
(a) General. An allocation is the apportionment of a harvest privilege for a specific purpose, to a particular person, group of persons, or fishery sector. The opportunity to harvest Pacific Coast groundfish is allocated among participants in the fishery when the OYs for a given year are established in the biennial harvest specifications. For any stock that has been declared overfished, any formal allocation may be temporarily revised for the duration of the rebuilding period. For certain species, primarily trawl-dominant species, beginning with the 2011-2012 biennial specifications process, separate allocations for the trawl fishery and nontrawl fishery (which for this purpose includes limited entry fixed gear, open access, and recreational fisheries) will be established biennially or annually using the standards and procedures described in Chapter 6 of the PCGFMP. Chapter 6 of the PCGFMP provides the allocation structure and percentages for species allocated between the trawl and nontrawl fisheries. Also, separate allocations for the limited entry and open access fisheries may be established using the procedures described in Chapters 6 and 11 of the PCGFMP and this subpart. Allocation of sablefish north of 36° N. lat. is described in paragraph (h) of this section and in the PCGFMP. Allocation of Pacific whiting is described in paragraph (i) of this section and in the PCGFMP. Allocation of black rockfish is described in paragraph (l) of this section. Allocation of Pacific halibut bycatch is described in paragraph (m) of this section. Allocations not specified in the PCGFMP are established in regulation through the biennial harvest specifications and are listed in Tables 1 a through d and Tables 2 a through d of this subpart.
(b) Fishery harvest guidelines and reductions made prior to fishery allocations. Beginning with the 2011-2012 biennial specifications process and prior to the setting of fishery allocations, the OY is reduced by the Pacific Coast treaty Indian tribal harvest (allocations, set-asides, and estimated harvest under regulations at § 660.50 ); projected scientific research catch of all groundfish species, estimates of fishing mortality in non-groundfish fisheries and, as necessary, set-asides for EFPs. The remaining amount after these deductions is the fishery harvest guideline or quota. (Note: recreational estimates are not deducted here).
Allocation Percentages for Limited Entry Trawl and Non-Trawl Sectors Specified for FMP Groundfish Stocks and Stock Complexes
Stock or complex All non-treaty LE trawl sectors% All non-treaty non-trawl sectors%
Lingcod 45 55
Pacific Cod 95 5
Sablefish S. of 36° N. lat. 42 58
WIDOW 91 9
Chilipepper S. of 40°10′ N. lat. 75 25
Code of Federal Regulations 49
Splitnose S. of 40°10′ N. lat. 95 5
Yellowtail N. of 40°10′ N. lat. 88 12
Shortspine N. of 34°27′ N. lat. 95 5
Shortspine S. of 34°27′ N. lat. 50 mt Remaining Yield
Longspine N. of 34°27′ N. lat. 95 5
Minor Slope RF North of 40°10′ N. lat. 81 18
Minor Slope RF South of 40°10′ N. lat. 63 37
Dover Sole 95 5
English Sole 95 5
Petrale Sole 95 5
Arrowtooth Flounder 95 5
Starry Flounder 50 50
Other Flatfish 90 10
(1) Computing the total catch for that species during the window period (July 11, 1984 through August 1, 1988) for the limited entry program by any vessel that did not initially receive a limited entry permit.
(2) Dividing that amount by the total catch during the window period by all gear.
(3) The guidelines in this paragraph apply to recalculation of the open access allocation percentage. Any recalculated allocation percentage will be used in calculating the following biennial fishing period's open access allocation.
(1) Tribal/nontribal allocation. The sablefish allocation to Pacific coast treaty Indian tribes is identified at § 660.50(f)(2), subpart C. The remainder is available to the nontribal fishery (limited entry, open access (directed and incidental), and research).
(k) Exempted fishing permit set-asides. Annual set-asides for EFPs described at § 660.60(f), will be deducted from the OY. Set-aside amounts will be adjusted through the biennial harvest specifications and management measures process.
(m) Pacific halibut bycatch allocation. The Pacific halibut fishery off Washington, Oregon and California (Area 2A in the halibut regulations) is managed under regulations at 50 CFR part 300, subpart E. Beginning with the 2011-2012 biennial specifications process, the PCGFMP sets a trawl mortality bycatch limit for legal and sublegal halibut at 15 percent of the Area 2A constant exploitation yield (CEY) for legal size halibut, not to exceed 130,000 pounds for the first four years of trawl rationalization and not to exceed 100,000 pounds starting in the fifth year. This total bycatch limit may be adjusted downward or upward through the biennial specifications and management measures process. Part of the overall total catch limit is a set-aside of 10 mt of Pacific halibut, to accommodate bycatch in the at-sea Pacific whiting fishery and in the shoreside trawl fishery south of 40°10′ N lat (estimated to be approximately 5 mt each).