
(a) Policy. In general, CCC operates MAP and EIP/MAP on a reimbursable basis. CCC will not advance funds to an EIP/MAP participant or to an MAP participant for brand promotion activities.
(b) Exception. Upon request, CCC may advance payments to an MAP participant for generic promotion activities. Prior to making an advance, CCC may require the participant to submit security in a form and amount acceptable to CCC to protect CCC's financial interests. Total payments advanced shall not exceed 40 percent of a participant's approved annual generic activity budget. However, CCC will not make any advance to an MAP participant where an advance is outstanding from a prior activity plan year.
(c) Refunds due CCC. A participant shall expend the advance on approved generic promotion activities within 90 calendar days after the date of disbursement by CCC. A participant shall return any unexpended portion of the advance, plus a prorated share of all proceeds generated (i.e., premiums generated from certificate sales and interest earned), either by submitting a check payable to CCC or by offsetting its next reimbursement claim. All checks shall be mailed to the Director, Marketing Operations Staff, FAS, USDA.