1412.80—Division of program payments and provisions relating to tenants and sharecroppers.

(a) Payments received under this subpart will be divided in the manner specified in the applicable contract or agreement and CCC will ensure that producers, who would have an interest in acreage being offered, receive treatment that CCC deems to be equitable, as determined by the Deputy Administrator. CCC may refuse to enter into a contract when there is a disagreement among persons seeking enrollment as to a person's eligibility to participate in the contract as a tenant and there is insufficient evidence to indicate whether the person seeking participation as a tenant does or does not have an interest in the acreage offered for enrollment in ACRE.
(b) CCC may remove an operator or tenant from an ACRE contract when the operator or tenant:
(1) Requests, in writing to be removed from the ACRE contract;
(2) Files for bankruptcy and the trustee or debtor in possession fails to affirm the contract, to the extent permitted by the provisions of applicable bankruptcy laws;
(3) Dies during the contract period and the Administrator of the estate fails to succeed to the contract within a period of time determined by the Deputy Administrator; or
(4) Is the subject of an order of a court of competent jurisdiction requiring the removal from the ACRE contract of the operator or tenant and such order is received by FSA, as determined by the Deputy Administrator.
(c) In addition to the provisions in paragraph (b) of this section, tenants must maintain their tenancy throughout the contract period in order to remain on a contract. Tenants who fail to maintain tenancy on the acreage under contract, including failure to comply with provisions under applicable State law, may be removed from a contract by CCC. CCC will assume the tenancy is being maintained unless notified otherwise by a ACRE participant specified in the applicable contract.