
The following definitions apply to this part and all documents issued in accordance with this part, unless specified otherwise:
Applicant means a producer or owner in an approved pilot project area who has requested in writing to participate in CFO.
Chief means the Chief of NRCS, or designee.
Conservation district means a political subdivision of a State, Indian tribe, or territory, organized pursuant to the State or territorial soil conservation district law, or tribal law. The subdivision may be a conservation district, soil conservation district, soil and water conservation district, resource conservation district, natural resource district, land conservation committee, or similar legally constituted body.
Conservation farm plan means a record of a participant's decisions, and supporting information for treatment of a unit of land or water as a result of the planning process, that meets the local NRCS Field Office Technical Guide (FOTG) criteria for each natural resource and takes into account economic and social considerations. The plan describes the schedule of operations and activities needed to solve identified natural resource problems, and take advantage of opportunities, at a conservation management system level. In the conservation farm plan, the needs of the client, the resources, and Federal, state, Tribal, and local requirements will be met.
Conservation practice means a specified treatment, such as structural, vegetative, or a land management practice, which is planned and applied according to NRCS standards and specifications.
Contract means a legal document that specifies the rights and obligations of any person who has been accepted for participation in the program.
County executive director means the FSA employee responsible for directing and managing program and administrative operations in one or more FSA county offices.
Farm Service Agency county committee means a committee elected by the agricultural producers in the county or area, in accordance with Sec. 8(b) of the Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act, as amended, or designee.
Field office technical guide means the official NRCS guidelines, criteria, and standards for planning and applying conservation treatments and conservation management systems. The guide contains detailed information on the conservation of soil, water, air, plant, and animal resources applicable to the local area for which it is prepared. A copy of the guide for that area is available at the appropriate NRCS field office.
Indian tribe means any Indian tribe, band, nation, or other organized group or community, including any Alaska Native village or regional or village corporation as defined in or established pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.) which is recognized as eligible for the special programs and services provided by the United States to Indians because of their status as Indians.
Innovative technology means the use of new management techniques, specific treatments, or procedures such as structural or vegetative measures used in field trials or as interim conservation practice standards that have the purpose of solving or reducing the severity of natural resource use problems or that take advantage of resource opportunities. Innovative technologies used by program participants must be able to achieve the required level of resource protection.
Land management practice means conservation practices that primarily require site-specific management techniques and methods to conserve, protect from degradation, or improve soil, water, or related natural resources in the most cost-effective manner. Land management practices include, but are not limited to nutrient management, manure management, integrated pest management, integrated crop management, irrigation water management, tillage or residue management, stripcropping, contour farming, grazing management, wildlife management, resource conserving crop rotations, cover crop management, and organic matter and carbon sink management.
Liquidated damages means a sum of money stipulated in the contract which the participant agrees to pay, in addition to refunds and other charges, if the participant breaches the contract, and represents an estimate of the anticipated or actual harm caused by the breach, and reflects the difficulties of proof of loss and the inconvenience or nonfeasibility of otherwise obtaining an adequate remedy.
Local work group means representatives of FSA, the Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service (CSREES), the conservation district, and other Federal, State, and local government agencies, including Tribes and Resource Conservation and Development councils, with expertise in natural resources who consult with NRCS on decisions related to CFO implementation.
Operation and maintenance means work performed by the participant to keep the applied conservation practice functioning for the intended purpose during its life span. Operation includes the administration, management, and performance of non-maintenance actions needed to keep the completed practice safe and functioning as intended. Maintenance includes work to prevent deterioration of the practice, repairing damage, or replacement of the practice to its original condition if one or more components fail.
Participant means an applicant who is a party to a CFO contract.
Secretary means the Secretary of the United States Department of Agriculture.
State conservationist means the NRCS employee authorized to direct and supervise NRCS activities in a State, the Caribbean Area, or the Pacific Basin Area.
State technical committee means a committee established by the Secretary in a state pursuant to 16 U.S.C. 3861.
Technical assistance means the personnel and support resources needed to conduct conservation planning; conservation practice survey, layout, design, installation, and certification; training, certification, and quality assurance for professional conservationists; and evaluation and assessment of the program.
Unit of concern means a parcel of agricultural land that has natural resource conditions that are of concern to the participant.