7.11—Components' responsibilities.

Each DHS component shall appoint a security officer or security liaison to implement this part. the security officer/security liaison shall:
(a) Implement, observe, and enforce security regulations or procedures within their component with respect to the classification, declassification, safeguarding, handling, and storage of classified national security information;
(b) Report violations of the provisions of this regulation to the Chief Security Officer committed by employees of their component, as required;
(c) Ensure that employees of their component acquire adequate security education and training, as required by the DHS classified information security procedures;
(d) Continuously review the requirements for personnel access to classified information as a part of the continuous need-to-know evaluation, and initiate action to administratively withdraw or reduce the level of access authorized, as appropriate; and
(e) Cooperate fully with any request from the Chief Security Officer for assistance in the implementation of this part.