washington, DC.
(ee) Unit of measure— The unit of measure for the eligible commodity, as specified in the applicable Invitation.
(ff) United States or U.S.— All of the 50 States, the District of Columbia, and the territories and possessions of the United States.
(gg) U.S. agricultural commodity. (1) An agricultural commodity or product entirely produced in the United States; or
(2) A product of an agricultural commodity—
(i) 90 percent or more of the agricultural components of which by weight, excluding packaging and added water, is entirely produced in the United States; and
(ii) That the Secretary determines to be a high value agricultural product. For purposes of this definition, fish entirely produced in the United States include fish harvested by a documented fishing vessel as defined in title 46, United States Code, in waters that are not waters (including the territorial sea) of a foreign country.

Code of Federal Regulations

[56 FR 25011, June 3, 1991, as amended at 60 FR 21039, May 1, 1995; 62 FR 24561, May 6, 1997]