660.408—Annual actions.

Allowable non-treaty ocean harvest (thousands of fish) Percentage 1
Commercial Recreational
0-300 25 75
>300 60 40
0-100 50 50
>100-150 60 40
>150 70 30
Code of Federal Regulations 355
1 The percentage allocation is tiered and must be calculated in additive steps when the harvest level exceeds the initial tier. For example, for a total allowable ocean harvest of 150,000 chinook, the recreational allocation would be equal to 50 percent of 100,000 chinook plus 40 percent of 50,000 chinook or 50,000 20,000 = 70,000 chinook.
(v) Recreational allocation. The recreational allowable ocean harvest of chinook and coho derived during the preseason allocation process will be distributed among the four major recreational subareas as described in the coho and chinook distribution sections below. The Council may deviate from subarea quotas to meet recreational season objectives, based on agreement of representatives of the affected ports and/or in accordance with section of the Pacific Coast Salmon Plan, regarding certain selective fisheries. Additionally, based upon the recommendation of the recreational Salmon Advisory Subpanel representatives for the area north of Cape Falcon, the Council will include criteria in its preseason salmon management recommendations to guide any inseason transfer of coho among the recreational subareas to meet recreational season duration objectives.
Allowable ocean harvest (thousands of fish) Commercial Recreational
Number (thousands) Percentage Number (thousands) Percentage
2,700 2,230 82.6 470 17.4
2,600 2,140 82.3 460 17.7
2,500 2,050 82.0 450 18.0
2,400 1,960 81.7 440 18.3
2,300 1,870 81.3 430 18.7
2,200 1,780 80.9 420 19.1
2,100 1,690 80.5 410 19.5
2,000 1,600 80.0 400 20.0
1,900 1,510 79.5 390 20.5
1,800 1,420 78.9 380 21.1
1,700 1,330 78.2 370 21.8
1,600 1,240 77.5 360 22.5
1,500 1,150 76.7 350 23.3
1,400 1,060 75.7 340 24.3
1,300 970 74.6 330 25.4
1,200 880 73.3 320 26.7
1,100 790 71.8 310 28.2
1,000 700 70.0 300 30.0
900 610 67.8 290 32.2
800 520 65.0 280 35.0
700 434 62.0 266 38.0
600 348 58.0 252 42.0
500 262 52.4 238 47.6
400 176 44.0 224 56.0
350 133 38.0 217 62.0
300 100 33.3 200 66.7
200 1 33 1 16.5 1 167 1 83.5
100 (1) (1) (1) (1)
1 An incidental coho allowance associated with any commercial all-salmon-except-coho fishery will be deducted from the recreational share of coho during periods of low coho abundance when the commercial allocation of coho under the schedule would be insufficient to allow for incidental hooking mortality of coho in the commercial all-salmon-except-coho fishery.

Code of Federal Regulations

Footnote(s): 2 Copies of the Solicitor's Opinion are available from the Director, Southwest Region, NMFS.
[61 FR 34601, July 2, 1996, as amended at 64 FR 26328, May 14, 1999; 66 FR 29241, May 30, 2001]

Code of Federal Regulations

Effective Date Note: At 61 FR 34601, July 2, 1996, § 660.408 was added. This section contains information collection and recordkeeping requirements and will not become effective until approval has been given by the Office of Management and Budget.