92.6—Use and possession of migratory birds.
You may not sell, offer for sale, purchase, or offer to purchase migratory birds, their parts, or their eggs taken under this part.
(a) Eligible persons.
Under this part, you may take birds for human consumption only. Harvest and possession of migratory birds must be done using nonwasteful taking. Nonedible byproducts of migratory birds taken for food may be used for other purposes, except that taxidermy is not allowed.
(b) Noneligible persons.
You may receive portions of birds or their eggs not kept for human consumption from eligible persons only if you have a valid permit issued under 50 CFR 21.27 for scientific research or education, and consistent with the terms and conditions of that permit.
[69 FR 17227, Apr. 2, 2004]