
The definitions set forth in this section shall be applicable for all purposes of administering the 2004 Dairy Disaster Assistance Payment Program established by this subpart.
Application means the 2004 Dairy Disaster Assistance Payment Program Application.
Application period means the time period established by the Deputy Administrator for producers to apply for program benefits.
CCC means the Commodity Credit Corporation of the Department.
County committee means the FSA county committee.
County office means the FSA office responsible for administering FSA programs for farms located in a specific area in a state.
Dairy operation means any person or group of persons who, as a single unit, as determined by CCC, produces and markets milk commercially from cows and whose production facilities are located in the United States.
Department or USDA means the United States Department of Agriculture.
Deputy Administrator means the Deputy Administrator for Farm Programs (DAFP), FSA, or a designee.
Disaster county means a county declared a disaster by the President of the United States due to a hurricane in 2004, and is only the county so declared, not a contiguous county.
Farm Service Agency or FSA means the Farm Service Agency of the Department.
Hundredweight or cwt. means 100 pounds.
Milk handler or cooperative means the marketing agency to, or through which, the producer commercially markets whole milk.
Milk marketings means a marketing of milk for which there is a verifiable sales or delivery record of milk marketed for commercial use. In counting milk toward production amounts, dumped milk will not be considered as marketed for commercial use. Such dumped milk shall be counted toward production but will be accounted for separately from milk that is marketed for normal commercial use as determined by the Deputy Administrator. All production in the months for which loss coverage is available will be counted in making determinations under this part, as determined by the Deputy Administrator, with care to avoid double counting, and with care to avoid a calculated loss that overstates the actual losses.
Payment pounds means the pounds of milk production from a dairy operation for which the dairy producer is eligible to be paid under this subpart.
Producer means any individual, group of individuals, partnership, corporation, estate, trust association, cooperative, or other business enterprise or other legal entity who is, or whose members are, a citizen of, or legal resident alien in the United States, and who directly or indirectly, as determined by the Secretary, shares in the risk of producing milk, and makes contributions (including land, labor, management, equipment, or capital) to the dairy farming operation of the individual or entity of the proceeds of this operation.
Starting base production means actual commercial production marketed by the dairy operation during the month of July 2004, or alternative period established by the Deputy Administrator.
Verifiable production records means evidence that is used to substantiate the amount of production marketed, including any dumped production, and that can be verified by CCC through an independent source.