622.41—Species specific limitations.

(1) Aquacultured live rock may be harvested only under a permit, as required under § 622.4(a)(3)(iii), and aquacultured live rock on a site may be harvested only by the person, or his or her employee, contractor, or agent, who has been issued the aquacultured live rock permit for the site. A person harvesting aquacultured live rock is exempt from the prohibition on taking prohibited coral for such prohibited coral as attaches to aquacultured live rock.
(c) Coastal migratory pelagic fish— (1) Authorized gear. Subject to the prohibitions on gear/methods specified in § 622.31, the following are the only fishing gears that may be used in the Gulf, Mid-Atlantic, and South Atlantic EEZ in directed fisheries for coastal migratory pelagic fish:
(1) A vessel in the Gulf EEZ, or having fished on a trip in the Gulf EEZ, with a gillnet on board that has a mesh size less than 3.5 inches (8.9 cm), stretched mesh, may not possess on that trip any Spanish mackerel.
(2) A vessel in the South Atlantic or Mid-Atlantic EEZ, or having fished on a trip in such EEZ, with a gillnet on board that has a mesh size less than 3.5 inches (8.9 cm), stretched mesh, may possess or land on the day of that trip no more than 500 lb (227 kg) of incidentally caught Spanish mackerel.
(1) No person may fish with, set, place in the water, or have on board a gillnet with a float line longer than 800 yd (732 m).
(2) No person may fish with, set, or place in the water more than one gillnet at any one time.
(3) No more than two gillnets, including any net in use, may be possessed at any one time; provided, however, that if two gillnets, including any net in use, are possessed at any one time, they must have stretched mesh sizes (as allowed under the regulations) that differ by at least .25 inch (.64 cm).
(4) No person may soak a gillnet for more than 1 hour. The soak period begins when the first mesh is placed in the water and ends either when the first mesh is retrieved back on board the vessel or the gathering of the gillnet is begun to facilitate retrieval on board the vessel, whichever occurs first; providing that, once the first mesh is retrieved or the gathering is begun, the retrieval is continuous until the gillnet is completely removed from the water.
(4) Purse seine incidental catch allowance. A vessel in the EEZ, or having fished in the EEZ, with a purse seine on board will not be considered as fishing, or having fished, for king or Spanish mackerel in violation of a prohibition of purse seines under paragraph (c)(2) of this section, in violation of the possession limits under paragraph (c)(2)(iii) of this section, or, in the case of king mackerel from the Atlantic migratory group, in violation of a closure effected in accordance with § 622.43(a), provided the king mackerel on board does not exceed 1 percent, or the Spanish mackerel on board does not exceed 10 percent, of all fish on board the vessel. Incidental catch will be calculated by number and/or weight of fish. Neither calculation may exceed the allowable percentage. Incidentally caught king or Spanish mackerel are counted toward the quotas provided for under § 622.42(c) and are subject to the prohibition of sale under § 622.43(a)(3)(iii).
(d) South Atlantic snapper-grouper— (1) Authorized gear. Subject to the gear restrictions specified in § 622.31, the following are the only gear types authorized in a directed fishery for snapper-grouper in the South Atlantic EEZ: Bandit gear, bottom longline, buoy gear, handline, rod and reel, sea bass pot, and spearfishing gear.
(ii) Certification. A person who proposes a BRD for certification for use in the Gulf EEZ or South Atlantic EEZ must submit an application to test such BRD, conduct the testing, and submit the results of the test in accordance with the “Bycatch Reduction Device Testing Manual.” The RA will issue a LOA to conduct certification trials upon the vessel specified in the application if the RA finds that: The operation plan submitted with the application meets the requirements of the “Bycatch Reduction Device Testing Manual'; the observer identified in the application is qualified; and the results of any pre-certification trials conducted have been reviewed and deemed to indicate a reasonable scientific basis for conducting certification testing. If authorization to conduct certification trials is denied, the RA will provide a letter of explanation to the applicant, together with relevant recommendations to address the deficiencies resulting in the denial. To be certified for use in the fishery, the BRD candidate must successfully demonstrate a 30 percent reduction in total weight of finfish bycatch. In addition, the BRD candidate must satisfy the following conditions: There is at least a 50-percent probability the true reduction rate of the BRD candidate meets the bycatch reduction criterion and there is no more than a 10-percent probability the true reduction rate of the BRD candidate is more than 5 percentage points less than the bycatch reduction criterion. If a BRD meets both conditions, consistent with the “Bycatch Reduction Device Testing Manual”, NMFS, through appropriate rulemaking procedures, will add the BRD to the list of certified BRDs in paragraph (g)(3) of this section; and provide the specifications for the newly certified BRD, including any special conditions deemed appropriate based on the certification testing results.
(A) Fisheye—see appendix D to part 622 for separate specifications in the Gulf and South Atlantic EEZ.
(ii) Certification. A person who proposes a BRD for certification for use in the Gulf EEZ must submit an application to test such BRD, conduct the testing, and submit the results of the test in accordance with the Gulf Of Mexico Bycatch Reduction Device Testing Protocol Manual. The RA will issue a LOA to conduct certification trials upon the vessel specified in the application if the RA finds that: The test plan meets the requirements of the protocol; the observer identified in the application is qualified and has no current or prior financial relationship with the entity seeking BRD certification; the application presents a BRD candidate substantially unlike BRDs previously determined not to meet the current bycatch reduction criterion, or the applicant has shown good cause for reconsideration (such as the likelihood of improved statistical results yielded from a larger sample size than that previously used); and for BRDs not previously tested for certification, the results of any pre-certification trials conducted have been reviewed and deemed to indicate a reasonable scientific basis for conducting certification testing. If authorization to conduct certification trials is denied, the RA will provide a letter of explanation to the applicant, together with relevant recommendations to address the deficiencies resulting in the denial. If a BRD meets the certification criterion, as determined under the testing protocol, NMFS will publish a notice in the Federal Register adding the BRD to the list of certified BRDs in paragraph (h)(2) of this section providing the specifications for the newly certified BRD, including any special conditions deemed appropriate based on the certification testing results.
[61 FR 34934, July 3, 1996]

Code of Federal Regulations

Editorial Note: For Federal Register citations affecting § 622.41 , see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and on GPO Access.