
In addition to the general prohibitions specified in § 600.725 of this chapter, it is unlawful for any person to do any of the following:
(k) Fail to carry aboard a vessel that vessel's permit issued under § 660.707 or exempted fishing permit issued under § 660.718, except if the permit was issued while the vessel was at sea.
(kk) Except when fishing under a western Pacific longline limited entry permit issued under § 660.21, direct fishing effort toward the harvest of swordfish or fail to have and use gear in waters west of 150° W. long. in violation of § 660.720.
(ll) Except when fishing under a western Pacific longline limited entry permit issued under § 660.21, possess a light stick on board a longline vessel on the high seas of the Pacific Ocean west of 150° W. long. north of the equator in violation of § 660.720 (a)(ii).
(mm) Except when fishing under a western Pacific longline limited entry permit issued under § 660.21, possess more than 10 swordfish on board a longline vessel from a fishing trip where any part of the trip included fishing on the high seas of the Pacific Ocean west of 150° W. long. north of the equator in violation of § 660.720 (a)(iii).
(nn) Except when fishing under a western Pacific longline limited entry permit issued under § 660.21, fail to employ basket-style longline gear such that the mainline is deployed slack when fishing on the high seas of the Pacific Ocean west of 150° W. long. north of the equator, in violation of § 660.720 (a)(iv).
(oo) Except when fishing under a western Pacific longline limited entry permit issued under § 660.21, when a conventional monofilament longline is deployed by a vessel subject to this section, deploy fewer than 15 branch lines between any two floats, in violation of § 660.720 (a)(v). Vessel operators using basket-style longline gear may not set less than 10 branch lines between any 2 floats when fishing in waters west of 150° W. long. north of the equator.
(pp) Except when fishing under a western Pacific longline limited entry permit issued under § 660.21, fail to deploy longline gear such that the deepest point of the main longline between any two floats, i.e., the deepest point in each sag of the main line, is at a depth greater than 100 m (328.1 ft or 54.6 fm) below the sea surface, in violation of § 660.720 (a)(vi).
[69 FR 18453, Apr. 7, 2004, as amended at 72 FR 58259, Oct. 15, 2007]