1430.102—Eligible products.

(a) To be eligible for the program in this subpart, the products must be manufactured from dairy cow's milk produced in the United States, and must not have been previously owned by CCC. Dairy cow in this instance means an animal of the kind that produces the majority of dairy products in the United States and not, for example, cows of other species of animals such as yaks or oxen.
(b) Products will be purchased only from eligible offerors of the product, and only in carlot weights.
(c) The products purchased must be of the following grades and moisture content, as evidenced by USDA-issued inspection certificates:
(1) Block cheddar cheese must be U.S. Grade A or higher, and the moisture content must not exceed 38.5 percent;
(2) Barrel cheddar cheese must be U.S. Extra Grade, and the moisture content must not exceed 36.5 percent;
(3) Butter must be U.S. Grade A or higher;
(4) Nonfat dry milk must be U.S. Extra Grade, and the moisture content must not exceed 3.5 percent.
(d) CCC may require other terms and conditions of purchase, as specified in CCC's purchase announcement.