1437.301—Value loss.

(a) Special provisions are required to assess losses and calculate assistance for a few crops and commodities which do not lend themselves to yield loss situations. Assistance for these commodities is calculated based on the loss of value at the time of disaster. The agency shall determine which crops shall be treated as value-loss crops, but unless otherwise announced, such crops shall be limited to those identified in §§ 1437.303 through 1437.309 as value loss crops. Lost productions of value loss crops shall be compensable only under this subpart.
(b) The crop year for all value loss crops is October 1 through September 30.
(c) Producers must file an application for coverage in accordance with § 1437.6, and must:
(1) Provide a report of the crop, commodity, and facility to CCC for the acreage or facility, in a form prescribed by CCC, no later than the beginning of the crop year.
(2) Maintain a verifiable inventory of the eligible crop throughout the crop year; and
(3) Provide an accurate accounting of the inventory, as required by CCC.