86.54—How must I submit proposals?

(f) For the first grant cycle, which includes fiscal years 2000 and 2001, a State may submit one Tier One proposal not to exceed $100,000 per fiscal year. States should submit proposals between February 20, 2001, and May 18, 2001. We will fund one Tier One proposal per State for each fiscal year provided that each proposal meets the eligibility requirements in §§ 86.14 and 86.20. Fiscal year 2000 funds are available only for Tier One proposals. Tier One proposals need not meet the criteria in § 86.60. We will fund Tier Two proposals received between February 20, 2001, and May 18, 2001, that meet the criteria in §§ 86.14, 86.20, and 86.60 with fiscal year 2001 funds and the remainder of fiscal year 2000 funds.