
(2) The Council shall review these recommendations and any public comment received and shall submit its recommendation to the Regional Administrator after at least one Council meeting. If the Council submits a recommendation to the Regional Administrator after one Council meeting and the Regional Administrator concurs with the recommendation, the Regional Administrator shall publish the Council's recommendation in the Federal Register as a proposed rule unless there is adequate justification to waive prior notice and comment . The Council may instead choose to follow the framework adjustment process specified at § 648.261 and request that the Regional Administrator publish the recommendation as a proposed or final rule. If the Regional Administrator concurs that the Council's recommendation meets the Red Crab FMP objectives and is consistent with other applicable law, and determines that the recommended management measures should be published as a final rule, the action will be published as a final rule in the Federal Register. If the Regional Administrator concurs that the recommendation meets the FMP objectives and is consistent with other applicable law, and determines that a proposed rule is warranted, and, as a result, the effective date of a final rule falls after the start of the fishing year on March 1, fishing may continue under the specifications for the previous year. However, DAS used by a vessel on or after March 1 will be counted against any DAS allocation the vessel ultimately receives for that year.
[67 FR 63233, Oct. 10, 2002, as amended at 70 FR 44069, Aug. 1, 2005; 73 FR 4757, Jan. 28, 2008; 75 FR 27221, May 14, 2010; 75 FR 49422, Aug. 13, 2010]