Honey production eligible for benefits under this part includes table and non-table honey produced commercially.
All of a producer's honey will be considered a single crop, regardless of type or variety of floral source or intended use.
In addition to filing a report of acreage in accordance with § 1437.7, honey producers must provide a record of colonies to CCC. The report of colonies must be filed before the crop year for which producers seek to maintain coverage. The report of colonies shall include:
A certification of the number of colonies reported including all colonies from which production is expected.
Producers must designate a FSA office as the control office for the honey operation. Producers must complete the following actions only in the control office:
Producers must notify the control office designated in accordance with paragraph (f) of this section within 30 calendar days of the date of:
Payments will be based on the amount of losses for this community in excess of a 50 percent loss level at a rate determined in accord with this part and the authorizing legislation.