1421.104—Marketing assistance loan making.

(a) (1) CCC may conduct such lien searches, and may perfect its interest in loan commodities under State law, as it deems to be in its interest.
(2) The cost for terminating the financing statement for marketing assistance loans disbursed under this part before the end of the term shall be paid by the producer.
(3) If there are any liens or encumbrances on the commodity pledged as collateral for a marketing assistance loan made under this part, waivers that fully protect CCC's interest must be obtained even though the liens or encumbrances are satisfied from loan proceeds disbursed under this part. No additional liens or encumbrances shall be placed on the commodity after such a loan is approved.
(b) Fees, charges, interest, and all applicable approved commodity assessment collections must be paid by the producer to CCC at a rate CCC determines or, in the case of assessments, at a rate approved by the assessment authority. Such fees, charges, and interest include:
(1) A non-refundable loan service fee;
(2) Interest that accrues on a loan under part 1405 of this chapter.
(c) For the 2008 through 2012 crop years, to ensure proper storage of peanuts for which a loan is made under this section, the Secretary will pay reasonable handling and other associated costs (other than storage) incurred at the time at which the peanuts are placed in a warehouse stored loan. Such rates will be available in the State and county FSA offices.
(d) The cost of terminating a financing statement shall be paid by the producer.

Code of Federal Regulations

[67 FR 63511, Oct. 11, 2002, as amended at 71 FR 32424, June 6, 2006; 74 FR 15654, Apr. 7, 2009; 75 FR 19193, Apr. 14, 2010]