1430.606—Determination of losses incurred.

(a) Eligible payable losses are calculated on a dairy operation by dairy operation basis and are limited to those occurring during the applicable claim period, as provided by § 1430.604(g), that corresponds with the hurricane-related disaster. Specifically, dairy production and spoilage losses incurred by producers under this subpart are determined on the established history of the dairy operation's actual commercial production marketed during the applicable claim period that corresponds with the hurricane-related disaster, and actual production dumped or otherwise not marketed during that same claim period, as provided by the dairy operation consistent with § 1430.605. Except as otherwise provided in these regulations, the starting base production, as defined in § 1430.602 and established in § 1430.604(g), is adjusted downward by a percentage determined by CCC to determine the base production for the applicable claim period that corresponds to the hurricane-related disaster. These adjustments are made to account for the seasonal declines that can occur during the months within the claim period. The base production for each of the applicable claim period months is calculated by reducing the starting base production of the applicable base month, or alternate month approved by the Deputy Administrator for new producers, as follows:
(1) August 2005 base production is the starting base production reduced by 8 percent;
(2) September 2005 base production is the starting base production reduced by 17 percent;
(3) October 2005 base production is the starting base production reduced by 11 percent. However, if losses occurred only as a result of Hurricanes Ophelia and Wilma, for October 2005, base production is not reduced.
(4) November 2005 base production is the starting base production reduced by 6 percent, unless eligible losses occurred only as a result of Hurricanes Ophelia and Wilma, in which case, for November 2005, base production is not reduced.
(5) December 2005 base production is not reduced by a downward adjustment percentage.
(b) The eligible dairy production losses for a dairy operation for each of the claim period months of August through December 2005, as applicable, will be:
(1) The new base production for the dairy operation calculated under paragraph (a) of this section less,
(2) For each such month for each dairy operation, the total of:
(i) Actual commercially-marketed production (not counting dumped production counted under paragraph (b)(1)(ii) of this section); plus
(ii) The pounds of milk production dumped (whether related to the hurricane or not), or otherwise not commercially marketed (whether related to the hurricane or not). For dumping losses to be eligible for payment, however, they must, as with other program losses, be hurricane related, as described under paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section.
(c) Actual production losses may be adjusted to the extent the reduction in production is not certified by the producer to be the result of the hurricane or is determined by CCC not to be hurricane-related. Actual production, as adjusted, that exceeds the adjusted base production will mean that the dairy operation incurred no eligible production losses for the corresponding month as a result of the hurricane disaster, and that the production level for that month does not qualify for a production loss payment under this program.
(d) Eligible dairy spoilage losses incurred by producers under this subpart for each of the months August through December 2005, as applicable to the claim period that corresponds with the hurricane-related disaster, will be determined based on actual milk produced in those months that was dumped on the farm as a result of the 2005 hurricanes, or other related condition. Proper documentation of milk dumped on the farm as a result of spoilage due to a hurricane must be provided to CCC as provided in § 1430.605.
(e) Calculated production losses may be adjusted by CCC based on the monthly average of daily dairy cow additions or reductions to the milking herd during the applicable claim period that corresponds with the hurricane-related disaster, to account for production adjustments as a result of dairy cow purchases, sales, or death losses. Production adjustments can be calculated using the average number of dairy cows in a dairy operation's milking herd and the average production per cow during each applicable month. Per-cow production averages during the applicable claim period months will be determined based on the actual per-cow production average during the base month applicable to the hurricane-related disaster and reduced downward according to the seasonal decline percentages provided in paragraph (a) of this section, to determine the total production that may be credited back to the dairy operation's total production losses. To qualify for the production adjustment credit:
(1) Producers in eligible dairy operations must report any increases to the dairy cow milking herd during the applicable base month and claim period that corresponds to the hurricane disaster condition to the eligible hurricane.
(2) Adequate supporting documentation according to § 1430.605 must be provided to the satisfaction of the COC to verify any claims of herd increases during the eligible period.
(3) Any cows purchased during the eligible period that would increase the dairy cow milking herd must have been to offset production losses as a result of the 2005 hurricanes, or other related condition.
(f) Eligible production and spoilage losses as otherwise determined under paragraphs (a) through (e) of this section are added together to determine total eligible losses incurred by the dairy operation subject to all other eligibility requirements as may be included in this part or elsewhere.
(g) Payment on eligible dairy operation losses is calculated using whole pounds of milk. No double counting is permitted, and only one payment will be made for each pound of milk calculated as an eligible loss after the distribution of the operation's eligible production loss among the producers of the dairy operation according to § 1420.307(b). Payments under this part will not be affected by any payments for dumped or spoiled milk that the dairy operation may have received from its milk handler, or marketing cooperative, or any other private party.
(h) If a producer is eligible to receive payments under this part and benefits under any other program administered by the Department of Agriculture (USDA) for the same losses, the producer must choose whether to receive the other program benefits or payments under this part, but shall not be eligible for both. The limitation on multiple benefits prohibits a producer from being compensated more than once for the same losses. If the other USDA program benefits are not available until after an application for benefits has been filed under this part, the producer may, to avoid this restriction on such other benefits, refund the total amount of the payment to the FSA administrative office from which the payment was received.

Code of Federal Regulations

Editorial Note: At 71 FR 65711, Nov. 9, 2006, § 1430.606(g) was amended by revising the reference to “§ 1420.305 ” to read “§ 1430.605 ”. However, because of inaccuarate amendatory language, this amendment could not be incorporated.